Seed Week Prophecy 2021 – Day Four

“Beyond, beyond! Far beyond! Reaching way out beyond! Beyond your imaginations! Beyond your connections! Beyond your abilities! I have provided for you! Beyond! Far out beyond! Reaching way out beyond! Beyond your thinking! Beyond your planning! Even beyond your discussions! I have made plans for you! Beyond!” Says God’s Spirit.

“Far out beyond, beyond your thinking, beyond your planning, beyond your discussions, I have made a way for you. In the realm of the unseen, in the realm of the unusual, in the realm of My wisdom, I have made plans for you. Secret plans now revealed to you by My own Spirit. So, pray! yes, pray. Sow! Yes, sow. Plan! Yes, plan. Imagine! Yes, imagine. Think! Yes, think. Discuss! Yes, discuss. Contemplate! Yes, do all of that and I will meet you beyond! Even far beyond! Way out beyond! Beyond any prayer! Beyond any seed! Beyond any discussion! Beyond any plan! I will meet you beyond! Way out beyond!” Says God’s Spirit.

“Reaching way out beyond is My provision for you. Beyond but brought right near to you. Beyond, but right here for you. Beyond, but now is the time for you. Not tomorrow, but now, now. From beyond to right now, right before you”.

“My provision, it is breaking limits, My abundance, it is removing boundaries. My favour is shifting statistics”.

His provision, church, is breaking limits, His abundance is removing boundaries, His favour is shifting statistics from way out beyond for your behalf.

“Look up, open up your eyes and see. Stretch your mind and believe. Listen, men are here, they are here. Unusual vessels are here. Kings are here. Nations are here. They are for you. They are sent by Me from far beyond! From way out beyond your imagination! Your connections! Your abilities! From far beyond! Way out beyond your thinking! Your planning! Your discussions! You may not see them coming, you will not call for them to come but they are here, they are here. Like a rushing wave, they ae here. Sent by Me, they are here. One after the other, they are here! Men are here. Unusual vessels, they are captivated by My Spirit. They are intoxicated by My own instructions! They are here! They will not stop until it’s all done, they are here. One by one, sent by Me, they will not stop until it’s all done”, says the Spirit of God.

“So, stretch out, stretch out, stretch out and take, stretch out and take. Spoil, and again I say spoil. Plunder! Rise up and plunder! And again, I say plunder! Reach out and take possession. Spoil, and again I say spoil. Plunder, and again I say plunder. Have no mercy, reach out and plunder. It’s laid up for you: wealth, resources, gifts, sacrifices”.

“Men are here! The righteous, they are here. The wicked, they are here. Men, they are here. Kings are here. Nations are here. Men are here, captivated by My Spirit, intoxicated by My own instructions, laden with their wealth, they are here for you and for you, and for you, and for you, and for you, and for you, and for you TCC, for you! Sent by Me! One by one, they are coming! They are rushing! You will not call for them! You may not see them coming, but they are here, captivated by My own Spirit, drunk and intoxicated on My own instructions. Instructions they will not understand, but instructions they will obey, they will obey and they will not stop until it’s all done”.

“So, raise your expectations. Look up and see. Oh Church! Stretch out, stretch out your mind. Listen to My Spirit, My provision is here for you. My plans, they are here for you according to My own promises to you. They go beyond, they go beyond, they go beyond, they go far out beyond! They go way out beyond! Beyond limits! Beyond boundaries! Far above statistics! They go beyond. Beyond any of your thinking! Beyond any of your planning! Beyond any of your seeds! Beyond anything, you’ve ever imagined. They go far and beyond, from Me to you”, says God’s Spirit.

“Oh, it’s okay to plan, says God’s Spirit. Oh, you should sow, oh yes you should think, oh, surely you must imagine, but I’m bigger than anything you can think of. I’m bigger than any seed you can sow, I’m bigger than any plan you can get. I’m bigger than any imagination you can have. I go way beyond. I go way beyond. I go far out beyond. Oh, I go way beyond. I go way beyond”.

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