That’s the shout of people who know that Jesus is a wonder. Awesome God! Wonderful Father! Glorious God! Almighty! Almighty! Big God! The word “big” doesn’t even describe You, Lord. Big God! Big God, Who is big in us! Let His praise ring in the congregation of the righteous. Let the saints of God lift up their voices and praise to the Almighty God for He is able to raise up stones to praise Him but there is no stone that is going to praise Him in my place. As long as I have breath in me, I will not be silent. I will praise the Almighty; I will declare His goodness. I will glorify His name forever.
The presence of God is always with us, and it is mighty and tangible. For we are those who know Him and we recognize His presence. He is real to us; He is a real Father. So, we are never lost, we are never alone. You should never be confused because God is with you. Let it be Jesus and Jesus alone in your view. Tell Him, “I love You so much.” Tell Him, “Jesus.” Call Him, “Jesus.” Honour Him, Jesus. Faithful God, Jesus. Almighty Father, Jesus. You are the only One we see, Jesus. The Only One, the only One in our view, Jesus. I look into Your love eyes, Jesus. I touch your scarred hands, Jesus. I love on You, Jesus, and I honour You, Jesus. Magnify You, Jesus. I also glorify you, Jesus. I lift You up, Jesus. I exalt You, Jesus. My mighty One, Jesus. There is nobody like You, Jesus. No one is worthy of my praise, Jesus. You are the only One we adore, Jesus. We adore You, Jesus. We adore You, Jesus. We call Your name, Jesus. We whisper Your name, Jesus. We love You with a deep love. We love You, Jesus, with a very deep love. We love You with a deep love. We love You more than we can love anyone else, Jesus. Glory be to Your name forever.
Can you open your mouth and love Him in the Spirit? Love Him in the Spirit. Just love Him in the Spirit. He will give you a new song, He will tell you something new. Just love Him in the Spirit, Jesus. Get used to loving Him in the Spirit, Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Glory to Your name forever. Look into His eyes and call Him, “Jesus.” Over and over, just call Him, “Jesus.” The sweetest name, the most powerful name, awesome name, above every other name. Call Him, “Jesus.” Every knee bows to that name – Jesus! Jesus! We love You, we will never tire of calling Your name, “Jesus.” We love You. Hallelujah to Your name! Hallelujah to His awesome name. Hallelujah to His name. Hallelujah to His sweet presence. Hallelujah! Amen.
The Spirit of the Lord said some things to me. Before I go ahead and share it, I got an email and I am going ahead to share that email because it is basically on all fours with some of the things that I will be sharing that God told me. That email came from Pastor Tayo, and she writes this:
Pastor Tayo: I saw something on Tuesday morning and I would like to share it with you, Pastor. I don’t know what to term what I saw but let me just say it. We came down that morning for our general prayers at work. I sat down at a corner, by that pillar in the middle of the reception, and I was praying in other tongues. I don’t know if it was a dream or a vision, but I suddenly saw a very mighty tree at the exact place where that pillar was. The tree was very wide but not tall. It was very wide but not tall, as it was sitting in the centre of the church office reception. The tree was full of very ripe fruits; the fruits were big. The fruits had no resemblance with any fruit I knew but I moved towards it and I picked mine. I am using the word “pick” because the fruits were so easily accessible. I saw that people started coming and picking theirs and rejoicing. As we were all picking and rejoicing, we started analyzing the ripeness of the fruit, and the fact that we didn’t need to climb the tree or struggle in any way to pluck them. I heard myself telling someone that when you wait patiently for your harvest, this is how easily it comes.
People kept coming into the office and they were plucking their own fruits. Then I opened my eyes, and I saw we were still praying. I actually, initially took this revelation personally, because I believed God was telling me something, and I have been meditating on it and thanking God. However, as I was praying this morning, I started praying for you, Pastor and this ministry; that thing I saw on Tuesday came back to my mind and I felt strongly that I should share it with you. I believe that the bountiful harvest God has for us in this ministry is here without any struggle.
Pastor Nkechi: New day, new things, new realms! Say it, “New day, new things, new realms!” Harvest time is now! The fullness is here and now. Listen now to the consistency of God:
I see big, ripe fruits, heavy, falling freely to the ground, fruits that were once little seeds. Same God.
I see big drums overflowing with luxurious wine. Wine, which was once water.
I see a waterfall crashing over a cliff to the land below as rushing rivers, lands that were once arid and dry.
I see a widow woman distributing abundance to the prophet’s ministry. A widow who was once down to her last meal.
New day, new things, new realms, the harvest is here, the fullness is here and now. Say to somebody, “It is here and now. It is not tomorrow; it is here and now.” Say, “My harvest is here, the fullness is here and now.”
