1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1

In the past several days we have looked at so many things about fear and a systematic undressing and exposure of the spirit of fear and his tactics have occurred. You and I are free in Jesus’ Name. We can say that so far, we have taken off his jacket, we have taken off his shirt, we have taken off his tie, we have taken off his trousers and so on. Now we are going to take off the under pants of the spirit of fear! We are going to reveal his most private secrets. We are going to expose his joker.

To describe a “joker,” think of when two teams are preparing for a match. A good coach will bring out videos of past matches of the other team, and watch them with his team, in order to discover the tactics, strengths and weaknesses of their opponent. That way, the coach knows at what point to bring in his best player. So, when the match is hanging in the balance, he brings out his joker to the surprise of the other team and he wins the match. Fear has a joker, but we will expose it. The joker of the spirit of fear is that it attempts to use the “element of surprise” to floor you.

Think about the last time you got con- fronted by a fearful thing or situation. Maybe something happened suddenly and you found out that you manifested all kinds of fear seemingly all at once! Your heart beat increased rapidly, there was an adrenaline rush in you, a rapid movie played in your mind and all the scenes were of all the possible evil out- comes in that situation. It seemed as if you just lost control. Hopefully, you calmed down and settled down before it was too late and asked yourself, “Why did I act like that?” It is because the spirit of fear does not come announcing, “I am the spirit of fear; I have come to give you a surprise.” Many times you are taken by surprise. That is the joker of the spirit of fear.

I will not be surprised by fear. I am free from the spirit of fear, in Jesus’ Name.

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