Prophecy Bank

Hallelujah Week Prophecy 2023 Day 1 (Pastor Nkechi Ene)

We came here this week to praise Him. We’ve only just begun. And by the Spirit of God, your Father says to tell you that He’s guaranteeing… Notice the words: He’s guaranteeing you a flow this week. Pastor Sola, it’s a guarantee. “Tell My people that I guarantee them a flow this week. Tell them, that the flow has already begun. Tell them that a flow is a movement from a source to a destination. Tell them I am the Source and they are the destination and I guarantee them a flow this week. “A flow is a continuous movement, no stopping. From what has started today, there shall be no stopping. Even where there are obstacles, a flow rushes over the obstacles and pushes them out of the way or turns them into stepping stones. “Watch My flow convert your obstacles into opportunities”, says God. “I give you a guarantee. I am the source, you are the destination and I guarantee you a flow this week… from this week. For when a flow begins, as it continues, it rushes and gets faster and faster and faster. Prepare for accelerated results from this week. Prepare for things that seem to have been moving sluggishly and slowly, pick up speed and pick up velocity. For when a flow begins, it starts slowly but it picks up speed and nothing can stop it. “I guarantee you a flow from this week”, says the Spirit of God. “It has begun. The flow has begun. The flow has begun. It’s a flow that will change lives. It’s a flow that will change situations. It’s a flow that will change bodies. It is a flow”, I hear God’s Spirit say, “that will change destinies. That flow will enter the subconscious of some of you, for you will begin to have dreams that will make no sense. Some of those dreams will seem bigger than you, don’t resist them, it is My flow. “I guarantee you a flow from this week. I am the source, you are the target; you are the destination. I guarantee you a flow. If I am the source and I am THE good God, Ye! It’s a flow of good things. It’s a flow of good things. It’s a flow of good things. I am your Father, you are My children. It’s a flow of good things, I guarantee it from this week”.

Hallelujah Week Prophecy 2023 Day 1 (Pastor Nkechi Ene) Read More »

Hallelujah Week Prophecy 2023 Day 1 (Pastor Nkechi Ene)

We came here this week to praise Him. We’ve only just begun. And by the Spirit of God, your Father says to tell you that He’s guaranteeing… Notice the words: He’s guaranteeing you a flow this week. Pastor Sola, it’s a guarantee. “Tell My people that I guarantee them a flow this week. Tell them, that the flow has already begun. Tell them that a flow is a movement from a source to a destination. Tell them I am the Source and they are the destination and I guarantee them a flow this week. “A flow is a continuous movement, no stopping. From what has started today, there shall be no stopping. Even where there are obstacles, a flow rushes over the obstacles and pushes them out of the way or turns them into stepping stones. “Watch My flow convert your obstacles into opportunities”, says God. “I give you a guarantee. I am the source, you are the destination and I guarantee you a flow this week… from this week. For when a flow begins, as it continues, it rushes and gets faster and faster and faster. Prepare for accelerated results from this week. Prepare for things that seem to have been moving sluggishly and slowly, pick up speed and pick up velocity. For when a flow begins, it starts slowly but it picks up speed and nothing can stop it. “I guarantee you a flow from this week”, says the Spirit of God. “It has begun. The flow has begun. The flow has begun. It’s a flow that will change lives. It’s a flow that will change situations. It’s a flow that will change bodies. It is a flow”, I hear God’s Spirit say, “that will change destinies. That flow will enter the subconscious of some of you, for you will begin to have dreams that will make no sense. Some of those dreams will seem bigger than you, don’t resist them, it is My flow. “I guarantee you a flow from this week. I am the source, you are the target; you are the destination. I guarantee you a flow. If I am the source and I am THE good God, Ye! It’s a flow of good things. It’s a flow of good things. It’s a flow of good things. I am your Father, you are My children. It’s a flow of good things, I guarantee it from this week”.

