Money Cannot Buy What God has Done For Me

Before the June 2018, Budget Pledge announcement for the July 2018 – June 2019 budget year, the Spirit of God spoke to me to give away about seventy percent of some substantial amount of money that I had been waiting for about four years. God asked me to give away the money towards the Auditorium Project. I had planned to use this money for my children’s future education (e.g. invest in an educational fund for them). In my intention to obey God, I told Him that I was going to give Him a hundred percent of the money instead, not just seventy percent of it. He reminded me that He asked for seventy percent and not a hundred percent of the money. I figured out that God simply wanted obedience from me. Even though I wanted to give a hundred percent of all the money I was expecting, I believe God wanted me to specifically follow His instructions. The full money was going to come into my account in October 2018.

To ensure I obeyed God, in June/July I, immediately, wrote a post-dated check of the exact money and handed it over to the Church Office finance team. When the money I had been expecting hit my account at the end of October 2018, I, immediately, paid my tithe, offering, and the “seventy percent money”, God had requested for. I had some extra money left, so, I asked the Church Office finance team to advise me of any outstanding payments for the prior year(s) that I had. I paid those as well.

Between October 2018 and now, God has done for me and continues to do for me, things that money cannot buy. While my initial focus for the money God asked for was for my children’s future education, God has done things for my children and extended family. I believe strongly that the things that God has done for me and my family, which money cannot buy, are tied to that Auditorium Project seed, based on the chronology of events.

Firstly, in late December 2018, I got shocking news from my sister who lives in London that she had been scheduled in London for a complicated brain surgery, which had a fifty percent chance of survival. A few weeks later, on the 5th of January 2019 Keeping By The Holy Ghost service, Pastor Kech gave a word of knowledge about someone who had a brain challenge and that God has taken care of the matter.

That was my sister. She was slated for a four-hour medically challenging brain surgery with a fifty percent chance of survival. This meant possible death. God went ahead and made the surgery a success. When we shared the word of knowledge with my sister, she was reassured that she would come out alive from the surgery. Initially, she was afraid to do the surgery, so, she stayed at home with an associated medically proven risk that she could suddenly die at any moment if she did not do the surgery that month.

Another thing that happened was in January 2019. I met a lady who came to Nigeria a few weeks earlier. She had lived in the US for over thirty years, and suddenly in November/December 2018 decided to relocate to Nigeria. God used her to reconnect me to my late brother’s wife and children in the US. Since 1992 (about twenty-seven years ago) when my brother died in the US, the relationship had been hugely strained between his wife and our family. Even though I personally visited them in the US about twelve years ago, the relationship between her and the larger family remained strained due to the hurts on all sides from my brother’s death. Think about a relationship that had been devastated for twenty-seven years. Contact was subsequently lost after I returned to Nigeria from visiting them in the US. All my efforts to reach them via Facebook, emails, phone, etc., failed. During Easter this year, my brother’s wife and son suddenly flew to Nigeria to see me, after the woman I met in January 2019 connected us. My brother’s son (now an adult) and his mum informed me during our conversation that in November 2018 he (my brother’s son) started having strong nudges to come to Nigeria and pay a visit to his father’s family members. This was just a few weeks after I sowed the seed. Today, we have a restored relationship with my brother’s wife and children and that restoration is gradually being extended to the whole family. The lady that connected me to them told me that she believes that God moved her to Port Harcourt to meet me so that the family relationship restoration could happen. In her words, even up until late 2018 she never would have imagined she would relocate to Nigeria. I gave my brother’s wife and his children copies of the book No Fear Here, which I believe will get into the right hands in the US and bring a huge shift there. We have been in constant spiritual sharpening and family bonding almost on a daily basis while they are back in the US.

Furthermore, in May, my daughter got admitted to study architecture in a prestigious school. Prestigious schools come with high school fees. Each time I thought about her school fees I could not figure out where the money would come from. While I was sharing the above testimonies with a brother after Church Service on a Thursday, I forgot to mention my daughter’s university admission to him. Regardless, he said to me, “There is a lot more coming. The money you gave to God is finite, but God’s blessing from your obedience is infinite”. When I got home, I got a call from my daughter about two hours after that brother and I spoke. She informed me that she had just applied for a scholarship for her architecture programme. I did not ask her to apply for scholarship nor did my wife (her mum). She took the initiative to do so. When she mentioned the financial value of the scholarship she applied for, I realized it is about the exact amount as the seed I gave to God, which she was not aware of. God has continued His infinite provision because of His goodness and His mercy. She will get a full scholarship. My other children are all doing very well in school. My youngest child just got admission into the secondary school of his choice at first attempt. God is providing for their current and future education.

From these testimonies, I saw God doing all the triggering. He triggered Pastor Kech to give the word of knowledge for my sister’s brain surgery situation; He triggered the lady in the US to return to Nigeria; He triggered my daughter to apply for a university scholarship, which He will cause to manifest. I am grateful to God for helping me to obey Him. I am also thankful for my supportive wife, for being fully part of this journey.

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