While on a previous offshore job, I posted my C.V. to a vacancy in an International firm needing to employ a manager in my profession. I was a bit reluctant about doing so because I had never worked as a manager, though once I was considered for a managerial position in a past employment. I was invited alongside other candidates to write a test and take part in a satellite interview with the company’s home office, but I arrived late as I could not get an early flight out from the oil tanker I was working on. I was still given the opportunity to write the test, but was told that my chances were slim since I missed the interview. My response was that I have the favour of God and He would redeem that deficiency for me. I never heard from them again and I forgot about them.
I got a call from them over a year later, requesting that I came for an interview with a team from their home office who happened to be in Nigeria for a management visit. It was so much of a miracle and I was amazed. I was the only one for the interview. I got a call from them thereafter, saying I was among the most considered candidates and that they are not usually in a hurry to hire their staff worldwide and that this was the first time they were getting an EHS manager for their Nigeria operations, and that if I am successful I will hear from them shortly. They called me two weeks later and asked me to send my International passport by courier to them saying that if I am selected, I will be needed to travel to the home office. I did not hear from them again until I opened my mail and saw my contract and offer of employment. This is indeed an infallible proof: my first managerial position and the first person to fill that position in Nigeria. God is awesome and this is just the beginning. Glory be to God!