Hallelujah Week 2015 – Day 4: December 3 2015

Every year God shows us that the Hallelujah Week is in His purpose for us. Do you see it? You know the things that happen this week set the stage for the whole year that lies ahead. Do you know that? This is a week you shouldn’t take lightly. The first day we praised God for our position in Him, our identity, who we are in Christ, why we are in Christ, what matters most in Christ. The next day, Tuesday, we praised Him for our healing and our health. Can I see how many people who are healed here today? Healing is our bread and we eat it, and we know it. We are not ashamed to take it, and we praised Him for it and great things happened even from then. And yesterday we thanked God for strong relationships: families, edifying friendships and unions and people who found wives, and those who are yet to find they will find. And those who are found by husbands and those who are yet to be found they will be found. And we testified of God’s goodness, glory be to God.

Today is the fourth day and we are praising God for the covenant of wealth we have in Him. There are some things this ministry is founded on: It’s the truth about health and the truth about wealth. God has called us to understand the covenant of wealth we have in Him. To understand that He wants us to be wealthy, and to understand that He needs us to understand why. Like we say often it’s not about the car you drive or the house you live in. It’s okay to drive a nice car; it’s okay to live in a nice house; that’s fine. The covenant of wealth is more than that.

The covenant of wealth is for the kingdom. For the establishing of his kingdom. God wants you to be rich. It’s a gospel we are not ashamed to preach because it’s found in the Bible. And like I often say if poverty soothes you, don’t listen, if you are fine being poor. Because let me tell you this: Poverty is one of the most selfish things that exists on the face of this earth, because poverty gets you to think about only yourself. How can you think of giving to somebody else when you can barely feed your family? How can you think of giving to the kingdom? How can you think of taking somebody through school? How can you think of funding God’s work on television? How can you think of doing those things when you can barely pay your children’s school fees?

Poverty is selfishness, agape love is selfless. And one of the greatest ways you can express agape love is when you key into your covenant of wealth. So don’t let the Devil blind you in your poverty; don’t let him let you think for a minute that there is any virtue or that there is any good in being poor. Poverty is evil, it stinks; that is not your identity in Christ. If that is the way you came into the kingdom, you came to meet Jehovah the story changer. And it’s okay to come in poor. The founding pastor of this ministry was so poor that the poor called him poor. Isn’t it interesting that God raised him to raise a ministry saturated in wealth and abundance? Yeah, shout “glory” because that word glory is kabod, is heavy, wealth, riches. So when you shout “glory” you are affirming the covenant of wealth and richness and goodness and heaviness and mightiness. And when you are in a church like this you are taught the need for wealth. You are taught the purpose for wealth. We cannot do the things God has called us to do if our minds are not open to receive wisdom in the area of wealth. We are raising a church of millionaires. If you have a problem with it go find a poor church. If you are content being poor this is not the place for you because here we are about the kingdom of God.

I see Scarlet Thread Home having hundred girls, two hundred girls all of them on scholarship from the church. This is just the first or second building. This is the auditorium. Awesome! We are going to build campuses, we are going to build big, big, buildings; not unto men, but buildings that will do the work of the kingdom. I see prisons in this country being changed by Jubilee Prison Ministry. Great outreaches changing lives. People are behind bars but they discover liberty. It takes wealth; it takes money. And we are not going to get saturated by the need to go to London or Dubai. Or the need to drive a car that is really good. Oh, I like a good car. Who doesn’t? But there is more to life than that. Your being in this church, you have made a contact of destiny with abundance you cannot remain poor. If you take the principles you are taught here and you understand the purpose of wealth, you cannot remain poor. But one of the things that need to change, just like Solomon who knew what to ask for: “Give me understanding, give me wisdom.” And God said, “As you asked for this, I will add to it,” because God knew that without understanding and wisdom if He gave him wealth it will kill him. Wealth without wisdom will kill you. Abundance without understanding will kill you. So we know what we are about.

