3 He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.
Psalm 1:3
The “rivers of water” in this verse refers to a stream, or a channel of water as used in irrigation. One thing that happens as we meditate upon the Word of God is that we locate ourselves properly. You not only see the picture of the end product, and plant the seed; you also locate yourself properly. This tree is planted by the rivers of water, by the channels of irrigation. The tree has got to be in a place where the location is conducive to its growth. This is where the “day and night” or the habitual factor of meditation is critical. You don’t speak the Word today and tomorrow you speak something else. Make speaking God’s Word a lifestyle and the power will be released.
Meditating on the Word day and night means that you are addicted to the Word and your mind is soaked up with the Word. All you are thinking and speaking is the Word. The environment in which you place yourself, the friends you stay with, the church you belong to, all matter a lot. Some of the people you hang out with may be acting as stagnant water; they’re not letting your tree grow. There are certain films, television programs or home videos that won’t help you. You may have seen the picture from the Word, and may even have planted the seed but it’s no longer by the rivers of water.
Realize that you’ve got a faith project, you’ve got a picture, and you’ve got to go for it. Scriptural, biblical meditation comes out of a passion, a desire and a longing for what you can see in the Word of God. If that passion or longing is there, nobody will tell you to focus day and night to keep at the project. Your actions of faith are what will access the abundant grace available from your Father.
I’m addicted to God’s Word. My mind is soaked up with God’s Word. All I think and speak is the Word of God. My life is located in a conducive environment that makes me fruitful and productive.