Hallelujah Week 2011 Day 1 – [28/11/2011]

Hallelujah! Right from when the praise started, I saw the glory of God all over this place. Under this kind of atmosphere, any kind of miracle can take place. So just receive whatever miracle you are trusting God for, in the name of Jesus.

I would like to assure you that we have started well, and I am not just trying to excite you, I can tell you something; if the beginning is this good, what shall the subsequent days be like? I beg you, not because I want this whole place to be filled up, but please don’t miss any day of these services.

I was with Pastor Nkechi earlier in the day and we were sharing, and I can tell you, God even has already begun to tell us what this week will be like. I just see your faces, and all over your faces, I see expectation. Do you know what God is telling me? He says that all over your faces just like I can see expectation, He can also see your hearts and He can see expectation. He didn’t end there. He says, “The good thing is that, you are not desperate but you are expectant.” The difference between those who are desperate and those who are expectant is that those who are expectant know that they know know that their expectation will not be cut off. So there is no point for desperation. You are expectant people, full of hope. The difference between expectant people and desperate people is that expectant people say, “I know I will get it.” I can tell you, you will see the manifestation of your expectation, and you will get it in style. So walk with a swagger! Praise God.

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