Hallelujah Week 2020 [Day 4 – 3/12/2020]
“It’s a new season and the time is now. It’s a season of greatness but it didn’t start now. It’s a new season and the time is now. It’s a season of promotion but it didn’t start now. It’s a new season, the time is now. A season of expanded influence, but it didn’t start now. It’s a new season and the time is now. It’s a season of abundant provision but it didn’t start now. It’s time to enter this new season. It’s the season of Joseph. It is the season of Joseph. The time is now yet it didn’t start now”. “The time is now”, says the Spirit of God, “but it did not start now!” “A season of greatness is the season of Joseph. It started with a dream, a dream that makes no sense. Greatness starts with courage, courage to be little and yet dream big dreams. Greatness attracts ridicule. A dream that causes others to laugh at you and not with you. Now is your season of Joseph. The time is now but it didn’t start now”. “A season of promotion is the season of Joseph. It started with your service, service that may not always be rewarded. Promotion starts with humility, humility to serve even in the prisons of life. Promotion comes with stages, with more service at each level. Recognize it, appreciate it for they are for you, not against you. Now is your season of Joseph. The time is now but it didn’t start now”. “A season of expanded influence is the season of Joseph. It started with a vision, a vision you could see so clearly. Expanded influence from humble foundations leading you to a place unknown. A journey to a destination that nobody but you seem to see. A vision that breeds persecution against you, at you. Now is your season of Joseph. The time is now but it didn’t start now”. “A season of abundant provision is the season of Joseph. It started with a little seed; your sacrifice of your time, your talent, your treasures, those are your seeds. Abundance birthed from a place of lack and needs. Provision that reaches beyond you bringing solutions to many coming to you. Giftings that cause kings to search desperately for you, for only you. Now is your season of Joseph. The time is now but it didn’t start now”. “So, dream that big dream, serve in that little place, take the tough faith step, sow that precious seed. Again I say, don’t be weary, dare to dream that megas dream, serve in that small hole, take the leap of faith, release that priceless seed. You have no idea, you have no clue the magnitude of the season you’ve just started. For when others see the season is not when you saw it. They will say, ‘Your season is now’, and you will reply, ‘Yes, it is now but it didn’t start now’. They will tell you, ‘See your season, hey! It has come. See your greatness, hey! It is now. See your promotion, wow! It is has come. See your expanded influence, see your abundant provision all around you, see it is now’. You will tell them, ‘Yes, it is now but it didn’t start now’”. “Do you know what you started when you sow that seed? Do you know what you’ve begun when you serve in that place? Do you know the magnitude of what you’ve just begun?” says the Spirit of God. “So, watch, watch, watch. Listen, listen, listen. Look, look, look. Focus, focus, focus. Stand, stand, stand firm. Move, move, move”, says the Spirit of God. “Do not waver, do not falter, do not stagger, I will bear you up. The season is unfolding right before you. Pits may take you to places of man’s favour. Suddenly people may seem to stop your rising. Prisons and chains may want to close you in. My own favour waits for you, it’s just round the corner, it’s calling out to you, calling your name; My own favour. Do not waver, do not falter, do not stagger. I will bear you up, I will bear you up, I will carry you, I will bear you up. The season is ongoing but it didn’t start now”, says the Spirit of God. “It has begun and nobody can stop it; like a wildfire it cannot be stopped. Those prison doors, they will fly open, they will. Earthquakes, they will happen, they will occur, they will occur in very very high places. Earthquakes will happen, things will shake, chains will be broken. The shift will occur in places that seemed immovable, areas that seemed untouchable, My favour will touch it, shake it, will cause it to be, My favour will move it!” “This season breeds change for that word over your life, it will come to pass”, says the Spirit of God. “It will, it will, it will, it will, it will come to pass. That word over your life is My Word, it will not return to Me void, it cannot return to Me void. I spoke it over your life, I gave you that dream. No persecution can stop My Word over your life. No persecution, no prison, no pit can stop it, no pit can stop My Word over your life, no prison. It’s My Word, it’s My Word, it is not a man’s word, it is My Word. It is Me that spoke it, it is My Word over your life! It will not return to Me void! It is My Word over your life”. “You thought you had been forgotten, you thought I’ve forgotten you? You thought you were forgotten but you have always been ever before Me. The apple of My eye. I do not forget the dream I gave you”, says God. “How can I forget? I do not forget. I will bear you up, I will carry you. Do not forget for I will
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