I Am Grateful To God for the Manifestation of My Healing

For most of 2010 and early 2011, I had been having series of boils in my private part. At times, it could be two and at other times it could range between eight and sixteen. I would be unable to walk or sit. They were a major bother to me, but I knew I had been healed, so I kept standing on God’s Word for the manifestation of my healing.

On three occasions, my case was mentioned at Broken Wall Healing School, and I would receive my healing and praise God for what He had already perfected in my life. Sometimes, they would clear instantly or in a few weeks. I would however, continue to declare my healing and the truth that they would no longer find place in my body. On numerous occasions after such declarations, they would return in full force; either in larger numbers or with more intense pain; but I refused to accept the lies.

Today, I’m grateful to God for the manifestation of my healing because, for months now, I have been healed as a result of the Word that came at Broken Wall Healing School. I give God all the glory and thank Him for TCC and the anointing on Pastor Charles’ life.

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