29 So He said, “Come.”And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
30 But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”
Matthew 14:29-30
You may have “tried” to be a Christian and failed. You may be born again and filled with the Holy Spirit and may have promised God that you would never go back to some of the bad things you used to do, but you still went back to them.
Imagine the misery of a young born again girl, who accepted Christ and told herself, “I’m never going to sleep with that boy again,” but she still went, slept with the boy and got pregnant. It didn’t stop there: she went ahead to abort the child. The sin of fornication was further complicated with the sin of murder. Such a person would be under unimaginable misery. In spite of all the misery, that girl can still succeed as a Christian if she will only receive the mercy of God because God is the God of another chance. You may say, “You are encouraging us to sin.” No! You don’t need any encouragement. It’s all a matter of choice: anyone who chooses to sin will sin and anyone who chooses to serve God will serve Him. I am telling you the truth of God’s Word because it is the truth of God’s Word that will make you free (John 8:32). I speak to you with a heart of compassion: in the same place where you have failed, you can succeed.
You may have failed in two or more marriages; it does not matter. God your Father is a God of another chance. You may have tried your hands on certain businesses and failed. Sometimes people fail, not necessarily because they are out of the will of God. Look at Peter. What could be plainer than Jesus telling Peter to walk on water, yet when Peter started walking, he started sinking? You may be doing what God has called you to do and there may be many reasons why you started sinking. That does not mean that you failed because you were doing what God didn’t want you to do. God may have led you into it, but as you started doing it, just like Peter saw the boisterous wind, you observed all the oppositions and all the difficulties and you began to question if God led you to do it. God may be telling you to do it again but you say to yourself, “I’ve failed before. There is no way I can start again.” I want to tell you, you can start again. He’s the God of another chance.
I am a success. I can succeed. I will succeed. God is the God of another chance, and He keeps on giving me chances to succeed!