Jesus Touched Me And Made Me Whole

My testimony is that Jesus touched me and made me whole. Sometime this year, I started experiencing pain at the upper right side of my tummy. The first time I had such pain was after I gave birth, but it vanished over time. However, sometime in August 2019, I noticed one night as I woke up to use the convenience, a sharp pain hit me. I initially attributed it to the way I woke suddenly. I felt a little lump on the inside. Well, I did not give it so much attention as it later calmed down until I forgot about it. I just held it quietly till I got relief. That same week, I wanted to use the convenience again immediately I got home from work. On trying to stand up, this sharp pain hooked me again. This time, it moved towards my chest region, to the extent of obstructing my breathing. I could literally touch the lump, but this time I started calling upon the name “Jesus! Jesus!”, as I held to the lump. It then dawned on me that the enemy was up to something and I had taken it for granted. This time, I was moved to speak to it and not be silent. That was how I got a relief and could breathe well again within seconds.

Three to four days before this experience, I had a severe fever, terrible headache, and stomachaches that prevented me from going to work and choir rehearsals that week. I had to see a doctor to explain the pain I was experiencing. I even suggested to the doctor that I’d like to do a scan on my tummy in order to ascertain the cause of that pain and to see what that lump was. Due to my health status and unexplainable stomachaches, he carried out some tests, which includes a pelvic scan, urine test, and others. I was given some drugs to relieve the pain while waiting for the test results to be out. It was already Friday, so he asked me to come back the following week for the result update.

On Sunday the 8th of September despite some discomfort I was experiencing, I summoned the strength to be in the church that Sunday, especially, knowing that Pastor was back and will be ministering. From the beginning of the service, I knew Jesus was in the house to do us good! From the worship session to the choir ministrations, I was ready for that special touch from Jesus; my expectation was high. As the choir ministered, I started dancing and was sweating. This was something that I could not do for the past four days. Pastor came up and moved by the Spirit led us to another phase of worship. She kept saying, “Lift up your hands and worship Him. The presence of God is so tangible”. Next, she started calling up situations; surprisingly the first one was, “All manner of stomach aches”, and I knew this was me.

I started praising God and I received my healing as Pastor cursed the pain! Wow! God is awesome! So direct! People of God, that was the end of that pain; it melted away at that very moment. I got home that day and subsequent days tried to do what I could not do before. I realized it had been settled. No more pain! Jesus touched me and I’m made whole.
As per the scan result, as you can guess, nothing was found. In my heart, I already knew it was so because Jesus had already taken the pain away! I do not know what that lump was, neither do I know its mission, but the good news is that it has been taken away forever by Jesus. I am eternally grateful to God for being so mindful of His children, especially me. He loves me so much and will do anything to demonstrate His reckless love for me. I am now ready for the next agenda to have my twin babies. I already received them. I will be here again for that testimony! Praise God.

Thank you, Pastor, for ministering that day. When I heard that you were going to minister that Sunday, I was so excited, like a child that was being bullied in school till her big mum shows up. That was how excited I was. I told the pain “Your time is up. Pastor is back in town”. I thank you for allowing the service to be led by God’s Spirit as always. Thank You, Jesus.

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