My Restoration

Awhile ago I was facing so much pressure on my job and I was slowly falling apart. There was so much bitterness and jealousy directed at me for no obvious reason. It was during this period that I was in Church one Sunday and something Pastor Nkechi said was directed at me. She said that somebody is going to carry my matter. I took that as a Word from God to me and kept on repeating it to my self. I returned to work the next week and the pressure was still there. There were threats from here and there so I decided to leave. Things got worse and those who I expected to stand up for me left me in the cold. I ended up staying at home for two months. Someone did take up my matter and called me for a new job! The pay is almost thrice as the previous one. God is faithful and thank you Pastor Nkechi for allowing God to use you.

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