Hallelujah Week 2019 – Day Three Praise Points

Today we release our praise trigger and praise God for strong relationships that are being produced by the Word in TCC:
We Praise Him for:
 RIGHT ASSOCIATIONS and EDIFYING, REAL FRIENDSHIPS between brethren both in Adult Church and Teen Church.
 Brethren in TCC who had the courage to walk away and were delivered from UNGODLY relationships and DESTRUCTIVE friendships and are now rightly positioned for GOD’S BEST.
 Suitors who found GOD FEARING WIVES and Sistaz who were found by GOD FEARING HUSBANDS.
 Thank God specifically for single sisters who are over the age of 40 and have remained STEADFAST in faith and their commitment to God and His Word regardless of the obvious pressures.
 Marriages that are experiencing REFRESHING and experienced RESTORATION and HEAVEN UPON THE EARTH on all sides.
Genesis 2:18; Proverbs 18:22
 Brethren in TCC whose spouses became BORN AGAIN or REDEDICATED THEIR LIVES to GOD.
2 Peter 3:9

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