6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love.
Galatians 5:6
Imagine you have a car and you plan to get to a certain destination in it. You fuel it; ensure that there’s water in the radiator, gauge the tyres and you are sure you’ve checked everything. Then you start the car and begin to drive it, but it just doesn’t seem to be driving as smoothly as you expect it to. At some point, you hear some thumping sounds, so you stop the car, and open the bonnet. Alas! The engine has knocked! It is then that you realize that you did not check the oil in the engine.
Victory is the heritage of those who are born of God. Many of us who are born of God are not experiencing this victory in different areas of our lives. It seems we are hearing the Word of God regularly and practicing it faithfully and doing all we know how to do, yet the supernatural does not always seem to be regular in our lives. Sometimes, it seems like your vehicle of faith is not getting to its destination, or it moves so slowly that you even want to come down and push. Have you checked the oil in your vehicle? There is something that is really the oil or the lubricant to your faith, and that lubricant may be missing. It is love. Agape love: God’s kind of love.
Agape love is the characteristic word of Christianity. You cannot talk about Christianity without talking about agape love. Agape is that one word that describes Christianity. It is the highest form of love. Your refusal to pay attention to your love walk might just be why you are experiencing frustration and not getting to your destination. You can pay attention to many things, but if the level of love expressed in your life is low, the engine of your faith vehicle will knock and not get you to your destination of victory.
I have agape, the highest form of love, and it is manifested in my life.