Hallelujah! Hallelujah to Yahweh!
Raise the bar of your expectations. Raise the bar! Raise it! You just sang, “There Is Nothing You Cannot Do“, do you believe it? Raise it! I dare you to raise the bar. I challenge you to raise the bar. Raise it! Raise it for the unusual. Raise it for the unlikely. Raise it for the uncommon. Raise it! There is nothing He cannot do and there is everything He has done already. Everything is already done in Christ. If I were you I will be stretching out my hands, raising my bar. Raising it up. When they want to do the high jump, they raise the bar, and the champions come and they raise it. Raise the bar. Raise it. I hear that in my spirit; raise it. Raise it! You have been jumping safely. It is time to set back, take a sprint and clear that bar. Raise it! Raise it, church.
“You keep it low, you don’t need My strength. Your strength can clear every low bar, but raise it up to where only you and I can clear it together”, says God. Take it from the safe zone, take it from the comfort zone, take it from what’s convenient for your faith and convenient for your seed. Raise it; raise it”. This is not what I came here to say, but I hear it over and over in my spirit; raise the bar, church. “Raise it high, raise it. Lift it up. I am bigger than you even realize. There is nothing, nothing I cannot change, in a spilt-second, in the twinkling of an eye, after decades of waiting. In a split-second, in a split-second, in a twinkling of an eye, that is what the new day brings forth. After decades, I hear, decades of waiting, it is time to raise the bar. Things you will raise it to, men will laugh at you, so, don’t share it with men. The places you will raise it to, your mind may even mock you, but raise it, raise it”, says God”, and I will clear it within one jump. In one jump”, says God’s Spirit, “I will clear that bar, but you have to raise it. Where you have it now, I don’t need to jump, just stroll over it. But with you, together, we can clear it. So, raise it, my son; raise it, my daughter; raise it”. Glory be to God. Thank You, Jesus. “Ignore the trepidations; ignore the palpitations. They come with the adventure. Raise it”. Thank You, Jesus. Glory be to God. Hallelujah! I don’t know what God is up to, but that is not what I came here to tell you. I will soon tell you what I came here to tell you, but I know someone needed to hear that.
“For some others, I hear break the fences and let Me in. Break the fences; break them up. Break the fences and let Me in. Let Me in to do you good. Let Me in to show you levels of My love and favour that you have never experienced before, but I am not going to jump the fence; you break the fences down and let Me in. Just let Me in”. You say, “But Lord, I am already saved. I am already born again,” but you know what I am talking about; let Me in. Let Me in, let Me right on in to do you good, to show you My favour, to show you, My love, to show you My mercy in levels, in magnitudes you have never even imagined I was capable of. You have to let Me in. Break the fences, raise the bar, get out of the safe zone, let’s go on an adventure together”, says God.
“For each one, you know what this means to you. For each one, you know. If you are not sure, My Spirit will show you. You know exactly what this means to you. Remember, in a split-second, in a twinkling of an eye, I will clear that jump with you. It will be a spectacle. People will watch and wonder, “How did this happen? I have never known her to run like that before. I have never seen her jump like that before”. Ah, but now she raised the bar and I jumped with her. You will be a spectacle; you will be a wonder, but it won’t be about you, it will be about you daring to raise the bar and jumping it with Me, and in a split-second, in what seems like a split second, what has been done in eternity’s past, I will clear the bar, clear the jump with you, just because you raised it”.
“The days of wishful thinking are over and the days of tangible manifestations are here. The days of “what if” are gone and the days of “it is” is now. Dreams are giving way to reality. The days of wishful thinking are over and the days of tangible manifestations are here”.
I hear You say, You are excited, Lord, and that baffles me. How can You be excited? I hear You say it; You are excited. You are excited to see what You have already seen. You are excited as Your people see what You have seen in ages past. I hear it, You are excited, Lord.
If You are excited, how can we not be excited in this New Day? Your excitement is contagious, Jesus. It is coming all over me; it is coming all over us. It is coming from heaven; it is coming from the throne. You are excited, Jesus; You are thrilled. You are pleased because You see what You have already seen, and You see us see what You have shown to us, and wishful thinking has given way to tangible manifestations. Dreams have bowed to reality and it is all because of You. So, we share that excitement with You, Jesus. Great days are here! Glorious days are here and we are excited also, Jesus. Hallelujah.