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Hallelujah Week 2021 — Pastor Nkechi Ene|| Day 4 Prophecy

Your Paths, My Paths Your PathsThere are paths before youMy pathsDesigned just for you Step out in faithOn those paths,For they are My journeysPrepared just for you Step by step, leading youOn a journey with Me toMy destinationPreset just for you Sometimes they willSeem longSometimes they willSeem shortOther times they willFeel narrow and tightOther times they willFeel wide and open Remember I am the LordI am not constrainedBy time or spaceI am with youEvery step of the way So you must not turn awayTo the right or the leftYou must stay onMy pathsMy journeysMy destinationJust for you Sometimes they willSeem high like the mountaintopSome other times they will seem low like the valleyOther times they willFeel smooth and easyAnd other times they willFeel winding and rough Remember I am the Lord,I am not movedBy circumstances or obstaclesI am with youEvery step of the way So you must not turn awayTo the right or the leftYou must stay onMy pathsMy journeysMy destinationJust for you Sometimes they willSeem empty and barrenSometimes they will beFull of fruit ready-to-reapOther times they willFeel dry like the desertAnd at other times they willBe moist like the dew of heaven Remember I am the Lord,I am whoI am In seasonand out of seasonI am with youEvery step of the way So you must not turn awayTo the right or the leftYou must stay onMy pathsMy journeysMy destinationJust for you Listen!Your feet will not slipOnce you stay onMy pathsYour breath will not run outOnce you stay onMy pathsYour eyes will not grow dimOnce you stay onMy pathsYour hands will not be emptyOnce you stay onMy pathsYour strength will not failOnce you stay onMy pathsThere will be direction at every stepNo distractionThere will be faith for every moveNo fear There will be clarity for every turnNo confusionThere will be abundance for every phaseNo lack These are my pathsThey have been provedThey have been tried and testedThese are My sure pathsPrepared just for youYes you, bespoke for you only So you must not turn awayTo the right or the leftYou must stay onMy pathsMy journeysMy destinationJust for you And So Rejoice and again I say rejoiceAnd you will SEE those paths clearlyShout and again I say shoutAnd you will STEP out in faithRejoice and again I say rejoiceAs you WALK and DANCE withMe Shout and again I say shoutWhen visions are BORN and some dreams will DIERejoice and again I say rejoice For you willREACH your destination in Me ListenYou will reach your destination with MeThey are My pathsThey are My journeysThey are My destinationJust for you Each step bringing you closer in My love for youEach step lifting you higher in My plans for youEach step taking you in deeper in My inheritance for you!!They are My pathsThey are your pathsPreset just for you.

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Hallelujah Week 2021 — Pastor Nkechi Ene|| Day 3 Prophecy

“For I will visit you”, says God, “I will visit you, for as you’ve called upon My name, I will visit you. I will visit you in a unique way, I will visit you in a way you have never imagined. I will visit you, I will visit you in all of My glory and all of my splendour. I will visit you. I will visit you and you will say, ‘Of a truth, the Lord, Jesus Himself has visited me’. You will not mistaken who visited you for I will come in all of my glory; I will come in all of my splendour. I will visit you in a unique way that is specific to you and you will know that it is I who visited you. For when I visit you, I will visit with My goodness. I will visit with the abundance of My favour. You have called upon Me, you have raised a fragrance unto Me and in the corridors of heaven, the fragrance you have raised unto Me is all over the place. And I will visit you, haha. I will visit you and you shall know that it is I who visited you. I will visit you with a visitation that will make headline news. I will visit you with a visitation that will be breaking news. I will visit you in a way that you will say, ‘Jesus, Jesus, Jesus whom I called upon, Jesus, visited me’. There is no red sea that can stand before the King, there is no mountain that cannot be moved by the word of the King, I will visit you and it shall be sooner than you think. It shall be faster than you realise, for you have called upon Me and I have heard you. I will visit you. The King Himself says to you, ‘I will visit you’”. “You shall not be confused when I visit you. You shall not need someone to tell you that I came. For My glory and My splendour will announce My visitation. I will visit you. I will visit you. Get ready for unusual things. Have I not said it to you before? Get ready for unlikely manifestations. Have I not told you this before? I will visit you. That situation that has lingered and defied human wisdom, defied human intellect, defied all counsel, I will visit you and in a heartbeat, it will be dissolved because you have called upon My name and I have heard you”.

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Hallelujah Week 2021 — Pastor Nkechi Ene|| Day 2 Prophecy

Brother Chimenem: “Strange restorations are happening in this local assembly because the anointing of the prophet has rested upon us. Strange restorations are happening in this place. They shall be swift and they shall be sudden all to the glory of God”. Brother Theo: “Why are you doubting Me? I have done it before, I raised Christ from dead, the power is in you. don’t doubt Me”. Pastor Kech: “Some of my people are not healed because they don’t put them all out, they don’t make room for the expression of My power”.

