I had believed God for a better job for six years. When Pastor Charles Omofomah prophesied that our miracle will come with laughter, I believed and held on to that word.
0n the 30th of January this year, I received a call from a member of church. He wanted to know if I am proficient in the use of the computer. I positively replied and he promised to send me his mail address, asking that I forward a copy of my curriculum vitae to him the next day. I quickly acted on the instruction at 10 a.m. the next day using my wife’s mail address.
By 1.25 p.m. the same day, my wife called me on the phone. She sounded frantic and so I told her to calm down and tell me what the issue was. She told me a company sent her a mail she could not understand, with an outstanding amount in the pay offer. I immediately asked for the permission to go to her office to get a better understanding of what the mail was about. I discovered that the pay offer exceeded my previous salary ten times over.
It amazed me that I had not written a test or done an interview for the job they were offering me. What was more astounding was the fact that I sent in the curriculum vitae by 10 a.m. that day and got the job at 1.25 p.m., the same day, in a space of three hours and twenty five minutes. It clearly proved this was God and God alone. I give Him all the praise.
My encouragement to every one trusting God for one thing or the other is this: Keep keeping on because He is forever faithful and He will definitely come through for you. His Word says, “Believe in the LORD your God and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper” (2 Chronicles 20:20).