Hallelujah Week

Hallelujah Week 2020 [Day 4 – 3/12/2020]

“It’s a new season and the time is now. It’s a season of greatness but it didn’t start now. It’s a new season and the time is now. It’s a season of promotion but it didn’t start now. It’s a new season, the time is now. A season of expanded influence, but it didn’t start now. It’s a new season and the time is now. It’s a season of abundant provision but it didn’t start now. It’s time to enter this new season. It’s the season of Joseph. It is the season of Joseph. The time is now yet it didn’t start now”. “The time is now”, says the Spirit of God, “but it did not start now!” “A season of greatness is the season of Joseph. It started with a dream, a dream that makes no sense. Greatness starts with courage, courage to be little and yet dream big dreams. Greatness attracts ridicule. A dream that causes others to laugh at you and not with you. Now is your season of Joseph. The time is now but it didn’t start now”. “A season of promotion is the season of Joseph. It started with your service, service that may not always be rewarded. Promotion starts with humility, humility to serve even in the prisons of life. Promotion comes with stages, with more service at each level. Recognize it, appreciate it for they are for you, not against you. Now is your season of Joseph. The time is now but it didn’t start now”. “A season of expanded influence is the season of Joseph. It started with a vision, a vision you could see so clearly. Expanded influence from humble foundations leading you to a place unknown. A journey to a destination that nobody but you seem to see. A vision that breeds persecution against you, at you. Now is your season of Joseph. The time is now but it didn’t start now”. “A season of abundant provision is the season of Joseph. It started with a little seed; your sacrifice of your time, your talent, your treasures, those are your seeds. Abundance birthed from a place of lack and needs. Provision that reaches beyond you bringing solutions to many coming to you. Giftings that cause kings to search desperately for you, for only you. Now is your season of Joseph. The time is now but it didn’t start now”. “So, dream that big dream, serve in that little place, take the tough faith step, sow that precious seed. Again I say, don’t be weary, dare to dream that megas dream, serve in that small hole, take the leap of faith, release that priceless seed. You have no idea, you have no clue the magnitude of the season you’ve just started. For when others see the season is not when you saw it. They will say, ‘Your season is now’, and you will reply, ‘Yes, it is now but it didn’t start now’. They will tell you, ‘See your season, hey! It has come. See your greatness, hey! It is now. See your promotion, wow! It is has come. See your expanded influence, see your abundant provision all around you, see it is now’. You will tell them, ‘Yes, it is now but it didn’t start now’”. “Do you know what you started when you sow that seed? Do you know what you’ve begun when you serve in that place? Do you know the magnitude of what you’ve just begun?” says the Spirit of God. “So, watch, watch, watch. Listen, listen, listen. Look, look, look. Focus, focus, focus. Stand, stand, stand firm. Move, move, move”, says the Spirit of God. “Do not waver, do not falter, do not stagger, I will bear you up. The season is unfolding right before you. Pits may take you to places of man’s favour. Suddenly people may seem to stop your rising. Prisons and chains may want to close you in. My own favour waits for you, it’s just round the corner, it’s calling out to you, calling your name; My own favour. Do not waver, do not falter, do not stagger. I will bear you up, I will bear you up, I will carry you, I will bear you up. The season is ongoing but it didn’t start now”, says the Spirit of God. “It has begun and nobody can stop it; like a wildfire it cannot be stopped. Those prison doors, they will fly open, they will. Earthquakes, they will happen, they will occur, they will occur in very very high places. Earthquakes will happen, things will shake, chains will be broken. The shift will occur in places that seemed immovable, areas that seemed untouchable, My favour will touch it, shake it, will cause it to be, My favour will move it!” “This season breeds change for that word over your life, it will come to pass”, says the Spirit of God. “It will, it will, it will, it will, it will come to pass. That word over your life is My Word, it will not return to Me void, it cannot return to Me void. I spoke it over your life, I gave you that dream. No persecution can stop My Word over your life. No persecution, no prison, no pit can stop it, no pit can stop My Word over your life, no prison. It’s My Word, it’s My Word, it is not a man’s word, it is My Word. It is Me that spoke it, it is My Word over your life! It will not return to Me void! It is My Word over your life”. “You thought you had been forgotten, you thought I’ve forgotten you? You thought you were forgotten but you have always been ever before Me. The apple of My eye. I do not forget the dream I gave you”, says God. “How can I forget? I do not forget. I will bear you up, I will carry you. Do not forget for I will

Hallelujah Week 2020 [Day 4 – 3/12/2020] Read More »

Hallelujah Week 2020 [Day 3 – 2/12/2020]

