Hallelujah Week 2021 — Pastor Nkechi Ene|| Day 1 Prophecy

“There is a Scripture in the Word of God that describes you, there is a Scripture in the Word of God; they are many but today, there is a Scripture in the Word of God that describes you. I said there is a Scripture in the Word of God with your name on it. Today, there is a Scripture for a time such as this, there is a Scripture for a moment such as this, there is a Scripture and that Scripture is for you, and it is for you, and it is for you, and it is for you, and it is just for you. It has your own name, your middle name, your last name, it has all your names on it”.

“And it is in Daniel chapter 11, the second part of verse 32 where it says that, ‘…they that know their God, they that know their God, they shall be strong and they shall do exploits’. They that know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploits. For that describes you, and it describes this congregation but it describes every single one of you”.

“For the strength that others are looking for, for the strength that others are trying to develop in their selves, in this place, you, and you, and you have found the key to that strength and the key to that strength is in knowing Me”, says God. “In knowing Me personally, in conceiving Me, in meditating Me, in considering Me, in getting to know Me. You Aki know your God, you Helen know your God, you Tayo know your God, you know your God, and you know your God.

“And all the hours you have spent under the Word, every single revelation you have received has been strength to you. So, you have no need to look for strength in places where others look for strength. All you need to do is to keep seeking to know Me, for they that know their God they shall be strong and they shall do, they shall be strong and they shall do, they shall be strong and they shall do”.

“Strength is coming to ankles that had been weak, ankles that were weak and could not take steps into certain regions, ankles that could not walk certain paths and certain journeys. Because you have come to know your God, there is strength coming to those ankles.

And now, you’ll find yourself walking paths and walking destinies you never thought you could walk, because your ankles are no longer weak. Strength has come to your ankles”.

“There is strength coming to hands right now. Hands that were weak that could not carry visions. Hands that were weak that could not carry dreams, hands that were weak that could not carry projects. Strength, strength, strength has come in, because they that know Me shall be strong and do exploits”.

“So now, I see strong hands. Hands that will carry visions, hands that will carry big dreams, hands that will carry projects”.

“Oh, I know that there were hearts, they were weak, hearts that had failed, hearts that no longer believed but strength, strength, strength has come to those hearts. No longer shall you be weak. No longer shall you waiver at My promises. No longer shall you doubt with every situation you see. Strength, strength has come to your heart because they that know their God…”

“Time is never wasted knowing Me”, says God’s Spirit. “The key to the strength you want in every area of your life is very simple: it lies in knowing Me. So, I see strong hearts, hearts that are not moved by deception, hearts not moved by lies, hearts not moved by flattery of any form, hearts that are strengthened, strengthened because they know Me”.

“Bodies had been weak because they never knew Me. Oh, but I see strength coming to bodies. Healings happening in places that had been given up on. Why? They that know their God, they that know their Jehovah Rapha, they that know their Jehovah Nissi, for is that not what you have been calling Me? You call Me those names because you know who I am. Well, because you know who I am, you are strong”.

“Never again should you declare that you are weak. Never again should you look at those ankles and think you’ll falter. Never again should you look at your hands and think you’ll drop those dreams. Never again should you look at the storms and think that you’ll waiver. Never again should you look at the symptoms and think your body will fail you. You know your God, and therefore, because you know your God, you are strong and you shall do, you shall do, you shall accomplish, you shall accomplish”.

“For in the days to come, you will accomplish beyond what you’ve ever imagined. In the days to come, you shall advance to places you never thought you’ll find yourself. In days to come, you will see yourself in places and it will look like you are in a dream but you’re not in a dream, you’re in there because you are the one who knows their God. You are the one who knows their God”.

“Knowing Me is the greatest connection you will ever need. Knowing Me is the greatest contact you will ever desire, for they, they, only they, only they that know their God shall be strong and they shall do”.

“It is in the knowledge of Me, says God, that you are separated. It is in the knowledge of Me that you are distinguished because you know, you know, you know, you know who I am. You know I am good. You know I am faithful. You know My name. You call Me by name, I answer My name. That is Who I am and therefore, you are strong”.

“For this is a congregation of strong people. I see a strong man and I see a strong woman and I see a strong child and I see a strong teenager. I see strong people because I see people who know their God”.

“The things you will accomplish, they will be so simple, they will be done quietly. Records will be broken; records will be broken. Statistics will change, things will shift and they will ask you, ‘How did it happen? How so quickly? How did you have the confidence to take that step?’ You will say, ‘The strength came from within, it came just from knowing Him, just from knowing Him. For from each revelation, with each nugget that was placed in me as I spent time with Him, strength. And I found that strength rose from my feet, and they rose to my ankles, they rose to my knees, they rose to my loins and I was swimming with strength that I could never even imagined that I could swim with’”.

“The days that lie ahead, there will be deception. The days that lie ahead, there will be flattery. The days that lie ahead, there might even be confusion but in those days, you will be distinguished. In those days, you will be set aside. In those days, you will not be deceived. Others may fall to their right, others may fall to their left, others who have sought for strength in the wrong places and in the wrong covenants they will be separated from you and you will stand out because your name is: the one who knows their God. Your name is: the one who knows Jehovah. Your name is: the one who knows Jehovah Nissi. Your name is: the one who knows Jehovah Jireh personally. Your name is: the one who knows Jehovah Tsikenu as a Person, that is who you are”.

“And because that is your name, you are strengthened, you are strengthened. In your ankles you are strengthened. In your hands you are strengthened. In your heart you are strengthened. In your body you are strengthened. In your mind you are strengthened. In your resources you are strengthened. And you shall do, you shall do, and you shall accomplish and you shall advance”.

“Watch those dreams get bigger, watch them get bigger, watch them. Even dreams that look like they were dead, watch them, watch them. They are literarily going to come alive right before you because you will begin to call your name: what I have called you. You will beat your chest and you will say, ‘I am the one who knows my God, therefore I know I am strong, I know these hands are strong to carry this big dream He has placed inside them’”.

“Watch them, watch them, watch them, don’t give up on any dream I have not given up on”, says God. “Watch them, watch them turn around, watch them come alive because your name, the name I have baptized you with today is: the one who knows their God and who is strong and shall do”.

Glory be to God! Glory be to God! Glory be to God! Glory! Glory! Glory!

Begin to receive strength. Say, I know You Father, I receive Your strength, I receive Your strength, I receive. Declare it, declare it, declare it: I receive Your strength, I receive it. If you know where you need it the most – I receive Your strength in my ankles, I’m going to places I never knew I would go to. I receive Your strength in my hands, I’m carrying dreams I never knew I could carry. I receive Your strength in my heart, in my mind, my body, my pocket, everywhere, I receive your strength.

Identify with this identity. You are the one who knows their God, you are the one who knows their God. You are the one who knows their God. Declare it. Say I am the one who knows my God. Look at me, look at me look at me. I know the character of my God, I know the nature of my God, I know the power of my God, I know the strength of my God; and this God is my Father. Look at me! I know my God! I know who He is! I know Him by name! And therefore, I am strong, I am strong, and I accomplish, and I advance and I move forward beyond borders, in the name of Jesus.

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