I see power in the feet of God’s people as they pranced with strength in the high places, feet that were once weak and lame. I don’t know about you, but those are my feet. There is power in my feet; there is no more weakness in my feet. No more paralysis in my feet. I prance on high places because it is a new day. Full of new things and I am operating in new realms, glory be to God.
I see a bright light reaching into dark hidden places never before reached, lights that were once hidden under a bushel.
I see a city high up on a hill and all can see the glory therein. The city that was once unknown.
I see tangible things. Things you can touch and see. Things that were just visions and dreams once but you see it – it’s a new day and there are new things and new realms.
Church, it’s a new day! There are new things! These are new realms! The harvest is here! The fullness is here and now for it is a new day.
I have had time to meditate on this; may it explode in your heart. We are in a new day, we are set for new things, we are operating in new realms. Your harvest is not tomorrow, your harvest is here and now. The fullness is not tomorrow, it is here and now. This is the time of the fulfilment of the visions and the dreams. This is the time for the city to be seen on the hill. This is the time for the light to come out from under the bushel, for it is a new day, full of new things church, and you and I operate in new realms.
Some of you are going to find yourselves operating by the gifts of the Spirit, the most unusual vessels are going to be used of God simply because their hearts are open to Him. You may not even be a leader; you need to be connected to Him in this new day. God will tell you things and you will be shaking, wondering how true those things are. Me? Just me? Why did God tell me? Because you’ve got it that this is a new day with new things. You will find yourself operating in realms you thought belonged to other people, for those who it belongs to have been living outside of the box, but it is a new day for you, church. It is a new day for you, my brother; it is a new day for you, my sister.
There are new realms; a new realm of giving you never thought you could give. You rebuke the Spirit of God when He tells you to make certain sacrifices, and you find out you cannot rebuke Him. New realms of walking in love you never thought were possible, new realms of forgiveness. You find yourselves operating in new realms of sacrifice for the Spirit of the Lord says it is a new day and if He says it, it is true, full of new things and we have crossed into a new realm. Harvest time is now, the fullness is here and now.
“Am I not the One who makes all things new?” Says God. “All things are new, the old is done away with forever. New things!” Lord, I hear You say, “New things, inspired by Me, spoken by Me, provided by Me, empowered by Me, just for you, My child, and just for those, I have sent to you.” Lord, I hear You say, “New things, inspired by Me, spoken by Me, provided for by Me empowered by Me, just for you, My child and for those I will send to you. Lord, now you hear me say, “New things!” Envisioned by me, spoken by me, believed for by me, prepared for me; all for me from You, my Father, all for me and for those You have sent to me. You say, and then I say: Two edged-sword, and together we usher in the new day with new things in new realms.
“Harvest time is now, the fullness is here and now, change is here. Godly change is now,” says the Spirit of God. “Change within My will,” says God. “Change within My Word and it is all from Me,” says God. “It is a new day, full of new things, operating in new realms. Get ready for visions and revelations like you have never had before. Get ready for an understanding that can only come by those who are taught by the Spirit of the Lord. Get ready for the babies, the children, to begin to speak right out of the throne of God. For in a new day, strange things happen. In a new day, unusual things happen, in a new day, strange people speak and it comes to pass. In a new day, unlikely and unusual people are used to carry our matter. For the hand of the Lord is stretched out towards you,” says the Father. “It is stretched out and as His hand was stretched out over the sea and it parted, so is His hand stretched out over us and the new day has moved in. As His hand is stretched out, the new things have come to stay. As His hand is stretched out, we have entered new realms, realms that will cause us to stand out from other people, realms that will make visible and tangible the glory of God. Realms that will bring provision out of a widow, realms that will bring luxury out of a simple miracle, realms that will take us to places we have only read about in the Word of God.
Get ready for the new day, for the explosion of the new day begins in your mind and in your expectations. You sing of Me and call Me great. You sing of Me and call Me awesome. You sing of Me and say things that only I can do. How much of that do you believe? For I am the One Who can bring a brand-new day into your life. Indeed, I am the One Who has brought a brand-new day into your life. I am the One Who has brought new things to you and I am the One Who will show you how to use those things. I am the One Who can take you from the old realm and bring you straight into a new realm, a realm of My glory, a realm of My increase, a realm of things never seen or understood by you before. I am the One Who has done it, for it is My desire to see My children operate in those realms. It is My desire to see My children operate above where they have operated before but where they are beginning to operate in is the normal place for them, for that, is the place My Son lifted them to.