A time will come in this ministry where people will write cheques to build a building. You better believe it. And those people are you. People are already writing cheques. “We need to buy a bus.” “Pastor, here is a cheque for the bus.” “Pastor, you need a new generator. Pastor here is the cheque.” That is bus and generator. That is a test of faithfulness. God tests you in little things. When this church started one of the first things that we used to give as gifts in the church, when I say gifts, people used to pledge were printer. The office needs a printer, a family will bring a printer and we will rejoice. The office needs a desk, Pastor Charles and Pastor Nkechi need to change their desk. Somebody will go to Mile One and buy a desk. That was being faithful in little things. Now we just changed all the chairs in church office for like three million naira. We’ve changed all our chairs because all the chairs were now like this. But there was a time when one chair was a gift somebody will bring for the budget. Now people are bringing generators. People are giving lands.

A time is coming and now is. Over the years, listen to me and any minister who is listening to me even beyond here, many times your ministry doesn’t start until thirty years after your ministry has started. And that’s what destroys a lot of young ministers. You want to start and be known and fly. My ministry has not started. Many times God gives you twenty, thirty, thirty-five years before you go like a trail and blaze through in the last thirty or forty years of your life. So some of you have been here for years-twenty years, fifteen years, God is preparing you for abundance; don’t think your time is wasted. That’s why it hurts me to see people cut short their destiny. After years of sacrifice, you make a stupid decision and cut short your destiny. No, no, no don’t do that. God is preparing you for greatness. Twenty years in this place, fifteen years in this place hearing the Word consistently, paying your tithe consistently, sowing seed consistently. The preparation is not just to build two houses. It’s not to be able to build three houses; it’s not to graduate from vacation in Abuja to a vacation in America. It’s more than that. It’s raising to the point where you will have a dream and understand that Pastor is just contemplating we need to build a new church office or we need to build a new home for Scarlet Thread, or build a new estate, and you go and write a cheque for hundred million and say, “Pastor build it.” If unbelievers can do it, our God is the God of all wealth and abundance.

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, I read it online yesterday or today, he and his wife had a baby and to celebrate it he is giving out ninety nine percent of his wealth. As far as I know Zuckerberg is an unbeliever. I don’t know if he is a believer I don’t know. Ninety nine percent over a life time. Ninety nine percent. Ninety nine percent to charity. Ninety nine percent, and he is confident that he and his family will never be poor. I look forward to when I will have enough abundance to live off ten percent of my income and give out ninety percent. That is my dream and it will come to pass. You must know that you are not here by mistake. Look around you the church is not full because this is a hard gospel. People are comfortable being poor. They like being sick and then they blame God. It’s a hard gospel to take the truth of God’s Word and hold it and say, “I believe God. I believe God against all odds. I believe God.”

May your minds be opened to see what God has in store for you! If you are going through a crisis now it doesn’t define you. Be like the woman who had nothing in her house. Find something and give. Break that poverty. Don’t let it condition you. Don’t let it define you. That is a selfish spirit. Poverty is a selfish spirit. It’s a spirit that makes you feel like a victim. It’s all about you-no, not with God. God gave His best. Few will catch this revelation, few more will, some will not. But you see we have an example of Jesus’ church. There were many who turned and left Him. And He said, “Are you going too?” It’s strong meat. Oh, but when you get to the point where you know that your salary is a seed. Your salary is just because you want to work and express your potential and there is income coming from other sources because your focus is on the kingdom. And whether you wear sandals like Jesus or you wear gold or not, or you wear jeans or not, it doesn’t define you. Sometimes billionaires walk around in jeans that are torn. It doesn’t define you church.