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Hallelujah Week 2021 — Pastor Nkechi Ene|| Day 1 Prophecy

“There is a Scripture in the Word of God that describes you, there is a Scripture in the Word of God; they are many but today, there is a Scripture in the Word of God that describes you. I said there is a Scripture in the Word of God with your name on it. Today, there is a Scripture for a time such as this, there is a Scripture for a moment such as this, there is a Scripture and that Scripture is for you, and it is for you, and it is for you, and it is for you, and it is just for you. It has your own name, your middle name, your last name, it has all your names on it”. “And it is in Daniel chapter 11, the second part of verse 32 where it says that, ‘…they that know their God, they that know their God, they shall be strong and they shall do exploits’. They that know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploits. For that describes you, and it describes this congregation but it describes every single one of you”. “For the strength that others are looking for, for the strength that others are trying to develop in their selves, in this place, you, and you, and you have found the key to that strength and the key to that strength is in knowing Me”, says God. “In knowing Me personally, in conceiving Me, in meditating Me, in considering Me, in getting to know Me. You Aki know your God, you Helen know your God, you Tayo know your God, you know your God, and you know your God. “And all the hours you have spent under the Word, every single revelation you have received has been strength to you. So, you have no need to look for strength in places where others look for strength. All you need to do is to keep seeking to know Me, for they that know their God they shall be strong and they shall do, they shall be strong and they shall do, they shall be strong and they shall do”. “Strength is coming to ankles that had been weak, ankles that were weak and could not take steps into certain regions, ankles that could not walk certain paths and certain journeys. Because you have come to know your God, there is strength coming to those ankles. And now, you’ll find yourself walking paths and walking destinies you never thought you could walk, because your ankles are no longer weak. Strength has come to your ankles”. “There is strength coming to hands right now. Hands that were weak that could not carry visions. Hands that were weak that could not carry dreams, hands that were weak that could not carry projects. Strength, strength, strength has come in, because they that know Me shall be strong and do exploits”. “So now, I see strong hands. Hands that will carry visions, hands that will carry big dreams, hands that will carry projects”. “Oh, I know that there were hearts, they were weak, hearts that had failed, hearts that no longer believed but strength, strength, strength has come to those hearts. No longer shall you be weak. No longer shall you waiver at My promises. No longer shall you doubt with every situation you see. Strength, strength has come to your heart because they that know their God…” “Time is never wasted knowing Me”, says God’s Spirit. “The key to the strength you want in every area of your life is very simple: it lies in knowing Me. So, I see strong hearts, hearts that are not moved by deception, hearts not moved by lies, hearts not moved by flattery of any form, hearts that are strengthened, strengthened because they know Me”. “Bodies had been weak because they never knew Me. Oh, but I see strength coming to bodies. Healings happening in places that had been given up on. Why? They that know their God, they that know their Jehovah Rapha, they that know their Jehovah Nissi, for is that not what you have been calling Me? You call Me those names because you know who I am. Well, because you know who I am, you are strong”. “Never again should you declare that you are weak. Never again should you look at those ankles and think you’ll falter. Never again should you look at your hands and think you’ll drop those dreams. Never again should you look at the storms and think that you’ll waiver. Never again should you look at the symptoms and think your body will fail you. You know your God, and therefore, because you know your God, you are strong and you shall do, you shall do, you shall accomplish, you shall accomplish”. “For in the days to come, you will accomplish beyond what you’ve ever imagined. In the days to come, you shall advance to places you never thought you’ll find yourself. In days to come, you will see yourself in places and it will look like you are in a dream but you’re not in a dream, you’re in there because you are the one who knows their God. You are the one who knows their God”. “Knowing Me is the greatest connection you will ever need. Knowing Me is the greatest contact you will ever desire, for they, they, only they, only they that know their God shall be strong and they shall do”. “It is in the knowledge of Me, says God, that you are separated. It is in the knowledge of Me that you are distinguished because you know, you know, you know, you know who I am. You know I am good. You know I am faithful. You know My name. You call Me by name, I answer My name. That is Who I am and therefore, you are strong”. “For this is a congregation of strong people. I see a strong man and I see a strong woman and

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Favour is here! Prophecy — Pastor Nkechi Ene || Sunday -24/10/2021

“Stop talking about your troubles and the attacks against you and start talking about the favour of God that delivers. Stop talking about your troubles, stop talking about the attacks and start talking about the favour of God. Switch your language, switch your language, change your tone, use My Words, favour is here. Favour is now, favour is free, favour is strong, favour satisfies, favour is Mine to give, favour is yours to take, it’s My good pleasure just for you. So, switch your language, change your tone, use My Words. Switch your language from fear to faith, switch your language from doubting to expecting, change your tone from pain to praise, from grumbling to rejoicing. Lift your voice, declare it, attract it”. Favour is here to lift me up, favour is now to redeem my lost time, favour is free to open new doors to me, favour is strong enough to shield and protect me, favour satisfies me with the fullness of the blessing. Favour is Yours, Lord to give to me, favour is mine to take. So, I switch my language, I switch my language, I change my tone, I use Your words and I receive it – Your favour just for me.

