15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.

Colossians 2:15

When Jesus died, the enemy thought he won that day, but he did not know that it was not yet over. On resurrection day, Jesus lined up Satan, all his demons, and everything that is connected to him. All of them were stripped naked as they were paraded around publicly in heaven and on earth. In that parade, Satan had no covering. Evil was exposed in its entirety. Many of us Christians live our lives afraid that some person or the other is hatching up an evil plan that will catch us unawares and destroy us. Friend, every possible plan, strategy, and plot of Satan were exposed. Everything in hell, heaven and on earth was privy to that public triumphant display forever. Forever, the Devil and his gang are naked! Whatever clothes they seem to have on are what you have given them by ignorance, fear and negligence.

If a policeman comes to your house with a warrant and a gun to arrest you, and you open the door, your expectation is to see a uniformed, armed policeman waving his warrant. However, if you open the door, and he is stark naked, you are likely to call another policeman to arrest him, or you would burst out laughing and lock your door. (Or if you are a pastor, you may want to bring him in for counselling!) You would not believe his weapon is real. Even if a policeman in his uniform comes to your door without an arrest warrant or a gun and says he needs to speak with you, you will give him attention because he is clothed. Think of the Devil as a naked policeman and walk in the consciousness of the truth that Jesus disarmed him completely! He can never forget the defeat and he certainly does not like anyone talking about it. When he comes, let him know you have not forgotten it either, speak out and remind him of it, and he will flee.


God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. I have no reason to fear Satan, because Jesus disarmed him publicly. Satan and his gang are forever defeated and disarmed! I will walk in the consciousness of this all the days of my life.

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