5 But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing;nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.”
6 And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking.
Luke 5:5-6
“Master, we have toiled all night,” Peter said. Sounds familiar? How many times have you said, “This is the same place that I failed;having done all I knew to do.”? Peter also said the same thing. Yet, in the same place where he and his friends had failed, they had multiple victories.
You may have attempted to live in divine health but failed. It seemed as though it was when you made up your mind to live in divine health that the Devil suddenly attacked you with a strange sickness and you said, “Divine healing does not work.” It works and it can work for you, if you will act on the Word of God.
Peter said, “Nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” When they did, he got such a net-breaking miracle that they had to borrow another boat! In the same place where you failed, expect a bigger miracle. In Judges 16, we see Samson, a great man, who had made huge mistakes in his walk with God. Samson prayed for one more chance to kill all the Philistines in one blow and die with them. In spite of all that he had done, God heard him (Judges 16:25-30). Samson got everything he asked for. I believe that if Samson said, “I want to kill the Philistines and escape,” he would have escaped. Don’t ever limit God with your “small thinking.” I imagine Samson thinking: Even if I get out of this place and kill all these people, I am blind and my eyeballs are out from the sockets so what would be the point of my being alive?… He did not know that the God who made him, made spare parts too. If Samson had said, “God I want these people to die, I want to escape by a miracle and I want my sight restored” – that would have happened. Ask for a miracle to the fullest. Do not limit God!
If you are believing God for babies, you can stop asking God for just one child;ask God for twins or even triplets! You can succeed so much so that by reason of your success, people will say that, that same place you once failed is your victory terrain.
I refuse to limit God in my mind. By His grace, where I experienced failure, I will enjoy success to the full.