We Received Exactly What We Asked God For

When my wife announced that she was pregnant, we were excited and expectant, so we agreed that we needed a healthy baby and that the delivery process would be better than that of the Hebrew women, given that we have a better covenant in Christ. On a daily basis we confessed that we would have a healthy baby and a better delivery process. It didn’t flow quite well at the beginning, but we kept at it and later, it became a part of us.

During the Broken Wall Healing School for the month of April 2012, Pastor Charles taught on, “The Noble Man’s faith.” He said that we should state in clear terms what we wanted God to do for us and that we should operate within the boundaries of our faith, just like the noble man did.

By Monday the 7th of May 2012, my wife complained of waist and abdominal pains, and I knew her delivery time was near because the baby was due within that week. We prayed together before I took her to the school where she was on her teaching practice. By 4:00 p.m., I came back with the intention of taking her to the hospital but after consulting with a doctor friend of mine, we were advised to keep calm and wait till we were sure that she was in labour. He said, reporting too early could create the impression that she had been on labour for too long and may result in a caesarian section (C.S.), being recommended. Of course we believed God for a better delivery process, so we stayed back.

At 9:00 p.m. my wife announced that she was ready for the hospital because she was now convinced that it was indeed labour. We got to the hospital at about 10:00 p.m., and after inspecting the list of things we were asked to buy, she was checked in.

I had to fetch my mother-in-law, who came into town that day. By 12:00 midnight, my wife came out of the delivery ward and instructed me to go to the doctor and sign the necessary papers authorizing a C.S. I was surprised because it was the doctors I thought should have said that and I had armed myself against it. When my mother-in-law heard of it, she reprimanded my wife, informing her that the pain of C.S. was more, and that she should continue to trust God for a safe delivery. I added one or two words of encouragement too, even though I needed some encouragement myself.

At about 4.00 a.m. she called me on phone to remind me of her instruction to sign for the C.S. I encouraged her to wait because God would come through for us. At 11:00 a.m. the following day, I sent someone to check on her. She replied by reminding me of the instruction she had given earlier about signing the approval for the C.S. and I knew that was the boundary of my faith at that point and I had to go back to God to praise Him for the answers to our prayers.

While praising God, I forgot that I was outside and could not hold back the tears of joy that flowed down my cheek. After the thanksgiving, I got an unquantifiable peace inside of me and I told my mother-in-law that my wife had put to bed, and that we would be informed soon. To the glory of God, we got the confirmation an hour later that she had delivered safely at 1:00 p.m. We received exactly what we asked God for: a healthy baby through a safe delivery process. I give God all the praise.

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