Healed of Pile

Early this year 2011, I noticed blood coming out from my anal part anytime I passed faeces. It was not long after that, that pile started sticking out of my anal part. Immediately, I started confessing the Word of God on healing. I kept confessing the Word but nothing happened. In June, I came for Broken Wall Healing School and Pastor Charles mentioned my case, and that day, I received my healing. However, my healing did not manifest immediately, as the bleeding continued but I believed that God had healed me. From then on, I started thanking Him for what He had done.

One morning in August, as I passed faeces, I noticed that there was no blood any longer, neither was there any pain. My healing had manifested and the pile was gone. That was indeed amazing. I thank Pastor Charles for Broken Wall Healing School and for the teaching of the Word that I’m receiving in church.

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