Hallelujah Week Prophecy 2023 Day 1 (Pastor Nkechi Ene)

We came here this week to praise Him. We’ve only just begun. And by the Spirit of God, your Father says to tell you that He’s guaranteeing… Notice the words: He’s guaranteeing you a flow this week. Pastor Sola, it’s a guarantee.

“Tell My people that I guarantee them a flow this week. Tell them, that the flow has already begun. Tell them that a flow is a movement from a source to a destination. Tell them I am the Source and they are the destination and I guarantee them a flow this week.

“A flow is a continuous movement, no stopping. From what has started today, there shall be no stopping. Even where there are obstacles, a flow rushes over the obstacles and pushes them out of the way or turns them into stepping stones.

“Watch My flow convert your obstacles into opportunities”, says God. “I give you a guarantee. I am the source, you are the destination and I guarantee you a flow this week… from this week. For when a flow begins, as it continues, it rushes and gets faster and faster and faster. Prepare for accelerated results from this week. Prepare for things that seem to have been moving sluggishly and slowly, pick up speed and pick up velocity. For when a flow begins, it starts slowly but it picks up speed and nothing can stop it. “I guarantee you a flow from this week”, says the Spirit of God.

“It has begun. The flow has begun. The flow has begun. It’s a flow that will change lives. It’s a flow that will change situations. It’s a flow that will change bodies. It is a flow”, I hear God’s Spirit say, “that will change destinies. That flow will enter the subconscious of some of you, for you will begin to have dreams that will make no sense. Some of those dreams will seem bigger than you, don’t resist them, it is My flow.

“I guarantee you a flow from this week. I am the source, you are the target; you are the destination. I guarantee you a flow. If I am the source and I am THE good God, Ye! It’s a flow of good things. It’s a flow of good things. It’s a flow of good things. I am your Father, you are My children. It’s a flow of good things, I guarantee it from this week”.

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