He Healed Our Son Forever

In February 2008, my son started attending a day-care. A few days after, I noticed a foul smell coming from his body which I traced to his left ear. The next day I took him to the Hospital and he was diagnosed as having otitis media (OM). He started receiving treatment and the treatment was successful.

In August 2008, the symptom came back, I administered antibiotics and it left only for it to come back in December. From then, all treatment proved abortive even after seeing an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor. This became very embarrassing, as we had to carry cotton bud and cotton wool about anytime we went out and anytime he went to school, not to talk of the pains and sleepless nights whenever his ears ached.

In March 2009, I decided to take him to University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH). When I got there, I was rebuked sharply by the ENT consultant who attended to me. She told me that I had delayed in bringing him to the Hospital and by this time it was now diagnosed as chronic purulent otitis media (CPOM) and that if care was not taken, he could loose his hearing. Series of tests were conducted and treatment commenced immediately. Subsequently, we were placed on a fortnightly check-up. Many times we broke bread, we spoke words of healing over him, but still we noticed no change. Many times I cried because the pain he was suffering was unbearable.

In April 2009, when it was announced that there would be Broken Wall Healing School (BWHS), I thought to myself that this was my son's chance of getting healed. Pastor Charles mentioned his case, and I claimed his healing. I was almost discouraged when the symptoms persisted but I told myself that he was healed. This continued until July 2009. By this time we had come to our wits end and I told God, “If I would get anything from you for my birthday, let it be my son's healing.” To God be all the glory, his healing came through and by July BWHS, he was completely healed. It's been nine months now and there has been no trace of CSOM. HALLELUYAH!

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