6 But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
2 Corinthians 9:6
If you understand that your giving is to your advantage, you can run your own bank and control your own economy. When you give to God, you put your money in the bank where you are the manager, in an economy where you have the control. Ordinarily, when you put your money in any bank, you are told what the interest rate is. As a result of this, you begin to shop around for the bank with the highest interest rate. You have to accept whatever interest rate you are offered or look for another bank.
Many times, what you did not know is that the other bank is not as good as you thought, until after you must have put your money there. Three years later, the bank slowly begins to reduce its interest rate, and forgets to bring this to your notice. You have put your money where you don’t have control. Now, God gives you the opportunity to give so that He can credit your account. Take advantage of it and give.
How do you give? If you want a high interest rate, give a high proportion. Giving “sparingly” means to “give stingily.” It means to “be lenient with something.” It is similar to your child upsetting you and you planning to really spank that child six times, but then you decide to be lenient and you spank only once. When you are lenient with your money, you are giving sparingly. If you are lenient with your money, the interest will be lenient with you! If you give a high proportion, you’ll have a high interest rate. You decide the interest rate of the bank you’re putting your heavenly account in. It’s as simple as that. It’s to your advantage and it’s all in your hands.
It would cause Jesus to weep if He sees the gospel contained and preached only in our churches. That’s not His plan. He wants it to go far and wide. We are the ones going to carry it far and wide though our sacrificial giving. As we carry it far and wide, the reward will come from far and wide.
I am not lenient with my money when I give to God’s work. I sow bountifully and I reap bountifully!