I Continued to Trust Him

In 2006, my monthly periods became heavier and lasted longer. I did not pay much attention to it until I started using up to seven sanitary pads a day and the periods would be on for two weeks.

I went to see a gynecologist, ran some tests and the diagnosis was that I had a urinary infection. I was given medication, after which the flow stopped. Two weeks later, it started again. I was told to use the drugs and then it stopped again. Each time it would start and when I used the drugs it would stop. This cycle continued for some months, till I decided not to take the drugs again.

I consulted another gynecologist who said the drugs were hormonal and that they were not going to make the flow stop, that they could only stop it for as long as I took them. I was sent for several scans. They all said I was perfectly fine, but the flow was still on. I could not sit down for one hour without getting stained no matter how well I padded.

When my husband proposed to me, I told him about this challenge and he said God will take care of it. I just said a faithless amen. I didn’t think any man would want to marry me after hearing that, but he really was serious about marrying me. We got married and started worshiping in The Carpenter’s Church in 2010. The flow continued. It was off and on, this was a major challenge for a couple that just got married. I kept coming to services and listening to God’s Word. I started hearing about faith and healing like I had never heard before. Everything sounded so simple. I came to every Broken Wall Healing School service expectant and refused to get discouraged when I got home and still saw the flow.

During service on a particular Sunday, It just dropped in my spirit to see Pastor Nkechi and let her know about the challenge. I told my husband and he agreed with me.

I filled a form and got an appointment to see her. She prayed a very simple prayer and gave me some messages to listen to: Three things Abraham Did Not Do, Relax! These Things Are Subject to Change and God’s Medicine. As I kept listening to them, it became clearer to me that my healing was settled and I did not need to allow the enemy torment and embarrass me with the challenge I was going through.

I started seeing myself as “the healed.” I would go to sleep with God’s Medicine and wake up with it. My faith was boosted. At this point the flow was now heavier and non-stop. I kept speaking God’s Word and continued to trust Him for an answer of peace.

A few weeks later, my husband and I agreed to see another doctor. This other doctor sent me for a scan and the scan showed that I had fibroid. We refuted this instantly and continued to speak God’s Word. The flow continued, heavier than before. I was advised to have a surgery to remove the fibroid as I was constantly losing a lot of blood and my blood level had dropped really low.

In August 2011, I was scheduled for a surgery. The surgery took over four hours. When I recovered from the effect of the anesthesia, the doctor told me the operation was successful, but it was not fibroid. He said he searched and did not see anything like fibroid, but noticed that my left ovary was abnormally swollen. So, he checked and discovered it was ovarian cyst that was the issue and removed the cyst. My period started while I was still at the clinic, and stopped a few days after and there was no flow till the next month when I saw it again. That is something that had not happened in about six years.

I give God praise for healing me, also for blessing me with a wonderful husband who saw me as “healed” even when I could not see it. I also thank Pastor Nkechi for her prayers and love.

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