After my final exam in school, a policy was introduced in my school, the University of Port Harcourt, concerning “no school fees, no exams”.
We initially thought it wasn’t going to be something so tough, but on the contrary, some lives were eventually lost due to frustration which led to a protest. Even when the students won the case in court, it made no difference. Then, I became so frustrated and gradually, depression crept in due to how much I had fought, struggled, and pains I went through just to see myself through school.
Most times, I wouldn’t know I was talking all by myself on the road, I wouldn’t even know I was already in the middle of the road due to deep thoughts. It was like this minute, I’m normal and the next, I’m not.
I began to experience insomnia which later became a norm. Sleep was not forthcoming; most nights, I would stay up from 11:00 p.m. till 5:00 a.m. yet nothing changed. Instead, things became worse, which made me always look so unhappy, dejected, and lonely.
One morning, during my usual night of sleeplessness, suicide became the best option. Then, I wrote an indirect goodbye message to friends on Facebook on that same night by 3:00 a.m., which was the 8th of November, 2019. I was already about taking my life when I got some powerful messages and call from my ex-course mates, which got me weakened and in tears. Before I could realise it, I slept off till 9:00 a.m. that morning.
Then, I got a call from Happiness, (a course mate, a sister from another mom, and a TCC member) who gave me so many words of encouragements. The next day, I got a call from a God sent TCC brother. I became so inquisitive to know whom the person was, then he mentioned his name and his wife spoke with me over the phone. That same night, he invited me to TCC, yet I was still reluctant about the invitation. I told him when I would be ready to attend church.
It took me two Sundays before I could visit. During that period, I was always receiving calls, inspiring words and advise from this unknown God’s sent brother. Then I visited TCC on the 28th of November, 2019. Then the camera picked up Happiness face then, I realised it was all planned by her to make me visit TCC.
After the visit, I felt so inspired; I began to love myself again. I decided to forget about my problem and leave it at the feet of Jesus. My mindset and everything began to change, I kept coming to TCC, and always making my faith confession as instructed by Pastor in one of her teachings. Life became meaningful to me. I was always connecting other people’s testimonies and believing that ten years in school without a certificate is not my end and the fight is of the Lord.
I also began to key into every word of prophecy that comes from Pastor, my faith began to grow, then I totally forgot about my ordeal and allowed God into my situation.
On a certain night, I saw a memo a few days after the #endsars# national protest on social media stating my case, and that amnesty has been granted us. I felt it was a joke, I didn’t even talk or think about it. A coursemate shared it on my wall, then she called me and broke the long-awaited news. Oh my God! At that point, tears of joy filled my eyes. I went to my department to confirm it the next morning from my head of department, and he confirmed it to be true. It was like a dream to me. I began to ask people around to please confirm that I was still alive. Ten years of impossibility became possible.
A miracle took place and this God sent TCC member surprisingly credited my account with the required resources, and even sent me to a fashion school. Things I never thought could happen to me began to happen. My life began to experience a turn around since I became a member of TCC.
Thank You, Jesus.