Hallelujah Week 2010 Day 1 – [29/11/2010]

Praise God forever; He that was and is and is to come, the Almighty God. Blessed be the Name of Jesus Christ.

When the children of Israel needed deliverance from the land of bondage, God appeared to Moses and said He would deliver them through him. Moses asked, “What am I going to say to the people? Who will I say sent me?” God said, “Tell them, I AM.” As I sat there, God said, “Tell my people that I still AM. I still AM; and every good thing that you need I AM.” (This week has started with a bang.) God said that for a lot of people, He lifted them up from little beginnings to where they are today. For those who don’t seem to have been lifted, God says from little beginnings He is going to lift you up.

Do you know the interesting thing? God said He is going to use the most insignificant thing to bring about your lifting. He says, “Ordinary things,” but as you take those ordinary things and put them forth, supernatural things will happen to you because they are things no man can do and when I have done them for you, people will say, “This is indeed the hand of God because no ordinary man could have done this.” This is the Word of God unto you. Church, I don’t have the vocabulary to tell you all.

Look at the ‘air.’ The climatic situation is such that looks like things are going from bad to worse. I see all of them, but in them I am going to exalt My people. God says, “These are the people that I have chosen to bless; I have chosen to empower them to prosper. I will prosper them with measures that can only be described as ‘extra measure.’ The extra measure of God is upon TCC and those that believe it will eat the fruit of it in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Extra measure is your portion. Nothing less than that is good enough for you. I do this to bless you but I also do it to glorify My name because as I exalt you in the midst of confusion and darkness, people will see My extraordinary hand.” Hallelujah.

Church, God will use the rejects of the society to cause your elevation, like God used those four lepers: outcasts, rejects to bring relief where there had been scarcity and economic downturn. “Don’t think you know how I am going to change your situation; but know that your present state will be far more glorious than what you have ever experienced. When that glory comes, I will let you know that there is a greater glory ahead of you. Rise up and go for the greater glory,” says the Spirit of grace. Hallelujah. “I will give unto you enablement. I will give unto you enablement and that man, that woman who was fainting will suddenly feel a surge within and he will hear, she will hear, ‘rise’ and he will respond to that and as he does, he will see great things that will amaze him and in the end he will say, ‘I did not know I had such strength.’ Oh! But you do because you are My supermen. I say, you are My supermen.” Hallelujah.

“Remind My people that the first thing I told them today is that I AM. That is what I want them to hear. I AM the solution to your greatest problem. I AM, a present help in the time of trouble. When the troubles come, don’t begin to question, ‘Lord, but this is not what You told us. This is not what You told me.’ Rather, rejoice and anoint yourself, for it is time for rejoicing and it is time for promotion. For my God is about to cause distinction between the ordinary people, and me,” says the Spirit of grace.

My people will not be ashamed anymore. My people will not only smile, but there will be an outburst of praise and rejoicing in them. It’s not a function of your size or what you have. It’s yours for the taking. Take it in Jesus Name!

Listen, as I stood here to prophesy, God said tell the people: “It was cold water that was inside the kettle which was put on fire but the water is boiling and the lid is blown open so that the water can come out.” That water is your miracle!

Do you know what God said to me? He said, “There is nothing good that I am not willing to do for My people.” Listen Church, there is so much, so very much and you are the centre of His attention.

Listen let me tell you something. I was, so full of God while I was sitting there that I almost went to stop the Praise and Worship Team so I can give you the Word of God. It is all right; it’s all right with you. Amen.

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