1 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.

Matthew 1:1

“Genealogy” refers to a line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor. It comes from the root word “gene.” If you have historical data of your family made available to you then you can possibly trace your natural genealogy to a third and fourth generation and maybe even further back than that. Well, we need to know that there is no human genealogy that is as strong as that of Jesus. However, there is another genealogy that affects you once you become born again. It is a spiritual genealogy: declaring that the spiritual source of your genes is, God Almighty, the “Ancient of Days” Himself! “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). The new you has the DNA of God. This is the genealogy of all genealogies and it was effected by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The moment you accepted Jesus, your genealogy changed in the eyes of God! Have you gotten that revelation for yourself?

Some time ago, somebody came to counsel with me. He had gone to a church where they were supposed to administer “deliverance” to him in phases. Ridiculous! On one of those phases he was asked to go to his village and fetch the earth or the sand from his father’s compound, as that was what was to be used for the deliverance. Complete nonsense! Some other so called “deliverance ministers” tell these “ignorant, solution seeking” Christians that one of their ancestors buried an item that needs to be unearthed before they can experience victory. Those kinds of churches do not understand what the new creation is all about. What they are saying is that the problem is something the blood of Jesus Christ could not solve, so they need something else to effect deliverance. They are saying that your natural wicked ancestor existed before the good God, the loving Ancient of Days!

What you see in some Christian circles today is nothing short of fetish practices and witchcraft. I don’t know which Bible they got it from. Friend, read your Holy Bible, read the Epistles and discover your status as a new creation.


I am a new creation possessing the DNA of God. God is the spiritual source of my genes.

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