Pastor Nkechi Ene (Mrs.) “For there is a sound that goes forth from this place. There is a sound that goes forth from here. It’s a sound of praise, it’s a sound of victory, it’s a sound of the Word of God, it’s a sound of revelation knowledge, it’s a sound of prosperity, it is a sound of healing. There is a sound that goes out from this place. It’s a sound that crosses borders, it’s a sound that breaks boundaries. There is a sound that goes forth from this place and the sound comes from you, and from you, and from you. It is a sound of praise, a sound of glory, a sound of the revelation Word of God, a sound of healing and a sound of prosperity. It’s a sound that goes to the corners of the earth, it’s a sound that leaves the physical realm and permeates the spiritual realm, it’s a loud sound, it’s a great sound”. It’s a sound of the life of God! It’s a sound of the glory of God! It’s a sound of the goodness of God, and that sound comes from you, and it comes from you, and it crosses borders! And it climbs hills! And it fills valleys! It crosses oceans! It’s a loud sound! It’s the sound of deliverance! It’s the sound of freedom! It’s the sound of the glory of God! And the sound comes from you! And it comes from you! It’s a sound of the goodness of God. “For your mouths have been given to you to proclaim that sound”, says the Spirit of God, “and this sound travels through the earth, this sound crosses borders, this sound knows nobody. Everybody hears this sound; poor and rich, they hear this sound. For the sound is the sound of life, the sound is the sound that brings solutions to people, it is the sound of deliverance, it is the sound of liberty, it is the sound of praise, it is the sound of triumph”. And all the earth, all the earth will hear! And all the earth will know that there is a God in our midst! All the earth will know that our God is alive and well! All the earth will hear that there is a God in our midst! There is a God who answers prayers! There is a God who heals the sick! There is a God who provides! There is a God who delivers! There is a God who sets free! All the earth will hear! For the sound is coming out, the sound is coming out! The sound is coming out! And it’s coming from you, it’s coming from you, and it’s coming from you. And even when you bring forth that sound, you too will hear the sound. Situations around you will hear the sound. Your families will hear the sound. It’s a sound of laughter, it’s a sound of joy. It’s a sound of peace, and it’s a great sound. For it’s a sound of life. “Never ever mute that sound”, says God’s Spirit. “Never ever mute that sound. No, turn up the volume. Turn up the volume, turn up the volume, turn up the volume, turn up the volume, turn up the volume. In the midst of darkness, turn up the volume of the sound of light. In the midst of sickness, turn up the volume and release the sound of healing! In the midst of confusion, turn up the volume and release the sound of direction. In the midst of chaos, turn up the volume and release the sound of direction. When there is oppression all around you, turn up the volume and release the sound of liberty and the sound of deliverance. Turn up the volume when poverty begins to speak to you”. I hear the sound of the abundance of rain. “Turn up the volume of that sound, turn it up, turn it up, that sound has been muted by some of you for way too long”, says God’s Spirit. “It is time to turn up the volume”. “For the sound is leaving. I see it going, sideways. They’re leaving Greenville, they’re crossing borders. These sounds need no visas. They’re leaving Greenville, they’re coming straight from here and leaving”. “They’re crossing borders, they’re breaking boundaries, they’re crossing hills, they’re swimming across oceans, it’s a great sound. It’s a sound of life. This the time to proclaim that sound”, says God. “This is the time to send forth that sound of deliverance and that sound of triumph”. Church, the sound is on your lips. Turn up the volume, turn up the volume, turn up the volume. It’s a sound of revelation knowledge! Turn up the volume! Turn up the volume! The world needs to hear that sound! Your neighbours need to hear that sound! Circumstances in your life need to hear that sound! You have been quiet for too long! You’ve been silent for too long! Church, release the sound! Release the sound! Release the sound! Release the sound! Release the sound! Release it! Turn up the volume, turn up the volume, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up. “For things change when they hear that sound. Things move by the waves of that sound. Things shift when that sound hits them. This is the time for you to turn up the volume and release that sound. Silent no more. This is the time for you to release that sound”, says God’s Spirit. “For you, it’s a sound of deliverance you need to release. For you, it’s a sound of prosperity you need to release. For you, it’s a shout of healing you need to receive and release. For you, it’s a sound of peace you need to release. Whatever sound I have placed on your lips”, says God’s Spirit. Turn up the volume! Turn up the volume and release that sound! Release it, release it, release it, release it. Yes, go

Hallelujah Week 2020 [Day 3 – 2/12/2020] Read More »

Hallelujah Week 2019 [Day 5 – 29/11/2019]

