Just Like That, It Came To Pass.

From 2003, I had this terrible illness that caused me to bed-wet every night. Each time I woke up, I would see myself soaked. This continued for eight years, during which time I had no friends around me.

Later on, I went for a test and the doctor found nothing wrong with me. I couldn’t go anywhere or do anything because of this continuous wetness. One day in 2011, a friend who is a member of The Carpenter’s Church invited me to church for Broken Wall Healing School. During the choir ministration, I was really touched and I felt the presence of God so tangibly that I started weeping. I was still rehearsing to myself the Word of God that Pastor Charles just preached when he mentioned several health conditions. He asked those affected to touch the areas where they were hurting. I quickly touched the affected area, knowing that the Word of God is able. Just like that, it came to pass.

That night, I had a deep sleep and the following morning there was no wetness, no soaked bed. Just like that, “The dry bone was raised again.”

My fellow believers in Christ, I encourage you to love Jesus and to hold on tight to your faith. God is able to do all things even with your little faith if only you will believe. Don’t let the Devil steal your faith but hold on tight to His Word.

I thank my friend for inviting me to this church because my life has never been the same again. God bless Pastor Charles for teaching the Word of God in Spirit and in truth.

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