Seed Week Prophecy 2020 – Day Three

Have you not heard Me call you a royal priesthood? What then are you doing in chains? Have you not heard Me name you a holy nation? Why are you comfortable in the dunghill? Do you not know that I, El-Shaddai, the breasted One is your Father? Why do I find you among pigs? Do you not know that you are the child of the King of kings? Why are you in Lo-debar unable to move? Do you not know that you are in covenant with Me? With Me? With Me? Why are you bent over for so long unable to look up? Do you not know that My Spirit dwells in you?

You cannot be cast down. You will not stay down. By My Spirit and by My Word, there is a lifting up here and now. There is a lifting up for you and you and you and you, here and now. It is time to arise, it is time for the chains of lack to be broken, it is time to leave the dunghill of poverty. Enough of dining with the pigs, oh righteous one. It is time to move back to the palace. It is time to lift up yourself and be straight. You can stay here no more; you will stay here no more. The shift is here”.

Can you hear the engine revving? Your chauffeur is waiting. Did you not hear the horns blaring? Open your ears for the trumpets are announcing your arrival. Yes! The trumpets are announcing your arrival. Yes! The horns are blaring. Yes! It is time. Change is waiting at your door, get up! Open the door! It is time to move! The shift is here and now”.

Raise the bar, raise your expectations, lift up your eyes, expect My change, receive, receive, receive My abundance. It is here and now all for you, just for you and you and you and you. It’s all for you and you and just for you. Raise the bar on your harvest”.

There is a harvest with your name on it. Raise the bar on your seed, there is a seed with My name on it. Again, I say, raise the bar on your harvest, there is a harvest with your name on it. Raise the bar on your seed, there is a seed with My name on it! Ha ha hahaha hallelujah!

Release what is Mine, I have already released what is yours. For there is something in your hands, look, it’s there. The key to loosen those chains of poverty is right in your hands. The way out of the dunghill is there in your hands. The escape from the pigsty is right in your hands. The chariots to the palace in there in your hands. The way to make every crooked thing straight again is right in your hands. Release what is Mine for I have already released what is yours. Release what is Mine for I have already released what is yours. Release what is Mine for I have already released what is yours. That is the force of the seed in your hands. I gave it to you, it’s in your hands. Now, you give it to Me, it is now in My hands and I will multiply it. Ha hahaha hallelujah! Haha hahaha ha hallelujah! Hahaha ha ha ha ha ha hallelujah!

Rejoice! And again, I say rejoice! Again, I say rejoice! For you are a holy priesthood. You are, that is who you are: A holy nation. Rejoice! For I am your own Father! Celebrate, for the palace awaits you, a feast is laid out for you, just for you. Dance, for you can move again. Shame is gone, despair has departed, never to be found near you again. Shout for joy! For you can live again. You can look up, you can live straight, you can boast in Me, you can boast in My covenant. Many will hear and their chains will also come off. Smelling from the dunghill, they will come. Hungry from the pigsty, they will run. Out of Lo-debar, they will be brought. Bent and broken, they will find their way to Me. They will be drawn to Me and they too will celebrate and rejoice, they too will shout for joy for you chose to raise the bar”.

You refused to ignore My covenant, you refused to ignore My covenant, you refused to ignore My covenant, you refused to ignore My covenant and forget Me. You refused to despise My covenant and forget Me, your King of kings, your Father, your Lover, your Restorer, your Redeemer, your Covenant Keeper, your Story Changer, your Everything, your Everything”.

Change is at your door. Change is at your door. Change is at your door. The engines are revving, the chauffeur is waiting, the horns are blaring, the trumpets are announcing your arrival. Open the door! For change is at your door to carry you from Lo-debar, to take you away from the dunghill, to set you free from those chains. Change is at your door”.

There is a harvest with your name on it, and there is a seed with My Name on it”.

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