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Ha ha ha hallelujah! “Ha ha ha hallelujah!” God has been talking, specifically, about the times and seasons He is taking us into as a church and as individuals and you don’t want to miss this train. You don’t want to be at the train station and hear, that the train has gone. Are you ready for those times and seasons? Can I hear the spirits who are spirit aware give God a shout of praise? Something happens when you praise God! You’re not just making noise! God is Spirit and they that worship Him; they that praise Him do so in spirit and in truth! So, from a depth of revelation, give Him praise! When you understand the power in your praise, there is no wall of Jericho that will stand near you. There is no weapon fashioned against you that can prosper. I want to read you a portion of Scripture and that for me, summarizes and caps up all of the goodness that God has spoken to us. Don’t you leave here and go listen to the lies of Satan because I guarantee you, he is going to start talking. “Okay now, you’re all done with hallelujah week, let’s face reality”. “Ha ha ha ha ha ha!” That is your answer. So, after you’ve left the congregation of the saints, go home to that husband. Go to the toilet and go face that body; that issue, check the growth. Is it still there? Has the rent been paid? Has the wife changed? “Has the husband changed? Has the job shown up? Has pastor noticed you? Everything He said this week, everything He said; and His presence was so tangible each time He spoke. Everything He said, He has done and when that old fool who all he knows how to do is lie, comes and begins to lie to you, “Ha ha ha hallelujah! You’re a dummy if you think I will believe you over God who is not a man”. Leave here with the assurance that what He said over your life, He has done. Those deep things He talked to us about, they are here. The change He promised us is here. He promised you, He knows you by name. Every hair on your head He has counted and He knows. 19 …Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” 20 Behold, I have received a command to bless you. He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it. Numbers 23: 19-20 (NKJV) You are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus and it cannot be reversed. 21 “He has not observed iniquity in Jacob, nor has He seen wickedness in Israel”. The Lord his God is with him, and the shout of a King is among them. Numbers 23:21 The shout of a King is among them. He didn’t say the shout of a slave. He did not say the shout of a servant. The son of a King is a king. The shout of a King is in this place. We know who we are. We have the identity of the Father. We are spirit-aware, and the shout of the King is in this place. Those of you who are afraid of what someone will do to you. The shout of a king is in your midst. 22 God brings them out of Egypt; He has strength like a wild ox. 23 “For there is no sorcery against Jacob, nor any divination against Israel. It now must be said of Jacob and of Israel, (It now must be said of The Carpenter’s Church; it now must be said of Nkechi…) ‘Oh, what God has done!’ Numbers 23:22-23 There are very few people who have the authority to bless you. And in the spirit realm, in the supernatural, the topmost person with the authority to bless you, after God, is the pastor of your local church. And so, what we are about to do I don’t take lightly. There are many churches that are fond of the pastor cursing; we don’t do that here. And after a week like this, with the kind of anointing and the presence of God and the prophetic grace that God has shown forth this week, the way to end this service is to bless you. As your pastors, we bless you; we stretch forth our hands to you, and we declare what God has already said concerning you. And by the grace, no man takes this honour upon himself but he that is called of God. And by the grace that the call has given to us, we declare this blessing upon you. “Every, every, every, spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, you are blessed. With every, none is left out; with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We declare that EVERY good and EVERY perfect gift doesn’t just stay in the spiritual places, it comes down from above from the Father of lights. The One we can depend on, the One we can rely on, the One we judge faithful, the One who is constant and committed to His Word; comes down from the Father of lights, in whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning. You are blessed. You blessed going out; you are blessed coming in. You are blessed in your body. The work of your hands is blessed. The fruit of your womb is blessed. You are fruitful, you multiply, you replenish the earth, your subdue it. You have dominion because you have the blessing, in the name of Jesus Christ. Every curse has been turned into the Blessing. For Christ has redeemed you from the curse of the law having been made a curse for you; so that the blessing of Abraham might come upon you, rest upon you, reside within you, in the name of Jesus. Kings will serve you, favour goes before you. The angels surround

Hallelujah Week 2019 [Day 5 – 29/11/2019] Read More »

Hallelujah Week 2019 [Day 4 – 28/11/2019]

