To The Glory Of God, I Was Acquitted And Discharged

I am a commercial driver by profession. On the 23rd of April 2014, by 4:00 p.m., I visited the Elekahia police station to see a friend who is also a fellow commercial driver Mr Michael Kalu who was arrested and detained by the police for an offence unknown to me. On reaching there, I was immediately arrested and detained in the police station. Later, I was informed that Michael Kalu and his friend were involved in the case of armed robbery and kidnap, so I became a suspect for the mere fact that I visited him in the police station. We were subsequently charged to court and remanded in the Port Harcourt prison for six good years awaiting trial.

The Almighty God came to my rescue when The Carpenter’s Church came to Port Harcourt Prisons in the month of April 2019 for a free medical outreach. After the ministration of the presiding pastor, Pastor Nkechi Ene, I immediately gave my life to Christ. The week after, the baptism of the Holy Spirit was ministered to me and some of the new converts by Pastor Casmir and I began to speak in other tongues. In the month of July when the evangelism team came to fellowship with us, we were specifically asked to bring our petitions before God in that service. I told God my own. After that, the leader rounded off the prayer.

When our case was slated for judgment I quickly remembered that I should be praying in tongues consistently because the other suspects had lawyers and I had no lawyer except God. Right there in the court, I began to speak in tongues silently to the Almighty God who knew that I was innocent of the crime. To the glory of God, I was acquitted and discharged while the two suspects were sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment. When they took me back to the prison I was given five minutes by the chief warder to pack my belongings and leave the prison yard immediately. In my mind, I was wondering what I have in the prison to pack and so I quickly ran out of the prison even before the five minutes to the free world. I did not hesitate to run to The Carpenter’s Church on the 25th of August 2019, the same week I was discharged to fellowship and worship the Almighty God who rescued me from the hand of the devil.

I want to sincerely thank the Almighty God, the pastors and the members of The Carpenter’s Church for the good work they are doing in the prison of which I am a beneficiary. Today, I am a born again Christian courtesy of The Carpenter’s Church. Glory be to God!

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