I Thank God for His Word

As a background to my testimony, I would like to say that I was a water-baptized Christian for many years but I cannot categorically say that I had the kind of knowledge I have today concerning certain Biblical principles, so I did not know that as a Christian, you could break bread as often as you wanted until I came to The Carpenter’s Church.

So back in 2004, I remember I had an attack in my dream where I was shot and when I woke up, I had sharp pains in my ribs. I told my Dad about it and he bought me some drugs but as time went on, I continued experiencing the pain and I decided to run a scan. The scan result showed that I had a polycystic kidney disease.

Then I started coming to The Carpenter’s Church. One day while in church, Pastor Charles taught on how you could break bread and receive your healing. I didn’t know about this because where I worshipped, in my parent’s church, communion was for the “Saints.” Besides, there were always reasons to make you feel unworthy to partake of it. So when I heard what Pastor Charles said that day, my faith got lifted. I also remembered one occasion, during The Carpenter’s Place Live, where a brother in the choir testified about how he broke bread and got his healing. So that day after Pastor Charles’ message, I got home and broke bread and instantly, the pain of many years disappeared and I was completely healed.

I thank God for His Word that I receive through my pastors, which has kept my faith growing by the day. I thank God for bringing me to TCC.

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