Oh! He is so beautiful. Do you see Him high and lifted up? He’s so beautiful; He’s so precious. Oh! Look at Him. How beautiful and how precious is our God and His train fills this place. Oh! How beautiful is our King. Oh! Look at Him, look on Him. Majesty, majesty, that is Who You are. Glorious God. Look at the light that emanates from You. There is no darkness where You are. Beautiful King, beautiful Father. Beautiful God for all situations. That is Who You are. Precious Lamb of God we lift You up. Your people magnify You, Your people glorify You, Your people praise Your name! Your people call You, Jesus; call You, Lord, Master. We call You, El-Shaddai! Great God, mighty God, awesome Father! Who is like unto You? Who compares to You? Every praise is due to You. Every praise. We are spirit aware and God is Spirit and when we speak by our spirit, we speak mysteries to God. I want us to begin to praise Him in the Spirit. Shout out loud! For some of us, we are not used to it. Let us release a gusher in other tongues. Come on speak mysteries. Who is like You God! Glory! Mighty God, beautiful Father, precious God, there is no one like You. You Who sit on the circles of the earth, look at You! Beautiful God! High and lifted up. Our anchor, our strength, our hope, our provision, our everything, we give You praise Lord! Glory be to God! Chimenem Iroanwusi: “You will yet see My goodness in the land of the living. My goodness is what will make the clear difference in your life. So cease from all your struggles. Yes, I charge you to cease from all your struggles. Rather, engage My goodness, engage My blessing and you will surely be turned into another man. My goodness will make you unstoppable. When My goodness becomes so evident in your life, believers who do not know about My covenant goodness and unbelievers will then be drawn to you. You will then show them how to plug into My goodness”. He said here, “You will make a clear difference in your life”. And all that I had been meditating on in my seat during praise was the story of Joseph and the land of Egypt in the time when there was famine. And I heard the Lord say, “That just the way a flask can keep water cold inside because it is insulated and there is heat all around”. I recently got a flask like that. You put cold water in the morning, it stays cold till night because it is insulated. The Lord says to remind you that just like in the days of old, you are insulated from the famine. There were seven years of plenty and the seven years of famine were inevitable. They were going to come but you see, God is always ahead of the famine. God is not really about stopping the famine. God is present and there can be famine. So, if your prayers are to stop the famine, you have got to be sure of what you are praying. God is not necessarily interested in stopping the famine. He is talking about insulation. So, regardless of the heat outside, the water in the flask remains cold. Regardless of the seven years of famine that followed, the Bible says there was bread in Egypt. There was corn in Egypt. In fact, there was more than enough. So, when the transition came from years of plenty to the years of famine there was really no difference because there was insulation. So fear not about the famine coming, that is not the issue. What made the difference? You might say what made the difference was the gathering that Joseph did. Beyond that, that was an expression of the wisdom of God because Joseph said you need to find a man who has wisdom, who has the Spirit of God and is discerning and wise. That is Joseph, Old Testament. “You are My people, empowered by My Spirit, and like I told you, My Spirit indwells you and reveals all things to you. It is not a mystery any more”. So, you have the wisdom to be insulated regardless of the heat around you. That’s the separation; that’s how you cease from your struggles. And that is how those he just spoke about come to you and ask you, “Why is your water still cold and my cup is hot?” They bring water up here for us to drink. In ten minutes, the ice is gone; there is no insulation. But they go back to the flask and in the same tent where the one up here, exposed, has melted, they refill the glass and it is cold because it is coming from inside an insulated vessel. When you are sealed and vacuum-packed, in your spirit you are insulated. When you got born again your spirit man was sealed up. That is why any confrontation, any opposition that comes your way cannot pierce through that insulation. You are sealed; you are sealed. If it is cold, when it was poured into you, it stays cold. If it is hot when it was poured into you, it stays hot. That is the insulation. That is the separation. So do not fear the famine. Do not fear the seven years of famine. Enjoy the abundance. And even enjoy the years of famine for they shall be no difference to you. For in the land where my people dwell, there shall be no difference because the wisdom of God and the Spirit of God within you will take you through the famine as though nothing happened. Receive the wisdom of God. If you need, ask for it. That is the most important thing to ask for and you draw it out from within you. As you’re spirit aware, empowered by the

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Hallelujah Week 2019 [Day 3 – 27/11/2019]

“O that you may know what was happening in your life as you were calling out ‘wonder, wonder, wonder’. Wonders that will cause the nations to open their mouths and say, ‘Their God has been good to them’. Wonders that will cause you to open your mouth and declare, ‘God has been good to me’. Wonders that will make the doctors wonder at their certificates. Wonders that will make the economy take a different turn when it concerns you. Wonders that will cause even your village people to say, ‘It has never happened in that family like that before’. This is indeed the season and the times of signs and wonders like we haven’t seen them before and like I’ve said to you before, they won’t just happen for you, they will happen through you and by you”. “These hands that are lifted up, they are the hands that I’ve been looking for. These hands that are lifted up, they are the hands that will be My hands”, says God’s Spirit. “For I have been looking for hands that will do the things I want to get done in these last days. Look at these beautiful hands all lifted up, they are the hands that will be My hands. They are the hands through which these wonders will happen. They are the hands that I have been waiting for. They are the hands I have empowered. They are the hands full of My grace”. “In these times and seasons I’m leading you into, more and more, you will become aware that you, sitting here are spirit. And as you become more and more aware of that, you will become more and more aware of My Spirit, My Spirit, living within you; guiding you, teaching you, empowering you, doing mighty wonders and works through you. More and more aware, twenty-four hours of the day, seven days of the week, aware that you are spirit. I am Spirit and you are spirit. You may have a soul and live in a body but who you are, who you are, who you are, who you are, the you that shines, the you that overcomes, the who you are is spirit. And more and more, more and more, more and more, you will become aware, conscious, actively aware that you are spirit. You are spirit, you are spirit, you are spirit, and the rest of you will be ruled by this spirit that you are, empowered by My Spirit”. I want to share something with you, I believe the Spirit of God laid on my heart to share with you. Some time ago, God told us how we needed to prepare for the times and the seasons, He started talking to us about. It will happen because the Spirit of God will show you. The kind of things that are in the heartbeat of God for us as individuals and as a church in the times and seasons He’s leading us into. I’m careful not to restrict it to 2020, because if you’ve been sensitive, you’ve noticed, that in the last two years, God has started saying something and it’s moving through the years with one message. If you read John 14, 9 Jesus said to him, (speaking to Phillip), “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves. John 14:9-11 In answering Phillip, who said, “Show us the Father”, Jesus gave a very strong key in these verses of Scripture. And I believe when we get that key, and really get it as a revelation, it’s very fundamental to what we already know. It will make a change in how we step into what God has laid out in store for us. A very simple key. He started by saying, “I am in the Father and the Father in Me”. Then He went on to say, “The words that I speak to you, I do not speak on My own authority but the Father who dwells in Me, does the works”. There is something unusual: “words” and “works”. If you were to say that sentence in English, in any language actually, how would you say it? You would explain it like this: “The words I speak to you, I don’t speak of my own authority, it is the Father who dwells in Me that speaks the words”. That’s what makes sense. He’s talking about words. In the very same breath, He’s trying to explain His words; He ends up in works. “The words I speak to you, it is this Father who abides in Me, I just told you I am in the Father and the Father in Me. It is this Father who abides that says the words”. That’s the complete sentence. No, to complete the key, He says, “These words I speak, it is the Father who abides in Me that does the works”. In the English language, you’d say that is called synonyms. For Him to switch, it means the two words are basically the same thing or are interchangeable. It simply means that there is no difference between the words He spoke and the works He did. To Him, there is absolutely no difference. Jesus is our role model and further down in this chapter, you will see Him transfer the principles, we’re going to see now, to us by the Spirit. So, if it worked for Jesus, there is no difference between the words He spoke and

