Oh! He is so beautiful. Do you see Him high and lifted up? He’s so beautiful; He’s so precious. Oh! Look at Him. How beautiful and how precious is our God and His train fills this place. Oh! How beautiful is our King. Oh! Look at Him, look on Him. Majesty, majesty, that is Who You are. Glorious God. Look at the light that emanates from You. There is no darkness where You are. Beautiful King, beautiful Father. Beautiful God for all situations. That is Who You are. Precious Lamb of God we lift You up. Your people magnify You, Your people glorify You, Your people praise Your name! Your people call You, Jesus; call You, Lord, Master. We call You, El-Shaddai! Great God, mighty God, awesome Father! Who is like unto You? Who compares to You? Every praise is due to You. Every praise.
We are spirit aware and God is Spirit and when we speak by our spirit, we speak mysteries to God. I want us to begin to praise Him in the Spirit. Shout out loud! For some of us, we are not used to it. Let us release a gusher in other tongues. Come on speak mysteries.
Who is like You God! Glory! Mighty God, beautiful Father, precious God, there is no one like You. You Who sit on the circles of the earth, look at You! Beautiful God! High and lifted up. Our anchor, our strength, our hope, our provision, our everything, we give You praise Lord! Glory be to God!
Chimenem Iroanwusi:
“You will yet see My goodness in the land of the living. My goodness is what will make the clear difference in your life. So cease from all your struggles. Yes, I charge you to cease from all your struggles. Rather, engage My goodness, engage My blessing and you will surely be turned into another man. My goodness will make you unstoppable. When My goodness becomes so evident in your life, believers who do not know about My covenant goodness and unbelievers will then be drawn to you. You will then show them how to plug into My goodness”.
He said here, “You will make a clear difference in your life”. And all that I had been meditating on in my seat during praise was the story of Joseph and the land of Egypt in the time when there was famine. And I heard the Lord say, “That just the way a flask can keep water cold inside because it is insulated and there is heat all around”. I recently got a flask like that. You put cold water in the morning, it stays cold till night because it is insulated. The Lord says to remind you that just like in the days of old, you are insulated from the famine. There were seven years of plenty and the seven years of famine were inevitable. They were going to come but you see, God is always ahead of the famine. God is not really about stopping the famine. God is present and there can be famine. So, if your prayers are to stop the famine, you have got to be sure of what you are praying. God is not necessarily interested in stopping the famine. He is talking about insulation. So, regardless of the heat outside, the water in the flask remains cold. Regardless of the seven years of famine that followed, the Bible says there was bread in Egypt. There was corn in Egypt. In fact, there was more than enough. So, when the transition came from years of plenty to the years of famine there was really no difference because there was insulation.
So fear not about the famine coming, that is not the issue. What made the difference? You might say what made the difference was the gathering that Joseph did. Beyond that, that was an expression of the wisdom of God because Joseph said you need to find a man who has wisdom, who has the Spirit of God and is discerning and wise. That is Joseph, Old Testament. “You are My people, empowered by My Spirit, and like I told you, My Spirit indwells you and reveals all things to you. It is not a mystery any more”. So, you have the wisdom to be insulated regardless of the heat around you. That’s the separation; that’s how you cease from your struggles. And that is how those he just spoke about come to you and ask you, “Why is your water still cold and my cup is hot?” They bring water up here for us to drink. In ten minutes, the ice is gone; there is no insulation. But they go back to the flask and in the same tent where the one up here, exposed, has melted, they refill the glass and it is cold because it is coming from inside an insulated vessel.
When you are sealed and vacuum-packed, in your spirit you are insulated. When you got born again your spirit man was sealed up. That is why any confrontation, any opposition that comes your way cannot pierce through that insulation. You are sealed; you are sealed. If it is cold, when it was poured into you, it stays cold. If it is hot when it was poured into you, it stays hot. That is the insulation. That is the separation.
So do not fear the famine. Do not fear the seven years of famine. Enjoy the abundance. And even enjoy the years of famine for they shall be no difference to you. For in the land where my people dwell, there shall be no difference because the wisdom of God and the Spirit of God within you will take you through the famine as though nothing happened.
Receive the wisdom of God. If you need, ask for it. That is the most important thing to ask for and you draw it out from within you. As you’re spirit aware, empowered by the Spirit of God, He knows all things; He will show you what to do in the years of abundance. He will show you what to do. He will continue to teach you how to manage your abundance, how to use your wealth rightly. And as you yield to His counsel, and use your wealth according to His pattern, you will remain insulated regardless of the heat of the economy. Regardless, your businesses will prosper even at this time. Some of you are stepping out and starting new businesses and every economic adviser tells you, “This is not the time to do it”. They are operating on a realm that you are beyond. If you have applied the wisdom of God and applied the discernment of God, even when others say this is not the time to start, you will know that this is the moment to jump in and begin what God has laid on heart to begin to do.
“Separated, that is what it means to be blessed. Set apart and separated. Set apart and separated. Look at you, insulated. Look at you, protected. Why do you fear the famine? You have My wisdom, you have My direction. You have the keys that the world does not have. You have the secrets that are mysteries to the world, patterns that don’t make sense to them. But that is your wisdom and that is your insulation. That is how you stay cold, regardless of the heat that is around you”.
Faith Confession:
Oh, Lord. You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup. You maintain my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. Yes, I have a good inheritance. I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel. My heart also instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the Lord always before me because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore, my heart is glad and my glory rejoices. My flesh also will rest in hope for you will not leave my soul in sheol nor will you allow Your Holy One to see corruption. You will show me the path of life. In your presence is fullness of joy. At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Pleasant places, pleasure forevermore. That’s what happens when you are insulated. What are pleasures? A good house; a new house. Receive a new house, that’s a pleasure. There are pleasures forevermore. It’s either the Word of God is true or it’s not. The lines, the lot; your own always enters pleasant places. It always lands in a good plot, it means the surveyor came and shared the land; boundary has fallen for you on good land. Pleasures, you think it’s all about you? You don’t know that these pleasures are for you to be a blessing also to others. You can get that new car and give it to somebody else. Because if you were going to receive that pleasure with someone else in mind, you will say it more freely. God is showing you a blank cheque. The lines have fallen for you in pleasant places. In His presence is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. What are pleasures? A boat cruise, vacation, promotion, more money and loads of money. That is awesome because half of that money, you will be used to sponsor Freshdew.
You believe God… You see what you can do with pleasure. You will not be secretly spending your whole time struggling for those pleasures. When El-shaddai is our Father. The spirit of poverty, lack is broken in the name of Jesus. We are confident to engage the covenant of goodness as He told us. So when there is heat, everywhere else, we’re insulated and what is cold remains cold, regardless of the heat.
May the eyes of our understanding be enlightened to understand that the lines have fallen for us in pleasant places. There is bread in the land that we have received. Everywhere else, there may be famine; there maybe hunger. Contracts are being released, pleasures forevermore. Promotions that have been withheld are opening up now, pleasures forevermore. Unemployment is bowing, pleasures forevermore. Increase on every side, pleasures forevermore. Favour is bursting loose; kings are serving us; opportunities are coming our way, pleasures forevermore. Abundance like we have never seen it because we know what to do with it. Because there are souls to be saved and God is counting on us because He has equipped us and we will engage His goodness in all of His fullness. Give God praise. Ha, ha, ha hallelujah!