I had applied for a pensionable job sometime in 2012. Four months later, I traveled out on vacation. As I arrived at my destination, A friend who was at the time returning to Nigeria, who had been closely monitoring the progress of the application, met me at the airport and told me that the interview was scheduled to take place the following week and advised that I should find the next flight back to Nigeria.
Considering the deadlines I had to meet and the prayers I had prayed in order to get my present employers to approve the vacation, returning immediately was not an option I was willing to consider. Not overlooking the fact that it would cost me a lot and all that money would be wasted. I told him that I would trust God for the interview to be postponed until I returned.
I made faith confessions while waiting for more information from the friend I met at the airport, but I got none. With that, I concluded that things were working in my favour. Two days after I returned from my vacation, I got an SOS message asking me to pick up my interview letter. An unexpected visit from an external body had caused the interview to be postponed for two weeks. It was not a coincidence or a mistake. God did it for me and to crown it all, I got the job! Halleluyah.