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Hallelujah Week 2019 [Day 2 – 26/11/2019]

Pastor Sola “There is a river, there is such a flow that is issuing from His heart and He says step into it. He says to step into it. It’s the river and it’s the flow of the supernatural. It’s a combination of My Word and of My Spirit. For many of you have been sitting idly by, standing by the fringes, hanging around the shore and the tides are blowing and the waves are blowing but you’ve been afraid to step in. But the Word of the Lord comes to you today saying, step in, step in and say there’s no fear here, step in. For it is My river, it is the flow of the supernatural, for it will lead you and it will carry you, it will lead you and it will carry you. You don’t need to do anything; all you need to do is to step in. For when you step into a river that is mighty and it’s flowing with pressure and with power, the river carries you and that is what I want to do in your life. Not of you, not your might, not your power, but by My Spirit, so step in”, says God, “and that mighty gusher and that mighty river will take you to places that you could not go up by yourself. It will take you to places, to territories that you could not go by yourself. All you need to do is to step in and say, ‘it is my Father’s river. It is the flow of the supernatural. So, I jump in, I jump in, I dive in’. And even if you step in gently, yes, the river will carry you. The river will carry you; it will take you to places that you could not go in your own ability and in your own strength. It will lead you into the fullness of My provision, of My plan, My purpose for your life, and it will cause you to be a blessing. For it shall be like those waters of Ezekiel that flowed to places and brought healing, life and strength. So in this hour, rise up”, says God. “For it’s not about you, it’s never been about you, but it’s about those multitudes and people that I have called you to touch. For have I not said over and over through my prophet, that one of you is like a thousand? So, step in and unknown abilities that you have hidden and buried and been unconscious of will be unearthed and will be released and great will be My demonstration and My manifestation in you, with you, and more so, through you in this very hour”. So, this is the season to rejoice and be glad. Rejoice and be glad! Rejoice and be glad! TCC rejoice and be glad! TCC rejoice and be glad! TCC rejoice and be glad! And step in, step in, step in. Leave fears behind; leave inhibitions behind. You say, ‘How do I step in?’ “You step in by faith, for I the Lord will bring opportunities your way, and I will give you a mouth and wisdom,” says God. And when you think you don’t have anything to say, yes, My utterance shall be upon your tongue and all you need to do is open your mouth and I will fill it and as you say it, I will confirm it. Open your mouth and speak it and as you say it, I will confirm it”. Open your mouth and speak it and as you say it, I will confirm it”, says God to this congregation. Pastor Nkechi Hallelujah! TCC rejoice! God is one and His Spirit is one. What Pastor Sola shared with me that He was going to share or that he saw last night was the first half of what he said. The second half I was hearing it with you and I told you I wanted to share a Scripture with you and he didn’t know the Scripture I wanted to share with you, I’ve not told him and the second half was basically the Scripture I wanted to share with you and he did not tell me that yesterday. And what is the Scripture? Are you ready? When the Lord brought back or turned around the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them, the Lord has done great things for us and we are glad! Psalm 126:1-3 NKJV And that means, and we rejoice! From the Message translation: It seemed like a dream, too good to be true when God returned Zion’s exiles. We laughed, we sang, we could hardly believe our good fortune. We were the talk of the nations. God was wonderful to them. God is wonderful to us. We are one happy people! Psalm 126:1-3 MSG What the Lord showed me in that Scripture is to tell you where a lot of us stop short. He said, “Our mouths were filled with laughter and our tongue with singing”. When your account in the bank is filled with money, what do you do? You spend it. Suddenly, there is something to spend. When somebody gives you a hundred thousand naira credit on your phone, what do you do? You just start making calls; calls you didn’t plan to make. When something is filled up, you spend it but the person who fills it doesn’t spend it for you. The Spirit of God took me to Acts chapter 2. Cloven tongues like as of fire sat on each of them and they began to speak. If they didn’t speak, those tongues would have sat there and nothing would have happened. Your mouth has been filled with laughter, spend it and begin to laugh! Your tongue has been filled with singing; spend it. Don’t wait

Hallelujah Week 2019 [Day 2 – 26/11/2019] Read More »

Hallelujah Week 2019 [day 1 – 25/11/2019]