For when the temple curtain veil was torn, it was a new day and in that day, I was no longer locked behind the temple. I came out and began to relate with My people. So do I relate with you now from the inside out and I relate with you now to bring you to a new day. To make you touch tangible things, that are new things. To make you operate in realms of greatness you have only ever dreamt about.
The harvest is here. The fullness is here and now. This is not time to speak like others speak, this is not time to think like other people think, this is time to break away the limitations, break away the hindrances and open your heart and eyes and see that this is a new day! I am not a man that I should lie. If I say it is a new day, it is a new day. And it is not far from you; you are sitting in that realm.
Just like my daughter shared the vision, not only do you reach out and pluck, the ripe fruits are falling all around you. They are so heavy; they are falling all around you. How can you be sitting among ripe fruits and be hungry? Pick them up, for this is harvest time. They are heavy. Can you see how ripe they are? Can you not see how big they are? They are succulent and juicy, they are large fruits grown over time, just for you. Spoken by Me and spoken by you; envisioned by you, empowered by Me, and now they have fallen to the ground, ripe and heavy; and because you see as I see, those of the world will walk past those fruits and they will never see them for they are reserved for you. Others who do not know Me, maybe even those who call Me their Father, but they do not know Me, they cannot see Me, they cannot, therefore, see the fruit, but you sit among them my children, reach down and pick them. They are big, they are ripe, they are heavy, and they are ready.
In this new day, there can be no more hunger in the land. In this new day, we become distributors. In this new day, we bring people to the tree and we show them the fruit. In this new day, lack is far from us as the east is from the west. In this new day, confusion is not our portion. In this new day, My Spirit will wake you up at night and begin to tell you things. Wake up and listen. He will prod, right in your sleep and begin to show you things, sit up and listen. For I can do nothing in this time, I can do nothing in this season if I do not find a man. The man is not necessarily the one at the pulpit, the man is you, for I have given you a realm and a scope to operate in, and you will operate in that scope by My Spirit. I say and then you say, I speak and then you speak, I act and you copy and together we usher in this new day. With new and great things, awesome things just for you My child, and for those, I am sending your way.
Oh, but they will come to you in the strangest places. They will come to you in a taxi, they will come to you in the lift, they will come to you in the market, they will come to you in your compound, they will come to you at your workplace. Some of them will look like they do not need Me, but they are dying on the inside. Open your eyes and see them and be the man. Choose to be the man who will operate in this new day. Choose to be the selfless man who will operate in this new day full of new and great things in brand new realms.
God is Spirit; deep calls out to deep. Deep is calling out to deep this evening and we are deep people. We know our deep God, we hear Him for He is Spirit and we are spirit and we know it. I see it. I see those waterfalls crashing off those cliffs. I saw it so clearly, waterfalls crashing, full of water. Water is life, water is provision, life is crashing all around you, flowing all around you, crashing as waterfalls, flowing into rivers in places that were dry and barren. Not anymore, says the Spirit of God; not anymore for it is a new day full of new things. I will cause you to take mighty steps, steps that can only be taken by those whose feet are empowered by Me, and you will prance upon high places; and where there has been weakness to your feet, you will receive supernatural strength. That is the strength of the new day.
Did I not say that you will lay hands on the sick and they will recover? New realms! Those words are going to leap out of the pages of the Book and become reality to those who will believe My Word. You will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. Cancers will go at your command, headaches will go at your command, malaria will end at your command. New realms! New realms of My glory, not reserved for Me, but just for you and for those who I will send to you.”
Lift your hands and worship Him. The deep is calling out to deep and we hear You, Lord. How many of us can hear Him say, “Come?” Lift your hands and be like Peter when He said, “Come.” He answered Him and he did not ask any questions. God is calling out to you saying, “Come, come into the deep waters. You will not sink; you will walk. You will do things no man has done before; you will do things you have never done before just because you heard Him say, “Come.”
Can you rise to your feet and just take some steps around you right where you are? Just step around you and that is you walking on water, saying, “Yes Lord, yes.” Just go back and forth on your seat, say, “Yes.”
Sing it! Come. Yes, tell Him, “I am here, Lord. I cannot be afraid because You are here with me. Use me in new realms, Lord. I will experience new things, Lord. Yes, I am not afraid. Take me to new levels, Jesus! Take me to new places, Lord! I am here. You say come and I respond! I am walking on water! Deep waters; and You are walking on deep waters!” Say, “Lord I surrender all to You! Just use me, Lord! Come! It is a new day! I am walking on water! A new day! New things! New realms! New day! New things! New realms!”
Begin to declare, “It is a new day for me. It is a day of new things for me. I am in new realms right now.” Say, “It is a new day for me, I do new things, I am in new realms. I receive new things and I am in a new realm now.”