4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
John 1:4
The Word is a person not some abstract thing. In John 1:1-14 you discover that the personal pronouns “Him” and “His” appear nine times and they refer to the Word. God has a sense of grammar, so if the Word was just an immaterial thing He would say “it” but He didn’t say “it.” He referred to the Word as “Him” or “His.”
Why don’t you develop an intimate relationship with the Word? I hear you say, “How do I do that?” Well, it’s the same way you would develop an intimate relationship with any other person!
• You would spend time with that person. In the same way, you need to spend time with the Word of God. Faithfulness to a devotional such as this book is a great step, but it is meant to trigger an appetite in you for more of the Word.
• You would open up to that person and not hide things about yourself. There would be no “no go” areas.
• You would talk about how much that person means to you.
• You would hear that person out with an open mind and listen to his or her opinion, if you held a different one.
Do you see how easy it is to have a relationship with the Word? John 1:1 tells us that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. What Jesus was and is, the Word is. The Word and Jesus are one and the same.
Jesus’ name “Immanuel” means God with us (Matthew 1:23). John 1:14 says, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” He not only dwells with us through His Word; He dwells with us by His Spirit in us and with us. When you want to travel He is already with you. He said that He is with you always (Matthew 28:18). Sometimes when you pray, “Lord, come and be with me,” you are actually “praying” your fears. He is already with you. He is with you by His Spirit and through the Word when you keep the Word alive in your heart.
The Word is a Person. Jesus is the Word. I develop intimacy with Him through the Word. I know He is with me because through the Word He is living in my heart.