“For in the times and in the seasons that lie ahead of us, in the times and the seasons that are just here before us, I will begin to show you a glimpse into what My heart is full of for you”, says God. “For it’s easy for a lot of you to say, “I love God”, but it is strange that it is not as easy to say, “God loves me”. It is easy for a lot of us to say, “I serve in the house of God”, but yet, for a lot of us we don’t have a revelation that God is mindful of me. For I want to begin to show you what My heart is full of for you”, says God. “My heart is full of good things; My heart is full of pleasant things. My heart is full of great things, My heart of full of deep things for you and they are not a mystery in the times and in the seasons that are here and now I want to begin to show you, even another level of what My heart is full of for you. For you will step on paths that I have laid out with butter, for you will drink of the milk and the honey of the land just like rivers flow in the desert. For you will see mountains crumble and melt just at the thought of My Name. You will see kings hurry and scurry to serve you just because of the love I have for you. It is not a mystery; it is not a strange thing. My heart is full, it is full to overflowing, of good things, of love, of abundance, of deep things just for you and I will begin to show you. Does it not say in My Word that eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has it entered into the heart of men the things I have prepared for you. But it also goes on to say that I have revealed them to you by My Spirit, for the Spirit of God searches deep things, all things – the deep things of God. These things are the things that are full in My heart for you. You will understand Me as the One in Whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning. That means, what I feel about you will never change. What I feel about you cannot change. There is nothing you can do that will change the way I feel about you. For My Spirit will show you, My Spirit will guide you, My Spirit will show you the paths I have laid out for you; deep things just for you. In the times and in the seasons to come, I will show you the things that I have in My heart for you”, says God’s Spirit. “You think you know, you think you’ve had a clue, it is just the beginning. It is just the beginning. For as I show you; you will believe them. As you believe them, you will speak them. You will speak them because spiritual things are what you will speak and when everything else tells you, “That is not so”, you will speak them because you have seen them by My Spirit, My Spirit will show you. For My Spirit searches all things, indeed, the deep things that I have for you. You have great plans for yourself and you say to me, “But Father, didn’t I make those plans with you?” Yes, but they are just a fraction of what I have in store for you. You just needed a plan to start with, something to step out in faith with, O! But there are so much times and seasons I am leading you into now, you will discover the deep things I have in store for you. For My heart is full; it is full to overflowing. The oil waits for you, the butter waits for you. The milk and the honey flow for you. The kings wait to serve you. In the times and in the seasons I am leading you into, you will discover”. “There is no amount of time that has gone by that would nullify this once you engage with My Spirit. There is no amount of time that has been lost that would make it too late. For when My Spirit searches all things, He searches them out of the realm of time. He searches the deep things that have been established with your name on it even before the foundation of the world. So, take your eyes off the time, take your eyes off the mistakes. Take your eyes off the mistakes. Crucify yourself no more. Crucify yourself no more. There is one crucifixion that took care of all mistakes. Put them under that crucifixion. Crucify yourself no more. For the deep things I have in store for you are bigger than any mistakes you have made. For the love I have for you has no variableness neither shadow of turning. The plans I have for you are not cornered by time and place. For My Spirit searches all things, deep things just for you. And in the times and in the seasons I am leading you into, you will discover those things”. “It is a new walk with Me. It is a new dance with me. And My Sprit will show you and My heart is full, full to overflowing. The butter will lie waste no more. The milk and the honey will flow right into your spaces, and your lines will fall in pleasant places”. “I wish everyone here would engage My Spirit intentionally. It is not a mystery. It is an open book, I have revealed them to you by My Spirit”. “When you are going out on a journey, you plan for it. You prepare for it. Prepare. Prepare for these times and seasons I speak to

Hallelujah Week 2019 [day 1 – 25/11/2019] Read More »

Hallelujah Week 2018 [Day 5 — 30/11/2018]

Praise in the house, endless praise. Praise in the house! This is for You, Father! Your people praise You! This is for You, Almighty! Your people dance before You! Jehovah! Our Father! This is for You! Faithful God! What You say You mean, what You mean You say. What You say You do! Alpha and Omega! Beginning and the End! Author and Finisher! So much glory in this place! It’s not a good feeling only. Glory that brings life where there has been death, glory that brings supernatural provision, glory that takes you from necessity to luxury, glory that turns things around, glory that changes your story, glory that turns you from a laughing stock to a testimony. Once you were an object of ridicule, but this glory has turned you into another man! Now you’re a reference point of what God is able to do. We will never be silent, Father. Five days of praise may be over, but a lifetime of praise lies ahead. These five days with You have just been a trigger. Oh, and tomorrow we will yet praise You. Sunday we will surely praise You and on Monday we will yet praise You. We are going to take praise into December because we are so excited for 2019. If we think we saw glorious in 2018, when the heavens open, they don’t close again. Don’t think it’s open heavens December 31st. When the heavens open over you, they don’t close again. The kind of deposit taking us into 2019 will make us understand that this is just the beginning. Today, we’ll just thank Him and praise Him for what He’s done and said. Let them not just be words. When you hear some news that is not good, will your fountain be off? Is that not when you remember what He told you about the fountain of joy. You say, “I know more than this,” and when the wall of Jericho stands before you, will you get scared or will you tell it, “You’re down flat”; and when it looks like the midnight hour, you say, “My new day is not dependent on what I see. I am in a new day, with new things and new realms.” That’s what we’re praising Him for. All He has done for us, and what He has said to us. I don’t know about you but I am already plucking my fruits, ripe, heavy, and within reach. The harvest is here and the fullness is here and now. Joan Onuobia: The Spirit of the Lord says, “There has been a shift. Indeed the supernatural has become natural, ushering in the new days. In this season you shall enjoy fruitful harvest. As my river of joy flows from deep within you, expect to see My greatness. Every day, you shall reap fruitful harvest. Every week you shall reap fruitful harvest. Every month you shall reap fruitful harvest, without stress, no struggles but by just enjoying your walk with Me in the deepest parts of the deep waters. Focus on Me, trust in Me alone. Focus on Me alone, trust in Me alone. I never lie; I never fail. As I am sitting on your matters, get ready! As I am sitting on your matters, get ready! This is your season of great fruitful harvest,” says the Spirit of God.

