God is my source. Not any man.

Before I got admitted into university, I had been trusting God for a scholarship and also sowed towards it. Each time I sowed to Freshdew, I told myself that I was making an investment for my schooling. Physically speaking, that was the only school plan I had in addition to whatever little money I would get from home. I tried very hard not to figure out how this was going to work out. Though I had been standing in faith about this, somehow when I got admitted, fear over my finances started because I was listening to the wrong reports. Some of these reports came in the form of encouragements. Apart from one sister who told me that she had a good time in school, all other reports I got from people who meant well for me were centered on lack and survival, and I was really scared.

True to my fears, the most part of my first year in school was really rough. I was always lacking. At a point I had to remind myself that I was supposed to be standing in faith towards this. I had to have a paradigm shift that God was my source and not man. I dusted my Bible and notes and became serious with studying the Word again. When I received my Freshdew letter for a particular month, part of it read, “it has changed in the realm where it matters.” I brought out the list I had made for school and started confessing God’s provision. It was a confession of faith because at that time nothing had changed in the natural apart from my attitude. I did this to the point where I knew that it was done. I became so expectant, till I received my scholarship letter from Pastor Charles. It wasn’t the first time, but it still surprised me that God had answered my prayers again.

In the course of my joy, I shared it with almost anybody I knew. When I told my friends in school, one of them exclaimed, “Your church scholarship is even more than that of Shell.” I give God all the praise and the glory.

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