What an awesome privilege to tune into the supernatural. You are not an ordinary man, you are not an ordinary woman, and therefore you are not subject to ordinary things. You are supernatural and the supernatural is your portion. That’s what God is saying to you. Let it sink into your spirit man and just receive it.
Natural things bring limitations but with the supernatural, the limitations are broken. When the supernatural takes place, your senses are in shock. When the supernatural begins to take place, your eyes will be in a state of shock. Your nose, your ears: everything about you, are in shock because limitations are broken.
For the person who asked, “How can this begin to happen? How can I know this?” God says to say to you that He has gone before you. When you step into your tomorrow God had been there already. When you step into next month, God had been there already, and He has been there in the supernatural.
When an enemy says to you, “I have gone before you,” he has gone before you to do you bad; but when God says to you, “I have gone before you,” of the truth, He has gone before you to do you good. He has gone before you to set an ambush but it is an ambush of good. It’s an ambush of fat things. It’s an ambush of milk and honey. It’s an ambush of butter along your path. It’s an ambush of the supernatural because the God who is the God of the supernatural has gone before you. He is already in your tomorrow. He is in your next week. He is in your next month. He is indeed in your next five years. That is your assurance that the Father has gone before you to set an ambush of the supernatural; to set an ambush of the unusual. He has gone before you to bless you and to do you good.
The wave of the supernatural is here. The unusual is here, the uncommon is here: uncommon telephone calls, uncommon letters, uncommon visits and uncommon visitations, uncommon promptings by the Spirit of God. Uncommon seeds will bring uncommon reapings.
The uncommon is here not just for you as individuals but the uncommon is here for TCC. The unusual is here for this ministry. The supernatural manifestations are here like we have never seen or imagined them before and they are here to stay. The supernatural is not just something that will happen once in a while, but the season has come, and the time has come when you will abide in the supernatural, when you will live in the supernatural.
You say, “Is that possible?” That is possible because every single minute ahead of you God has been there already. That is why He is the eternal God. That is why He is the everlasting God. That is why He is the supernatural God. That is why He is the one who knows your end from your beginning. That is why He is the one who knows your tomorrow and He says your tomorrow is supernatural. Your assurance is because the Father has gone before you.
Say, “Lord I open my heart wide. I open the eyes of my understanding wide and I open up to the supernatural.” Some of you that have never dreamed before will begin to dream dreams. They will not be dreams of people trying to kill or destroy you, but they will be dreams of the supernatural manifestations in your every day life.
In your dreams you will see addresses of places to go to. In your dreams you will see appointments that God has made before you. God has gone before you to make supernatural appointments for you. There is a quick work that God wants to do in your life but the natural cannot carry out that work because the natural is limited. But we have been taken up to the plane of the supernatural. A quick work will begin to happen.
Things that people say will take six months to happen will happen to you in six days. Things that people say will take thirty days to happen will happen to you in three days. Things that people say were not possible except you knew certain people will happen to you because you know Jehovah, the one who has gone before you. The one who has made every crooked path straight!
“Why do you despair about tomorrow? Why do you despair about what lies ahead? Why do you look with your natural eyes and calculate, and see the crooked ways? I have gone before you,” says the Lord, “and I have gone before you to make the crooked path straight because of the supernatural.”
Get ready for acceleration. Get ready for speed. Get ready for the supernatural, for when the supernatural occurs it does not happen in the normal pace. It does not happen in normal timing. When others are waiting for their files to be found, your file would have gone to the next table. While others are looking for whom they know, you would already be in the top office. Why? Your Father has gone before you to make every crooked path straight.
Don’t speak limitations anymore, open your mouth and begin to speak supernatural. Don’t speak natural things anymore. Don’t say, “They say it used to take six months.” Say, “No, I have the supernatural so mine would take three days.” If they say it used to take one month, say “Mine would take three days because I have the supernatural.”
You say, “Am I expecting too much?” Yes, you are expected to expect too much. You are expected to expect the supernatural. “Be courageous and be bold. Be daring,” says the Spirit of God. For only those who are daring like young David will be able to step out into where nobody else has dared to step. Begin to believe what nobody else has dared to believe. Begin to speak what nobody else has dared to speak. You can only speak it from a heart that knows that God has gone before you to make the crooked path straight. He has gone before you in His glory. He has gone before you in His almightiness. He has gone before you in His awesomeness.
“You have been singing to Me this week calling Me the ‘Awesome God.’ You have been singing to Me this week calling Me the ‘Mighty God.’ Well, get ready for My awesomeness; get ready for My mightiness in a way you have never experienced before. Your praise has come up to Me like a sweet smelling savour and I have gone before you with the supernatural. I have gone before you with acceleration. I have gone before you with speed and I have made the crooked path straight.”
“I will cause you to stand out in the crowd for when the crowd will be singing the same song, chanting the same thing, you will stand out because you will be speaking a different language. You will stand out because you will be singing a different song. You will stand out because you will believe a different thing. You will stand out because you will be unusual. Get ready to be the unusual. Don’t move with the crowd anymore. Don’t move with the masses anymore. I have caused you to stand out. I have caused you to be lifted up.”
“Miracles that have not been experienced in your family before, you will experience them, for you will stand out from the crowd. Achievements that have not been achieved in your family before, you will achieve them for you will stand out,” says God. “You will stand out even in places where you have given up hope for My Spirit will come to you even in the midnight hour and my Spirit will cause you to have hope again. My Spirit will stir you up even in the places where you have given up hope.”
You say, “But God don’t I need to have faith?” He says to you, “I am here to help you and My Spirit will charge you; My Spirit will stir you up; My Spirit will put a flame where the embers are low. My Spirit will cause a fire to rise up in you again. Where there is gross darkness everywhere else you will stand out. Against all hope, I will cause you to believe again. Against all hope, I will cause you to be courageous and to believe again. Get ready for the supernatural visitation of My Spirit. My Spirit will cause you to stand out. Amongst the natural, the supernatural will stand out.”
“Why do you marvel at the miracles of the Old Testament saints? Why do you marvel at the visitations of the saints of old? Don’t you know that the greater than those saints are right here? Don’t you know that the greater than those saints are here. Don’t you know that the supernatural you read about is here for you in a greater dimension? The supernatural is here for you in greater manifestation because My Spirit resides on the inside of you, and He is with you to cause the supernatural to be your daily experience.”
Glory be to God!