Hallelujah Week 2018 [Day 5 — 30/11/2018] Read More »

Hallelujah Week 2018 [Day 4 — 29/11/2018]

That’s the shout of people who know that Jesus is a wonder. Awesome God! Wonderful Father! Glorious God! Almighty! Almighty! Big God! The word “big” doesn’t even describe You, Lord. Big God! Big God, Who is big in us! Let His praise ring in the congregation of the righteous. Let the saints of God lift up their voices and praise to the Almighty God for He is able to raise up stones to praise Him but there is no stone that is going to praise Him in my place. As long as I have breath in me, I will not be silent. I will praise the Almighty; I will declare His goodness. I will glorify His name forever. The presence of God is always with us, and it is mighty and tangible. For we are those who know Him and we recognize His presence. He is real to us; He is a real Father. So, we are never lost, we are never alone. You should never be confused because God is with you. Let it be Jesus and Jesus alone in your view. Tell Him, “I love You so much.” Tell Him, “Jesus.” Call Him, “Jesus.” Honour Him, Jesus. Faithful God, Jesus. Almighty Father, Jesus. You are the only One we see, Jesus. The Only One, the only One in our view, Jesus. I look into Your love eyes, Jesus. I touch your scarred hands, Jesus. I love on You, Jesus, and I honour You, Jesus. Magnify You, Jesus. I also glorify you, Jesus. I lift You up, Jesus. I exalt You, Jesus. My mighty One, Jesus. There is nobody like You, Jesus. No one is worthy of my praise, Jesus. You are the only One we adore, Jesus. We adore You, Jesus. We adore You, Jesus. We call Your name, Jesus. We whisper Your name, Jesus. We love You with a deep love. We love You, Jesus, with a very deep love. We love You with a deep love. We love You more than we can love anyone else, Jesus. Glory be to Your name forever. Can you open your mouth and love Him in the Spirit? Love Him in the Spirit. Just love Him in the Spirit. He will give you a new song, He will tell you something new. Just love Him in the Spirit, Jesus. Get used to loving Him in the Spirit, Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Glory to Your name forever. Look into His eyes and call Him, “Jesus.” Over and over, just call Him, “Jesus.” The sweetest name, the most powerful name, awesome name, above every other name. Call Him, “Jesus.” Every knee bows to that name – Jesus! Jesus! We love You, we will never tire of calling Your name, “Jesus.” We love You. Hallelujah to Your name! Hallelujah to His awesome name. Hallelujah to His name. Hallelujah to His sweet presence. Hallelujah! Amen. The Spirit of the Lord said some things to me. Before I go ahead and share it, I got an email and I am going ahead to share that email because it is basically on all fours with some of the things that I will be sharing that God told me. That email came from Pastor Tayo, and she writes this: Pastor Tayo: I saw something on Tuesday morning and I would like to share it with you, Pastor. I don’t know what to term what I saw but let me just say it. We came down that morning for our general prayers at work. I sat down at a corner, by that pillar in the middle of the reception, and I was praying in other tongues. I don’t know if it was a dream or a vision, but I suddenly saw a very mighty tree at the exact place where that pillar was. The tree was very wide but not tall. It was very wide but not tall, as it was sitting in the centre of the church office reception. The tree was full of very ripe fruits; the fruits were big. The fruits had no resemblance with any fruit I knew but I moved towards it and I picked mine. I am using the word “pick” because the fruits were so easily accessible. I saw that people started coming and picking theirs and rejoicing. As we were all picking and rejoicing, we started analyzing the ripeness of the fruit, and the fact that we didn’t need to climb the tree or struggle in any way to pluck them. I heard myself telling someone that when you wait patiently for your harvest, this is how easily it comes. People kept coming into the office and they were plucking their own fruits. Then I opened my eyes, and I saw we were still praying. I actually, initially took this revelation personally, because I believed God was telling me something, and I have been meditating on it and thanking God. However, as I was praying this morning, I started praying for you, Pastor and this ministry; that thing I saw on Tuesday came back to my mind and I felt strongly that I should share it with you. I believe that the bountiful harvest God has for us in this ministry is here without any struggle. Pastor Nkechi: New day, new things, new realms! Say it, “New day, new things, new realms!” Harvest time is now! The fullness is here and now. Listen now to the consistency of God: I see big, ripe fruits, heavy, falling freely to the ground, fruits that were once little seeds. Same God. I see big drums overflowing with luxurious wine. Wine, which was once water. I see a waterfall crashing over a cliff to the land below as rushing rivers, lands that were once arid and dry. I see a widow woman distributing abundance to the prophet’s ministry. A widow who was once down to her last meal. New day, new things, new realms, the harvest is here, the fullness is here