Can I see millionaires in the house today? These are people who will change the world for Jesus Christ. Changing the world is a spiritual thing, but it requires money, and for twenty five years we have not borrowed. For twenty five years we have not written letters of appeal. For twenty five years we have not gone begging and God is the same God. And He will continue to lift you. Your eyes will open and you will see opportunities. You will have dreams about businesses. You will know what to do and when to do it. He will give you contacts based on His favour. The money has not finished in Nigeria. The money has not finished in the world. We haven’t scratched the base. Forget all the lies Obama and the rest are telling you. They do not know the God we know. His resources are not their inheritance. They are just scrapping the surface. One man who knows God is richer than the whole of United States of America if that man knows God. But can your mind conceive it? That’s why the enemy will battle this message. That’s why the enemy will tell you, “Don’t mind those pastors.” It’s all about how much they can� Have I ever come to your house to ask you for money? Have you seen me? Raise your hand if you have seen me in your house one night and I knocked on your door and say, “It’s school fees oh.” You have never seen me and you will never see me. If anything it is you that has come to my house asking for money and you have been blessed.

May our minds be opened! May we be delivered from poverty! May we understand that the way to engage wealth is not necessarily just by your hard work, it’s by a revelation of the grace and favour of God! Then you will work, but you will work on the wings of his grace and his favour. You will work because He that doesn’t work should not eat. But you will not be working and toiling. You will be like the eleventh hour labourer. The one who came even when it was late and he got a denarius. Get ready! Get ready for abundance you do not deserve. Get ready for wealth that makes no sense, but it will only come into the hand of those that understand this gospel. For those who drive along the street and see the prostitute, can you stop? Some of us here were prostitutes before we came to Christ, but for some who never had that kind of life, can you imagine what it means every night because you want to feed yourself and you have no other option to feed your children or feed your mother every night a young girl goes into a brothel lies on her back and maybe ten men have sex with her. Every night, every night, one thousand five hundred, two thousand naira. Some of them beat them in the process, beat them up, that is the way they get their own pleasure. Sometimes they end up with diseases. They abort to the point where their wombs are perforated. And the church is poor and watching, and the church is driving by in Rolls Royces every night pass GRA, seeing those girls and they are too poor to do anything. You can’t bring them into your home can you? So you have to build a place for them but it takes money.

We had a call from Lagos Freshdew somebody who watches Freshdew called us. She said, “I listen to that woman preach and I think she can help me. I am a house help in a home and my oga sleeps with me regularly. And I can’t tell my madam, I need help.” From Lagos. AIT Lagos costs millions of naira. What if we were not in Lagos? What if we didn’t get to Liberia just after Ebola? You must open your minds and see why God has called us. It’s not about us. When we say these are the last days it is the truth, planes are crashing earthquakes are happening. People are killing; mass murders. The purpose is the Devil knows he is ending up in hell, and he doesn’t plan to be there alone. But Christians who know they are going to heaven are waiting for Jesus to call them, and they plan to go alone. That is not Christianity church. My man of God who raised me, who trained me always said, “I live to serve humanity.” He put that DNA in me and it’s in you as well. We live to serve humanity. May we begin to see the wealth that God has in store for us. The Carpenter’s Church has not scratched the surface. We haven’t started anyi ebidobe.

We haven’t started. You have ten thousand dollars in your account and so? Your children go to the most expensive school in the country so? “My children school in America in London.” So? You may have lost them and you don’t even know it.

I planned to come up here and say something-and I will still say it, until I began to speak and I know I speak by the Spirit of God. Be like Solomon. Pray for understanding. Pray for wisdom. Pray to see poverty for what it is. Pray not to be intimidated by religious Christians who will want to make you feel that there is something wrong in your covenant of wealth. They are selfish people. It’s all about them and their school fees. For us, it’s about the kingdom. That is agape love. That is how God gave His best.

Children are going to be writing cheques of hundreds of thousands. Teenagers would get ideas, creative ideas. There is no age limit to what God wants to do. “Some of you idolize your jobs.” Says God. “It’s not about where you work, it’s not about how much you earn. You work in a company that is considered a great company. You earn millions and you pay your tithe and you are content and you are fine. One day if you lose that job, ask yourself who would you be? If you can’t answer that question you need to start making some changes. It’s not about you, it’s not about you. Ask people who have been rich before who are now going through issues and they will tell you. If they knew better then, they would have done things differently. It’s not about you.”

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