I noticed a growth on my left wrist, and not knowing what it was, I cursed it to dematerialize as the pastors had taught. However, I was not consistent with my confessions, so it remained. One day, I saw a woman with a similar growth on her wrist but hers was so big that it alarmed me. It made me realize that if I did not take my confession of God’s Word seriously, the growth on my wrist could turn out to be just as big. Again, I started confessing God’s Word, which says that by the stripes of Jesus I was healed. I would constantly tell myself that healing is the children’s bread. Within the space of two weeks, I was completely healed and I thanked God for my healing.
Sometime later, I noticed the same growth on my right wrist. I knew my healing was a done deal because I had seen God heal my left wrist. I went back to confessing the Word of God. As I confessed the Word of God, the growth kept increasing, instead of decreasing. Then I began to consider the situation, wondering why it was not decreasing. Since it was not painful, I gradually began to slow down on my confession of the Word of God.
Since the growth was on my right wrist, it became rather embarrassing. It was something people easily noticed and it annoyed me every time I saw it. By this time, my faith had weakened and instead of speaking the Word of God, I resorted to wearing long-sleeved shirts to hide the growth from people and also because I did not want to see it. I also started wearing my wristwatch on my right hand. It went on like that for about a year.
I would come to church and hear messages on healing and my faith would be strengthened and I would start confessing the Word of God again. One such time, I got really angry at the growth and I started confessing the Word of God with renewed strength and vigour. As I did this, I heard in my spirit, “It’s an outcast.” I felt comforted when I heard that and it reassured me of my Father’s love. From that time on, I would confess God’s healing power and command the outcast to dematerialize.
One day as I was writing, I glanced at my wrist and discovered that the growth had greatly reduced in size. I was overjoyed! In a few days, it was completely gone.
I give God the praise and the glory.