Deposit Prophecy — Pastor Nkechi Ene || Sunday -8/8/2021

“Deposit, deposit, that’s what has happened here, now; a deposit, it’s a deposit, it is a deposit, a deposit, a heavy deposit. A deposit has taken place, a deposit, yes, it is a deposit. A deposit that guarantees fulfillment, it is a deposit that guarantees completion, it is a deposit from a source that is incorruptible, it is a deposit from a source that is inexhaustible, it is a deposit, a deposit from My throne, it has come, it has come. It’s heavy, I see it, it’s heavy, it is settled upon each one of you, it is settled upon each one of you, upon your head, and upon your head, and upon your head. I see it, it is a deposit, it is a deposit, it is a heavy deposit of the glory of God. It is a deposit, it is a deposit, a deposit that guarantees fulfillment”.

“For this is a move of God, for this is a move of God and you, and you, and you are right in the middle of it. This is a move of God, and you, and you, and you, you’re right in the middle of it”.

“It is a deposit, it is a deposit, a sign of what I have already done for you, it is a deposit, it is a heavy deposit, it is an incorruptible deposit, it is an inexhaustible deposit. It is a deposit that no one can take away from you, for I have put it, I have placed it. It is a trigger for what is already within you, it is My deposit, by My own hand, I have brought it, by My own doing I have brought it, no man can take it away from you, it is My deposit”.

We worship You; we worship You, my Father we worship You, we worship You. Almighty, almighty, almighty, Father of lights in whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning, lover of our souls, we worship You. Keeper of our lives, we worship You, our glory, our glory and the lifter up of our heads, we worship You. The I Am that I Am, we worship You. Healer, Jehovah Rapha we worship You, we give You praise. We receive Your deposit, we receive Your deposit, we receive Your guarantee, we receive Your guarantee, we receive Your deposit. Thank you, Jesus.

“This is just a foretaste”, says God’s Spirit, “for you have stepped into a new realm, you have stepped into a new season. What you have experienced before will pale into insignificance for this is the season of your lifting, this is the season of your lifting, for this is just a foretaste of what I have prepared for you, just a foretaste of the glory that I have planned for you before the foundation of the world, this is just a sign of what you have prepared for, for thirty-one years, just a foretaste, it’s just a foretaste, this is just a foretaste”.

“Bring your containers and I will fill them; be they baskets or be they pots, bring your containers and I will fill them to overflow. I won’t just fill them to the brim, I will fill them to overflow but you must bring them, bring them, bring, bring them, bring them, bring them, bring them. Bring them baskets, bring them pots, bring them drums, bring them buckets, bring them, bring them, for the rain of My glory is here and I will fill them, I will fill them, I will fill them to overflow. This is just a foretaste”.

“It is My good pleasure to fill them, it is My good pleasure to fill them to overflow, it is My good pleasure to make you a sign and a wonder, for that is what I have made you: a sign and a wonder. I have made you a sign and nations will be drawn to Me through you, for I have made you a sign. This is just a foretaste; it is just the beginning”.

Thank You, Jesus.

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