20 So the Word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed.
Acts 19:20 (NKJV)
Another version says:
20 So mightily did the Word of the Lord keep on growing and gaining strength.
Acts 19:20 (The Kenneth Wuest Translation)
Another says:
20 This is how the Word of the Lord was spreading in a powerful way causing more and more people to believe.
Acts 19:20 (ERV)
The Word of the Lord grew mightily. That is the word kratos. It grew with dominion. The Word of the Lord grew with the ruling power. If the Word of the Lord grew, then it was planted. Luke 13:19 says, “It is like a mustard seed (the kingdom of heaven), which a man took and put in his garden; and it grew (just like the Word of the Lord grows) and became a large tree, and the birds of the air nested in its branches”.
The Lord showed me these Scriptures I am sharing with you and then He began to prophesy and I will tell you what He said. The Word of the Lord grew with ruling power; the same word you see in Ephesians 1:19 (the power verse), “…and what is the exceeding greatness of His power towards us who believe according to the working of His (kratos ischus) mighty power (His ruling power, His manifested strength)”.
That is how the Word of the Lord grows; it grows with the ruling power. It comes into a place and rules; takes dominion, takes charge. That is the power in the Word of God. It grew and the birds of the air came and nested in the branches of this large tree. It did not just grow mightily; it prevailed! That is where you get ischus, endowed power, power given, like a king in an office. Give the Word of God an office in your life. Where the word of a king is, there is power. Who can say, “What doest thou?” It’s interesting, that word “prevailed”, is the same word you see when the seven sons of Sceva were slapped and beaten up, overcome, naked and wounded (Acts 19:11-20), that is what the Word of the Lord does. It slaps and beats up every opposition; gets it stripped naked and wounded.
The Word of the Lord grows mightily into a large tree and it prevails. That is the Word of the Lord some of us take for granted, that is the powerhouse we have.
Each time we speak the Word of the Lord, we plant something that grows mightily – it does not grow weakly; and it prevails, takes charge. Wherever it is planted, it takes charge. “Prevails” is the same thing you see “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Same spirit. That is what the Word of the Lord puts in you. That is why you can raise the bar. That is why you can do the dumbest thing and raise the bar to the point where you know you cannot climb it but the Word of the Lord you sent forth grows mightily and it prevails. That is what you have, that is who you are.
After I went through the Scriptures as He asked me to, I will tell you what He said. Then the Word of the Lord came to me. Tell my people that: “My Word is full of dominion and might. Once it goes forth, it does not return to Me void; does not. It grows just as a seed grows in good ground. For is it not said in My Word that the sower sows My Word? The Word you have sown TCC, the words you have sown my sons, my daughters, the words you have and are still sowing faithfully are growing because it is the Word of the Lord. It is growing. Be encouraged, be strengthened, the Word is growing. It grows in the midst of the wilderness; it grows in the barrenness of the desert. It grows on the steep mountains and it grows in the deep valleys. It grows in the vicious storm and it grows in the peaceful calm. My Word grows wherever it is sent and enlarges; it increases once it is sown. If it is My Word, it cannot be contained. If it is My Word, it cannot be contained, it cannot be bottled in, it cannot be restrained. If it is My Word, indeed, it cannot be contained, it cannot be limited, it cannot be held back, it just needs to be let loose and sown and it will grow”.
“In the wilderness, it will grow, in the desert, it will grow, on the mountain, it will grow, in the valley, it will grow, in the storm, it will grow, in the calm, it will grow.
So sow and continue to sow My Word without restraints and watch My Word grow and become – ginomai a large tree. For it does not grow ordinarily, it grows with kratos, it grows with might and strength. Many times, silently but it is growing. Noiselessly, but it is growing. My Word needs no fertilizer; My Word needs no irrigation, as it is self-sufficient in itself. It is not of Me? Am I not the All- Sufficient God? It is waxing strong from this ministry, it is waxing strong from this pulpit, it is waxing strong from the pews, from you and you and you and even you. It is waxing strong and even growing. It is growing, silently, but it is growing. It is My Word”.
