On Tuesday, 6th February 2018, I got a call from my uncle’s wife who stays in my parents’ house, and she told me that my mom wasn’t feeling well. She said my mom had started feeling weak the previous day and as she was speaking to me, they were trying to feed her, as she hadn’t eaten much that day. She also mentioned she had got someone to check her blood pressure. She sounded really alarmed.
My brother called when he came back and confirmed what she said but not in fear. They began to make plans to take her to the hospital. I got my children and we prayed, declaring that she had been healed by the stripes of Jesus, and the heavens were raining healing on her. I informed my husband who also called and prayed for her while my brother laid his hands on her. She was later taken to the hospital that night.
By the next morning, the doctor prescribed medication based on her test results. He said she could go home that evening or the next day as the weakness will wear off with time. My husband and I decided to bring her to Port Harcourt. She was brought on Friday, 9th February 2018. We decided that, in addition to her medication, we would break bread every day declaring her healing. We also kept in touch with the doctor. However, her appetite did not improve, so we had to give her lots of fluid and semi-solid foods. Late afternoon of Wednesday 14th February 2018, I came home with my children and we went in to greet my mom. I noticed that she was trying to say something but for almost five minutes, I couldn’t understand what she was saying. Our second daughter reminded me of the communion and I asked them to go help me put the bread and wine on a tray while I tried to understand what their grandma was trying to say. I still couldn’t understand her so I told her I was going to get the communion. As I left, my brother went into that room and suddenly, I heard him shout loudly and repeatedly, “Mom, what are you trying to do to me?” I left my daughters and rushed back to the room. I saw her lying down and only the white part of her eyes was showing. My brother was shaking her vigorously. I had seen that look before on two different occasions in the hospital. Both people were dead hours and minutes respectively after I saw them. I called our daughters to bring the communion. At that point, I didn’t care what state she was in; I only cared about the efficacy of the Lord’s Table and the Word of God declared in faith which accesses all that grace has gotten for me. We broke bread and I forced hers into her mouth, then we took ours. After partaking of the Lord’s Table, the four of us prayed in tongues over her for some minutes calling back life, abundant life into her.
I knew I needed help; so I called my husband for us to agree on which clinic or hospital to take her to. Before leaving, I told our daughters to keep calling life to their grandma as they prayed in tongues and our son to keep calling Jesus since he was not able to pray in tongues yet. My husband called our friend who works with the teaching hospital to come around and help us get her to a good nearby clinic first. She said it would take at least twenty-five minutes to get to our house and told me what to do before she got there. I did what she said but my mom didn’t respond. My husband also prayed while we all laid our hands on her. He rebuked the devourer and the thief and called life back into her. My brother called my sister and her husband.
While waiting, I kept declaring the Word of God over her, declaring that Jesus came to give her abundant life, that the heavens were open over us and they are raining healing, health and life, that she was born of God and so the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in her and quickens her body; that from the very inception of our marriage, we had decreed that our home was a home of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost; the kingdom of God. Peace means that nothing in life will be missing or broken in our home. I commanded the mountain to be cast into the sea knowing that I shall have what I say because there was no doubt in my heart and I believe that the things I say shall come to pass. There was no atom of fear or doubt in my heart. This is one of the many areas Pastor Nkechi Ene has schooled me well; when you are in faith, you know and when you are in doubt, you know. When I looked at her and the devil tried to give me pictures of telling people that I had lost my mom, I would send him pictures of myself standing on this pulpit testifying that she is alive.
My sister and her husband got to the house and joined us to call back life into her. No one kept his or her mouth shut because the mountain was trying to speak. We kept at it until our friend arrived. As soon as she came, she said to me, “Chi, we must move her NOW!” (With an emphasis on the “now”). The devil is a very stupid devil. By now, I was declaring that my faith is my evidence (Hebrews 11:1) and my faith is my victory (1John 5:4).
We got her into my car and we went to the clinic. As I turned into the last junction that led to the major road, my mom woke up and called my brother’s name!! We rejoiced but still kept the word of victory in our mouth. We kept speaking till we got to the hospital, and even while the doctor and nurses attended to her in the emergency unit, we never gave the mountain and the devil’s lies the opportunity to prevail.
The next day, the doctor told us that he still does not understand how my mom could have made it to the hospital alive. He said what happened to her should cause brain death and then told us pointedly that, “Medically, she should have been at least in a coma because her sugar level was zero.” For three days, they tried to stabilize the sugar level but couldn’t. It would go up and come down within an hour or two. The doctor brought in a specialist who recommended some more tests. We kept on breaking bread daily. When the results of the tests were out, they decided to bring in another specialist. The specialist said a lot of things, pointing out the ones they could treat and then tried to make us understand that one of the major issues will have to be managed for the rest of her life as it couldn’t be treated. I told him we would treat it but he should go ahead and do his job as a doctor. He said I didn’t understand, I told him that I did understand based on academic training, but maintained that we will treat it. He asked if I was a native doctor and I said no. He then said, “E be like say you dey go church?” Later on, after the other doctor (the specialist) had left and he was alone, I asked him, “You no dey go church?” He replied, “I dey go, in fact, I be churchman.”
From then till now, my mom has gotten better and stronger. She has also started doing those things she couldn’t do before now. We all gathered as a family to praise our good God and Father the day after she was discharged from the hospital. We know her healing is a done deal and she will soon be walking around again with every part that was affected whole.
We thank God for sustaining and reviving our mom. We thank Him for making provision for anything that may come against us in this life. I thank Him for The Carpenter’s Church. I want to specifically thank God for three things in the church. The first is our pastors who teach us the undiluted Word of God. Especially Pastor Nkechi Ene who will not let you stay on one level of spiritual growth longer than one week, she just keeps pushing you. The second is the numerous people who experience and testify of supernatural experiences; this fires you up. The third is other outstanding men and women of God, alongside their ministries and testimonies, who we get to know about. Anyone who chooses can just live in the supernatural and as a family, we are so grateful to God for that.