He Has Constantly Kept Me above the Norm

I prayed for a 1st Class in School and I got it. I was the first person (from my department) in eighteen years to get it. The teachings in Church spurred up my faith. I cannot say particularly what message encouraged me because they were many. Yet one that stands out was Pastor Charles’ message, Rising Above the Norm. That message challenged me. I was also inspired by the testimony of Pastor Nkechi who had a first class in Electrical Engineering. In order to attract what was in her life, I sowed into her life.

Even though there were obstacles on my way of making first class, God raised up three dons who took up my case. To the glory of His name, I graduated with a first class in Marketing with a CGPA of 4.56; the first in eighteen years. Truly, the Word of God works!

In addition, I told God that I needed a job that would pay up to ₦100,000.00 per month. I told God that I wanted a job that would not demand that I work long hours and on weekends. I told Him that if I got this job, I would pay off 20% of my first salary to the church building project.

I got a call from a reputable consulting firm to come for a test. I wrote it and was one of the two who passed. After the test I did five interviews in all. I got an employment letter, and I have resumed. It is my dream job; the pay is exactly what I desired and there are so much great challenges on the job that excite me.

Thank you very much my Pastors. God bless you.

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