I see a large tree with so many branches. It is TCC. I see it. Yes, it is TCC. This TCC. Large. It is megas. It is huge. It is a megas tree. It is domineering the landscape. Branches are sprouting, for the root of the tree is the solid uncompromising Word. The branches are everywhere. I see it. You are a branch of that megas tree and you, you are another branch and yes, you are another branch. I see you, I see it, it is a megas tree, it is TCC.
The branches are everywhere; I see it. You are a branch of that megas tree, and you, you are another branch and yes, you, you are another branch. I see you, I see it, it’s a megas tree; it is TCC. Jubilee Prison Ministry is a branch of that tree; Freshdew is a branch of that tree; Ekklesia is yet another branch and the tree gets more megas and megas and megas and waxes greater. “Because its root is solid; its root is My Word. The Word steadily sown has become a large tree in this New Day, and the birds of the air have taken notice; they are coming to camp and nest and lodge, and take their shelter and their habitation in the branches of this megas tree. Receive them, welcome them, feed them from the fruits of the tree, protect them and they too will grow wherever they go. For the birds of the air seek shelter, they seek habitation, and the branches are wide, they are many, and they’re camping, nesting, taking habitation in this megas tree. The solid root that is My Word, that grows mightily and prevails in every situation and every circumstance, yes, My Word doesn’t just grow with might, it prevails. Hallelujah! It prevails! It knocks down oppositions. No matter how fierce it looks, once planted, it will impart in you I-can-do spirit. It avails much, and makes much power available.
Have I not said it in times past, that My Word is all you need? It is the seed you plant and all things become new. So in this New Day, release My Word liberally and freely like never before. Opportunities for the planting of My Word daily are presented to you, sometimes in the most simple and mundane circumstances, fear not! In the midst of darkness, arise with boldness, and let the light of My Word shine from your lips and watch darkness take to its heels at the entrance of My Word”, says God.
Celebrate the Word of God this day. “Rejoice that you are part of such a megas tree. Rejoice that you are here in this time and in this season. For it’s a large tree, it’s a megas tree and you’re a healthy branch; you’ve got fruit on you. You’ve got space for habitation, and the birds of the air have taken notice of you, and they come to you. Welcome them, receive them, feed them of the fruits, protect them, give them shelter. For as you’re a branch, you take your strength from the root, which is My Word that grows steadily, silently, and prevails, regardless of the circumstances”. Give Him praise. Thank you, Jesus. Don’t just see the tree, see yourself as a worthy branch on that tree. Thank you, Jesus. Just receive His Word, for the Word is all you need indeed.
Go high, go low, go north, go south, go east, go west, the Word is all you need, self-sufficient, needs no help, just needs to be planted. Worship Him. Say, “Lord, I’m a sower. I receive Your Word, I receive Your seed and I sow Your Word, I sow Your Word. I continue to sow Your Word; I’m not moved by mountains; I’m not moved by valleys. Storms don’t shake me; the calm doesn’t deceive me. The wilderness doesn’t define me, neither does the desert determine me, but I sow my seed, which is Your Word, ever before me, continually on my lips, ever before my eyes, silently, it’s growing. You said so, it’s true, the words that I’ve sown and am still sowing, where my health is concerned, they are growing so I know I’m healed already by the stripes of Jesus Christ. The words that I’ve sown concerning my destiny, they are growing, so I know I have a hope and a future in You. It’s settled, I am anxious for nothing. The words I’ve sown concerning my prosperity, they are growing. My material seeds are growing, my financial seeds are growing, so it’s settled, I live in the realm of abundance, nay, I live in the realm of luxury, more than enough is what I experience. They are growing, they are growing, they are growing because I’m blessed to be a blessing to the birds of the air, and when they come, I will be a blessing to them. I will have more than enough to feed them, shelter, habitation, welcome them and show them the way, and the tree continues to grow larger. Every disciple of the megas tree, becomes even more megas, and I rejoice because I am part of it”.