The Lord Provided A Sponsor For My Tertiary Education

My testimony is about God’s goodness in my life concerning my education. When I started SS3, my mum and I prayed that I would be able to attend any school of my choice. I applied to the schools that I wanted to attend, irrespective of the school’s fees. In my school, all SS3 students would fast every Sunday mornings and we would pray together about admission to the universities we wanted to attend. Whenever I prayed, I thanked God for my admission and sponsorship to the University of my Choice. I gave my tithe and I made a budget pledge because Pastor Sola preached about giving as an investment in our lives. I saw my giving as an investment in my education.

When it got close to the end of the year, I got a bit discouraged and in my mind, I settled for the affordable school that I didn’t really want to attend. During Hallelujah week, Pastor Kech said that something good was in the air and that we should not limit God. I was encouraged by those words and I thanked God for my sponsorship because I already had admission to the school. The week after, I got a call from one of my uncles and he asked me about my university decision. I told him where I wanted to attend and I also told him that the school was expensive. He told me to give the phone to my mum. He told her that he would pay the school fees. The school fees cost millions of naira and people don’t give out that kind of money. I was ecstatic when my mum told me because I knew that it was the favour of God at work in my life.

I thank God for his provision in my life. I thank the pastors for their teachings that helped me to stand in faith. I also thank my mum for her words of encouragement. I would like to encourage teenagers who are believing God for anything in their lives to be steadfast in their faith and to sow seed because it is a great way to invest in your future.

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