Hallelujah Week 2018 [Day 4 — 29/11/2018] Read More »

Hallelujah Week 2018 [Day 3 — 28/11/2018]

We make our boast in You, Lord. You are our glory and the lifter up of our heads. We make our boast in You, Father. No man takes the glory but You. We make our boast in You, Lord. We make our boast in Him. He is everything to us. There is nothing too difficult for Him. Something that was considered difficult, considered impossible, Yahweh took care of it like that. Tell Him, “I make my boast, I make my boast, I make my boast.” We make our boast in the Lord. Glory be to God. Just focus on Him. Focus on how much love He has for you. Focus on how much mercy He has shown you. The things you deserved, He held them back from you because of Jesus. Focus on His grace. The things you don’t deserve, He has given them to you. Things you cannot earn are yours freely for the taking. Focus on Him. This God is good. This God is good. This God is good. This God is full of grace and mercy. This God is good; focus on Him. Look at what He did for your child; this God is good. In 2018, your marriage turned around, this God is good. Focus on Him. Yahweh! When there was no hope, you were in despair, He brought you out of that dark place, and this God is good. There is nothing that is too difficult for Him. Love on Him, just love on Him. Faithful God! Pastor Sola Just focus on Him. Hallelujah! Just focus on Him. “Just focus on Me,” says God. Oh, focus on Him; focus on Him. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord. Hallelujah! “What is that sound I hear?” Says God. “It is the sound of worship in Spirit and truth.” “What is that sound that I hear?” Says the Spirit. “It is the heart cry, the pouring out of those who have responded to the invitation of worship and intimacy in Spirit and in truth.” “What is that sound I hear? Like the rumbling and the flowing of mighty oceans? It is the hearts of men, the spirits of men and women created in righteousness and in My image bowing before Me and worshipping before Me. For these are the ones who have responded to the call of intimacy that I gave out; that is the sound that I hear,” says God. “That’s the sound that I hear.” “What’s that sound that I hear? What’s that sound I hear? It is the sound of rejoicing; it is the sound of those who know the halal sound. It is the sound of those who respond to it. Oh, for there is joy, the voice of rejoicing and shouting are in the tabernacle of the righteous, and that is the voice that I hear,” says God. “That is the sound that I hear,” says God. “The sound, the voice of those who have responded to My cry, to praise in spite of the situation. To praise Me, in spite… to make their boast to Me in spite of what their eyes see. In spite of what their ears hear. In spite of the pressures they face.” “What’s that sound I hear?” Says God. “Oh! It is the sound of the crashing of mountains; it is the sound of the bowing of hills. Oh! It is the sound of trees falling down in response to the praise, in response to My people’s praise and to My people’s worship.” “What is that sound that I hear? Yeah! It is the voice of the sound of the walls of Jericho falling down. Falling down, tumbling down and crashing down, that is the sound that I hear,” says God. “That is the sound that I hear. For as My people praise Me and make their boast in Me, and in Me alone, the mountains will depart, the hills will be removed. That is the sound that I hear and that is the sound that you should hear,” says God, “And begin to respond to My call, to My cry for intimacy into that secret place. For in that secret place as you worship Me, surrendering all before Me, focusing on Me and Me alone, everything falls into its place and the mountains are removed. The mountains move and the walls of Jericho will fall down flat. That is the sound that I hear and that is the sound that you should begin to hear. First, begin to hear it by faith in your heart, and as you respond to that sound by faith, everything mountain before you will come down bowing, and that is the sound that you will hear,” says the Spirit of the Lord. Lift your hands and receive it. Lift your hands and bless Him. Pastor Nkechi Hallelujah! Our praise is like music to His ears. He hears the sound of praise, He hears the sound of worship, and He hears the sound of surrender. What a sweet sound it is to His ears, the sound of submission, the sound of response, that is the sound He hears. Can you just call His name, “Jesus!” He loves to hear you call Him Jesus. How about God telling you that He loves to hear the sound, so, let us give it to Him. Let us just call His name, and love on Him. He loves to hear the sound. Call His name! I see the Lord’s hands stretched out, and He wants to dance with you. I see Him dance with me. Who is He dancing with here? Dance with Him, dance with Him, church. Look into His love eyes and call His name, “Jesus!” Dance with Him. He loves to hear you worship Him; He loves to hear you honour Him. Can you dance with Jesus? Dance with Jesus. And after the sound of worship, and after the sound of praise, there was another sound, and it was the sound of

Hallelujah Week 2018 [Day 3 — 28/11/2018] Read More »

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