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Deposit Prophecy — Pastor Nkechi Ene || Sunday -8/8/2021

“Deposit, deposit, that’s what has happened here, now; a deposit, it’s a deposit, it is a deposit, a deposit, a heavy deposit. A deposit has taken place, a deposit, yes, it is a deposit. A deposit that guarantees fulfillment, it is a deposit that guarantees completion, it is a deposit from a source that is incorruptible, it is a deposit from a source that is inexhaustible, it is a deposit, a deposit from My throne, it has come, it has come. It’s heavy, I see it, it’s heavy, it is settled upon each one of you, it is settled upon each one of you, upon your head, and upon your head, and upon your head. I see it, it is a deposit, it is a deposit, it is a heavy deposit of the glory of God. It is a deposit, it is a deposit, a deposit that guarantees fulfillment”. “For this is a move of God, for this is a move of God and you, and you, and you are right in the middle of it. This is a move of God, and you, and you, and you, you’re right in the middle of it”. “It is a deposit, it is a deposit, a sign of what I have already done for you, it is a deposit, it is a heavy deposit, it is an incorruptible deposit, it is an inexhaustible deposit. It is a deposit that no one can take away from you, for I have put it, I have placed it. It is a trigger for what is already within you, it is My deposit, by My own hand, I have brought it, by My own doing I have brought it, no man can take it away from you, it is My deposit”. We worship You; we worship You, my Father we worship You, we worship You. Almighty, almighty, almighty, Father of lights in whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning, lover of our souls, we worship You. Keeper of our lives, we worship You, our glory, our glory and the lifter up of our heads, we worship You. The I Am that I Am, we worship You. Healer, Jehovah Rapha we worship You, we give You praise. We receive Your deposit, we receive Your deposit, we receive Your guarantee, we receive Your guarantee, we receive Your deposit. Thank you, Jesus. “This is just a foretaste”, says God’s Spirit, “for you have stepped into a new realm, you have stepped into a new season. What you have experienced before will pale into insignificance for this is the season of your lifting, this is the season of your lifting, for this is just a foretaste of what I have prepared for you, just a foretaste of the glory that I have planned for you before the foundation of the world, this is just a sign of what you have prepared for, for thirty-one years, just a foretaste, it’s just a foretaste, this is just a foretaste”. “Bring your containers and I will fill them; be they baskets or be they pots, bring your containers and I will fill them to overflow. I won’t just fill them to the brim, I will fill them to overflow but you must bring them, bring them, bring, bring them, bring them, bring them, bring them. Bring them baskets, bring them pots, bring them drums, bring them buckets, bring them, bring them, for the rain of My glory is here and I will fill them, I will fill them, I will fill them to overflow. This is just a foretaste”. “It is My good pleasure to fill them, it is My good pleasure to fill them to overflow, it is My good pleasure to make you a sign and a wonder, for that is what I have made you: a sign and a wonder. I have made you a sign and nations will be drawn to Me through you, for I have made you a sign. This is just a foretaste; it is just the beginning”. Thank You, Jesus.

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April 2021 Keeping By The Holy Ghost Prophecy – Pastor Nkechi Ene

Praise God for the children in this ministry.The children are our wealth.The teenagers are our wealth.The young adults are our wealth.They are our future.We keep them by the Holy Ghost.Against all medical reports, our babies are here, Babies are scattering in TCC, for our wealth is here. StrongStanding outSeparatedSupernaturalSold outSigns and wondersThat is the signature of our children StrongStanding outSeparatedSupernaturalSold outSigns and wondersThat is the signature of our teenagers StrongStanding outSeparatedSupernaturalSold outSigns and wondersThat is the signature of our young adults Strong when others are weakStanding out when others can’t be foundSeparate when others are mixedSupernatural when others are normalSold out and addicted to God and not the cares of this world Pure in the midst of perversionBlameless with no accusationsHarmless as dovesLights for a lost and dying worldVictorious in all situations They are our heritageThe shift generationBig dreamersGrace achievers Your love chases them downYour hand lifts them upYour favour surrounds themYour grace positions themYour Zoe life consumes them And so we confidently declare thatOur childrenOur teenagersOur young adults areStrongStanding outSeparatedSupernaturalSold outSigns and wondersThat is their signatureThat is designation!!!Give God praise for what we have called them is who they are.

