His Word Always Hold True

Based on the scans I had during my pregnancy, my estimated date of delivery (EDD) should have been between mid and end of August 2018. My baby overstayed in the womb and I was asked to do all manner of exercises like taking a walk, climbing stairs, raising my knee and so on. I did everything, but there was no sign of my baby’s arrival. My FOG members also agreed with me that my delivery was going to be supernatural, while my husband and I kept making our declarations just as always.

The doctor gave me a deadline for delivery, saying if I didn’t deliver on or before that date, I would be induced (forced into labour). The deadline did not make any difference. I was scheduled for an induction on Tuesday, 4th September 2018. I arrived at the hospital and I was asked to go back home and come prepared for my baby that evening. That afternoon, I had an unusual dream.

A voice was calling out names across a huge hall. When a name is called, the person walks straight into a wide area and there were only women there. Interestingly, all the women called, walked in the same direction as if they were controlled. I heard my name and I joined the path that other women had taken. Suddenly, I heard another voice that interrupted me. I recognized that voice as the voice of Pastor Dupe Ogbidi. Although I couldn’t see her, the voice asked, “Grace, don’t you have these requirements?” I was sure I had the requirements there and then but physically, I didn’t know what those requirements were. I answered, “Yes”! And like a command, the voice said, “Then, move to the other side”. I left that path and moved to the other part that seemed reserved for a few or a special category. I was the only one that moved to that part.

When I woke up, I understood that whatever complication was common to women during childbirth would not befall me, because God had gone ahead of me. I had so much peace that my delivery was going to be successful. I went for the scheduled induction later that evening and I was induced at about 7:30 p.m., everything was fine, and even when I was 4 cm dilated, I was calm; muttering quietly in tongues. At about midnight, I was 6 cm dilated and then subsequently, it went back to 5 cm. The doctors kept inducing me but the dilation was stalled, while the pains increased beyond definition. I cried as I thought within me, “But God, this wasn’t what we agreed”. I kept asking the Holy Spirit to help me, but He responded clearly to me saying, “Grace, I am your Helper, stop asking Me to help you, just receive My help”. Instantly, I changed my confession to “I receive Your help Holy Spirit”.

The pains continued, while the dilation remained between 5 cm and 6 cm. At a point during the routine check for my baby’s heartbeat, the nurse couldn’t pick any signs, she didn’t say a word but she was worried and restless. Within me, I laughed and felt like encouraging her to relax because I was so sure my baby was alive and well. After a while, she checked again and this time his heartbeat was so loud and full of energy.

All I kept hearing from the doctor to the nurses were, “Augment, augment”, and they kept injecting fluids upon fluids into me. The dilation went back to 5 cm all through the night and the pains were out of this world. Through this, I kept my declaration going amidst tears.

At about 10:00 a.m. the following day, when the new doctor on duty saw my history and all that had been done, he immediately said he was going to carry out an emergency cesarean section on me. My baby and I had been through a fifteen hours-long ordeal. The doctor said he needed my husband’s consent, but even if my husband objected, he was still going to proceed because of the peculiarity of my case. My husband gave his consent without a blink. I was prepared and wheeled into the theatre and in about seven minutes I heard the cry of my baby. I had no fears and I didn’t say any prayer of panic before and during the operation; I was peaceful and relaxed. My baby’s forehead was protruding a bit after birth because He was trying to force his way out of the 5 cm dilated cervix, but He didn’t sustain any form of damage or injury internally.

I give God all the praise for sustaining me through the whole process and causing me to recover speedily. I trusted Him and confessed that I would be back to shape irrespective of the cesarean section. God is faithful and indeed He has made His Word good to me. I thank God for the undiluted Word of God that has saturated my spirit. I am grateful to God for planting me under rare, seasoned, and anointed pastors.

I thank God for the intimate relationship I have with Him. I always take advantage of the fact that “hearing from God is not a luxury” (as Pastor would always say). I thank God for the revelation that God satisfies me with long life and shows me His salvation. I thank God for my previous FOG leader and the FOG members as well. I am also grateful to Mrs Lolia Maeba, who stayed out all night (especially in faith), and I thank God for my husband who believed with me. Praise God!

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