Thank God for Direction

For several years, I prayed for direction on what to do as a vocation. During the 31st Night Service of 2011, immediately Pastor Nkechi climbed the stage, it was laid upon my heart to sow a seed of five thousand naira every month from my pocket money of ten thousand naira to Pastor Charles and Pastor Nkechi alternatively, for the first six months of the year. I struggled with this thought because I had just started paying twenty percent tithe as instructed by God’s Spirit, and wondered how I would be able to pay for things and also meet up with other financial commitments.

However, I reluctantly started giving the seed offering alternatively between the two pastors. God baffled me and my needs were met. He also preserved my husband’s job when the company he works with was downsizing. The company relocated him back to Port Harcourt, which was an answer to prayer in order for him not to be affected. In September 2013, I started receiving direction into the line of business to venture in. I wanted to do it right, so I went further to do a company registration and also get all the necessary things in place. Having done all I needed to do, I had God’s unlimited grace and blessing on my business. I know it can only get better and better. Thank God for direction.

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