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Seed Week Prophecy 2021 – Pastor Nkechi Ene || Day Four

“Beyond, beyond! Far beyond! Reaching way out beyond! Beyond your imaginations! Beyond your connections! Beyond your abilities! I have provided for you! Beyond! Far out beyond! Reaching way out beyond! Beyond your thinking! Beyond your planning! Even beyond your discussions! I have made plans for you! Beyond!” Says God’s Spirit. “Far out beyond, beyond your thinking, beyond your planning, beyond your discussions, I have made a way for you. In the realm of the unseen, in the realm of the unusual, in the realm of My wisdom, I have made plans for you. Secret plans now revealed to you by My own Spirit. So, pray! yes, pray. Sow! Yes, sow. Plan! Yes, plan. Imagine! Yes, imagine. Think! Yes, think. Discuss! Yes, discuss. Contemplate! Yes, do all of that and I will meet you beyond! Even far beyond! Way out beyond! Beyond any prayer! Beyond any seed! Beyond any discussion! Beyond any plan! I will meet you beyond! Way out beyond!” Says God’s Spirit. “Reaching way out beyond is My provision for you. Beyond but brought right near to you. Beyond, but right here for you. Beyond, but now is the time for you. Not tomorrow, but now, now. From beyond to right now, right before you”. “My provision, it is breaking limits, My abundance, it is removing boundaries. My favour is shifting statistics”. His provision, church, is breaking limits, His abundance is removing boundaries, His favour is shifting statistics from way out beyond for your behalf. “Look up, open up your eyes and see. Stretch your mind and believe. Listen, men are here, they are here. Unusual vessels are here. Kings are here. Nations are here. They are for you. They are sent by Me from far beyond! From way out beyond your imagination! Your connections! Your abilities! From far beyond! Way out beyond your thinking! Your planning! Your discussions! You may not see them coming, you will not call for them to come but they are here, they are here. Like a rushing wave, they ae here. Sent by Me, they are here. One after the other, they are here! Men are here. Unusual vessels, they are captivated by My Spirit. They are intoxicated by My own instructions! They are here! They will not stop until it’s all done, they are here. One by one, sent by Me, they will not stop until it’s all done”, says the Spirit of God. “So, stretch out, stretch out, stretch out and take, stretch out and take. Spoil, and again I say spoil. Plunder! Rise up and plunder! And again, I say plunder! Reach out and take possession. Spoil, and again I say spoil. Plunder, and again I say plunder. Have no mercy, reach out and plunder. It’s laid up for you: wealth, resources, gifts, sacrifices”. “Men are here! The righteous, they are here. The wicked, they are here. Men, they are here. Kings are here. Nations are here. Men are here, captivated by My Spirit, intoxicated by My own instructions, laden with their wealth, they are here for you and for you, and for you, and for you, and for you, and for you, and for you TCC, for you! Sent by Me! One by one, they are coming! They are rushing! You will not call for them! You may not see them coming, but they are here, captivated by My own Spirit, drunk and intoxicated on My own instructions. Instructions they will not understand, but instructions they will obey, they will obey and they will not stop until it’s all done”. “So, raise your expectations. Look up and see. Oh Church! Stretch out, stretch out your mind. Listen to My Spirit, My provision is here for you. My plans, they are here for you according to My own promises to you. They go beyond, they go beyond, they go beyond, they go far out beyond! They go way out beyond! Beyond limits! Beyond boundaries! Far above statistics! They go beyond. Beyond any of your thinking! Beyond any of your planning! Beyond any of your seeds! Beyond anything, you’ve ever imagined. They go far and beyond, from Me to you”, says God’s Spirit. “Oh, it’s okay to plan, says God’s Spirit. Oh, you should sow, oh yes you should think, oh, surely you must imagine, but I’m bigger than anything you can think of. I’m bigger than any seed you can sow, I’m bigger than any plan you can get. I’m bigger than any imagination you can have. I go way beyond. I go way beyond. I go far out beyond. Oh, I go way beyond. I go way beyond”.

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