When the children of Israel asked for a king for the very first time, (somebody who would rule over them), God gave them a king. And the Bible described the king that God gave to them and the Bible says that he was shoulder higher than any other person that was there. “Do you know why I did that?” He said He wanted the children of Israel to know that He had given them the Divine Advantage. God wants me to tell you, not only based on your physical, academic, or whatever qualification, He’s given you the Divine Advantage. He’s put you steps ahead of your mates.
“This was exactly what I did with Moses,” He said. Moses who was left for dead, God did not only deliver him from death, but He brought Him by divine arrangement so that his mother was the one that nursed him. What is it called? Divine advantage. “It was exactly the same thing I did,” says the Spirit of Grace, “when I enabled Elijah to outrun the chariot, why did I do that? I wanted to give my people the divine advantage.”
“My Word for you is that I’ve given you the divine advantage. Where there were inadequacies, my divine advantage will not only cover you up but will put you ahead of your fellows. For my word says, ‘and the hand of the Lord was upon Elijah,’ that was my power upon him to cause him to exceed his fellows. Have I not said in my Word, ‘therefore God, even our God, has anointed him with the oil of gladness above his fellows?’ My grace and anointing upon you will put you above and ahead of your contemporaries.”
Let your watchword from now be “Divine Advantage.” You will enter into places they say no man can enter, you’ll not only enter there but you’ll come out successful because I’ve given unto you divine advantage. You will do things that no other can do because I’ve given to you divine advantage. “What business” says the spirit of grace, “did a captive girl in the land of captivity have becoming the Queen of the land? The ‘First Lady’ of the land. Simple reason: divine advantage. Children, I’ve given unto you divine advantage.”
“Run with this confidence, it will not disappoint you. This confidence will not put you to shame. In fact your new name is divine advantage. This divine advantage will wipe away ‘impossibility’ from your vocabulary,” says the Spirit of Grace. “I’ve stepped it up for you, be conscious of this fact and take due advantage of it. When things begin to happen for you because of my divine advantage, people will say, ‘he’s arrogant, he’s proud.’ Do you know why? Because I will cause your mouth to open and before those things happen you will declare them and as you declare them, I will energize you from your inner man and your physical body will also be energized and you will go in the strength of my energy and you will accomplish what they say could not be accomplished because of my divine advantage upon you.”
“It is not a stranger who will nurse you. No. It is your mother that will nurse you and she will nurse you indeed according to my plans and purposes and she will infuse into you what I have planned for you before the foundation of the time and she will teach you my ways and nobody will know that you are being taught my ways, but indeed because it is your mother, your mother will do the best for you and you will grow up indeed not only a giant but a giant killer. Let me show you the song that will be on the lips of every one of you. And that is the halleuyah song. That’s why you will never be ashamed. That’s why you will never be disappointed. That’s why you will always have the advantage.”