14 So he went down and dipped seven times in the Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God; and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.

2 Kings 5:14

Naaman was the captain of the host of the king of Syria, a great man, but he was a leper. He went through the king of Israel to the prophet Elisha to get his healing. The Bible says Elisha did not even come downstairs to talk with him. Naaman felt slighted by this. Elisha just sent the prescription to him through a messenger, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored to you, and you shall be clean” (2 Kings 5:10).

For many of us, the story would have ended where Naaman’s story almost ended. Naaman was a great general, the one who had won battles for the king of Syria. First of all, he was offended because the prophet did not come down to see him. He did not come to see Elisha for a social visit, he came for help, but his ego got in the way. Then to further insult him, Elisha sent him to the River Jordan? If the prophet had told Naaman to dip in his bathtub, Naaman would have done it.

Naaman was upset and did not intend to follow the prophet’s prescription. He was afraid of looking foolish to anyone who would see him. A naked leprous general dipping seven times in a river is a foolish sight. However, a general healed of leprosy with fresh baby skin, is not – it is a miracle! Thank God Naaman got out of the sense realm and followed the prescription by faith and got his miracle.

Find out God’s simple prescription for whatever situation in which you find yourself. There is a way out in God and it is in His Word. Ask and the Spirit of God will show you what to do. Then do it – follow the simple prescription and be free.


I will follow Your instructions of faith to the end, Lord. I will hear them, I will discern them, I will believe them and I will act on them in full and undoubtedly, I will testify of Your goodness all the days of my life.

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