My testimony is centred on how God caused the light of His Word to shine in my life and in my friend’s marital life.
A friend of mine ran to my house because of some marital issues. After narrating some of the things that had caused the misunderstandings with her husband, I asked her a question: “What is your plan now that you have left your five children?” She confided in me, telling me about her plans of getting a job, and that when she is financially stable, she would go back to get her children.
On a Thursday, I told her that we would be going to church, so we were in church for the teaching service that evening. I was thinking of a way to get her to leave my house, knowing that I didn’t need more financial expenses especially, in that month of January. I didn’t have plans for extra expenses on my budget.
Pastor Sola was teaching on the message titled, God Is Big In Me (Part 34). While teaching on how we should strengthen our relationship with God, he delved into marriage relationships. He illustrated how a husband and wife who are having issues would still be living together, sleeping on the same bed, and even making babies.
My friend turned around and looked at me. After the service, she asked me if I heard what Pastor Sola said, I responded by telling her that the Holy Spirit knows how to intervene in our lives. I advised her to go back to her family, knowing that the picture of how the children will grow up without her around was not a good one.
Initially, she was being stubborn, so I had to pray for her and send her somewhere else. She called to ask if that was the kind of “food” we eat in TCC, I said, “Yes”. Then, she added rhetorically, “Why wouldn’t you be productive with such a message?” By the time I called to check up on her, she informed me that she was already on her way home.
I thank God for how He sorted out everything easily with His Word. Hallelujah!