The Miracle of Another Chance

29 So He said, “Come.”And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
30 But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”

Matthew 14:29-30

Many of us, even after becoming Christians, have made mistakes. Some of us may have attempted to do something great as Christians, and we did not succeed, but that should not be the end of the road, nor should it be the end of the story: there is always another chance for us. I deliberately refuse to say there is “a second chance”for you. Instead say it is “another chance”because even though you may have blown it more than once, twice, thrice there is yet another chance available to you. There is a miracle called the miracle of another chance. You’ve got to learn to flow in that miracle so that you can experience it. .

If you have attempted to do great things or you are attempting to do great things, but you’ve not succeeded, you will find out that it becomes more difficult for you to begin again after you have failed, than it was when you first began. It’s always more difficult to start all over again than to start. This was what happened to Peter.

Peter was acting upon the Word of God. Jesus had told him to come and Peter began to walk on water. He actually did what Jesus Christ did! As he was walking on the water, the wind became boisterous and as he looked at the boisterous winds he began to doubt and then he began sinking. As he was sinking, he did something: he cried out, and Jesus stretched out His hand to help him. Peter had just failed, and that failure was still fresh on his mind. If he attempted walking on that water again, his mind would be filled with thoughts like: I just tried and failed. The first time he did not have that problem, but the second time there was a picture of failure on his mind and this made it doubly difficult for him to attempt it again.

There is nowhere in the Bible, however, that it is suggested to us that Jesus carried Peter back to the ship on His back. Jesus took his hand and Peter walked back with Him into the ship. That is the miracle of another chance. Failure is not final; you can start again. Peter flowed in the miracle of another chance, and so can you.

Father, I thank You because You are the God of another chance. No matter my shortcomings and past failures, there is always another chance for me in You.

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